Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.AnyMatrix;
import syncleus.dann.math.FieldElement;

public interface Matrix<M extends Matrix<? extends M, ? extends F>, F extends FieldElement<? extends F>> // extends
        extends AnyMatrix

// Algebraic<F>
    syncleus.dann.math.Field<F> getElementField();

    M blank();

    M flip();

    boolean isSymmetric();

    boolean isSquare();

     * Get a single element.
     * @param heightIndex Row index.
     * @param widthIndex  Column index.
     * @return value of the specified element.
    F getElement(int heightIndex, int widthIndex);

     * Set a single element.
     * @param heightIndex Row index.
     * @param widthIndex  Column index.
     * @param fillValue   value to set
    M setElement(final int heightIndex, final int widthIndex, final F fillValue);

     * Get column dimension.
     * @return height, the number of columns.
    int getWidth();

     * Get row dimension.
     * @return height, the number of rows.
    int getHeight();

    default int getRowDimension() {
        return getHeight();

    default int getColumnDimension() {
        return getWidth();

     * SimpleRealMatrix transpose.
     * @return matrixElements'
    M transpose();

     * Solve matrixElements*resultMatrix = operand.
     * @param operand right hand side
     * @return solution if matrixElements is square, least squares solution
     * otherwise
    M solve(M operand);

     * Solve resultMatrix*matrixElements = operand, which is also
     * matrixElements'*resultMatrix' = operand'.
     * @param operand right hand side
     * @return solution if matrixElements is square, least squares solution
     * otherwise.
    M solveTranspose(M operand);

    F[][] toArray();

     * Get a sub-matrix.
     * @param heightStart Initial row index
     * @param heightEnd   Final row index
     * @param widthStart  Initial column index
     * @param widthEnd    Final column index
     * @return matrixElements(heightStart:heightEnd, widthStart:widthEnd)
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Sub-matrix indices
    M getSubmatrix(int heightStart, int heightEnd, int widthStart, int widthEnd);

     * Get a sub-matrix.
     * @param heightIndexes Array of row indices.
     * @param widthIndexes  Array of column indices.
     * @return matrixElements(heightIndexes(:), widthIndexes(:))
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Sub-matrix indices
    M getSubmatrix(int[] heightIndexes, int[] widthIndexes);

     * Get a sub-matrix.
     * @param heightStart  Initial row index
     * @param heightEnd    Final row index
     * @param widthIndexes Array of column indices.
     * @return matrixElements(heightStart:heightEnd, widthIndexes(:))
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Sub-matrix indices
    M getSubmatrix(int heightStart, int heightEnd, int[] widthIndexes);

     * Get a sub-matrix.
     * @param heightIndexes Array of row indices.
     * @param widthStart    Initial column index
     * @param widthEnd      Final column index
     * @return A RealMatrix represented the elements specified
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Sub-matrix indices
    M getSubmatrix(int[] heightIndexes, int widthStart, int widthEnd);

     * Element-by-element left division, resultArray = matrixElements.\operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements.\operand
    M arrayLeftDivide(M operand);

     * Element-by-element left division in place, matrixElements =
     * matrixElements.\operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements.\operand
    M arrayLeftDivideEquals(M operand);

     * Element-by-element right division, resultArray = matrixElements./operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements./operand
    M arrayRightDivide(M operand);

     * Element-by-element right division in place, matrixElements =
     * matrixElements./operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements./operand
    M arrayRightDivideEquals(M operand);

     * Element-by-element multiplication, resultArray = matrixElements.*operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements.*operand
    M arrayTimes(M operand);

     * Element-by-element multiplication in place, matrixElements =
     * matrixElements.*operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements.*operand
    M arrayTimesEquals(M operand);

     * matrixElements = matrixElements + operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements + operand
    M addEquals(M operand);

     * matrixElements = matrixElements - operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements - operand
    M subtractEquals(M operand);

    M multiplyEquals(F value);

     * scalar addition matrixElements + operand.
     * @param operand scalar value to add to each element in this matrix.
     * @return a new element containing the result of this scalar addition.
    M add(F operand);

    M subtract(F value);

     * Multiply a matrix by a scalar, resultArray = scalar*matrixElements.
     * @param scalar scalar
     * @return scalar*matrixElements
    M multiply(F scalar);

    M divide(F value);

     * resultArray = matrixElements + operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements + operand
    M add(M operand);

     * resultArray = matrixElements - operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return matrixElements - operand
    M subtract(M operand);

     * Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, matrixElements * operand.
     * @param operand another matrix
     * @return SimpleRealMatrix product, matrixElements * operand
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException SimpleRealMatrix inner dimensions must agree.
    M multiply(M operand);

     * Unary subtract.
     * @return -matrixElements
    M negate();

     * SimpleRealMatrix reciprocal or pseudo-inverse.
     * @return reciprocal(matrixElements) if matrixElements is square,
     * pseudo-inverse otherwise.
    M reciprocal();
