Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of California. Licensed under the Educational
 * Community License, Version 2.0 (the license?); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the license at
 * Unless required under applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the license.

package tds.assessment.repositories.impl;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.SqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import tds.accommodation.Accommodation;
import tds.accommodation.AccommodationDependency;
import tds.assessment.repositories.AccommodationsQueryRepository;

public class AccommodationsQueryRepositoryImpl implements AccommodationsQueryRepository {
    private static final RowMapper<Accommodation> accommodationRowMapper = new AccommodationRowMapper();
    private final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public AccommodationsQueryRepositoryImpl(final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

    public List<Accommodation> findAssessmentAccommodationsById(final String clientName,
            final String assessmentId) {
        SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("assessmentId", assessmentId)
                .addValue("clientName", clientName);

        String SQL = "(\n" + "SELECT\n" + "  DISTINCT 0 AS segment, \n" + "  MODE.testkey AS segmentKey, \n"
                + "  MODE.testid as context, \n" + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession AS disableOnGuestSession, \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder AS toolTypeSortOrder, \n" + "  TT.SortOrder AS toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode AS typeMode,\n" + "  TT.TestMode AS toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type AS accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value AS accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code AS accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault AS isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine AS allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional AS isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange AS allowChange, \n" + "  TType.IsSelectable AS isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible AS isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl AS studentControl,\n"
                + "  TType.DependsOnToolType AS dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (SELECT count(1) FROM configs.client_testtool TOOL WHERE TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' AND TOOL.Context = :assessmentId AND TOOL.clientname = :clientName AND TOOL.Type = TT.Type) AS ValCount,    \n"
                + "  TType.IsEntryControl AS isEntryControl\n" + "FROM \n" + "  configs.client_testmode MODE \n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtooltype TType ON \n" + "  MODE.clientname = TType.clientname\n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtool TT \n" + "  ON TType.context = TT.context\n"
                + "  AND TType.clientname = TT.clientname\n" + "  AND TType.contexttype = TT.contexttype\n"
                + "  AND TType.toolname = TT.type\n" + "WHERE\n" + "  TType.contexttype = 'TEST'\n"
                + "  AND TType.context = :assessmentId\n" + "  AND TType.clientname = :clientName\n"
                + ") UNION ALL (\n" + "SELECT\n" + "  DISTINCT SegmentPosition AS segment, \n"
                + "  SEG.modekey AS segmentKey,\n" + "  MODE.testid as context, \n"
                + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession AS disableOnGuestSession, \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder AS toolTypeSortOrder, \n" + "  TT.SortOrder AS toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode AS typeMode, \n" + "  TT.TestMode AS toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type AS accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value AS accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code AS accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault AS isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine AS allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional AS isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange AS allowChange, \n" + "  TType.IsSelectable AS isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible AS isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl AS studentControl, \n"
                + "  NULL AS dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (SELECT count(1) FROM configs.client_testtool TOOL WHERE TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' AND TOOL.Context = :assessmentId AND TOOL.clientname = :clientName AND TOOL.Type = TT.Type) AS ValCount,  \n"
                + "  IsEntryControl AS isEntryControl \n" + "FROM \n" + "  configs.client_testmode MODE \n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtooltype TType ON \n" + "  MODE.clientname = TType.clientname\n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtool TT \n" + "  ON TType.context = TT.context\n"
                + "  AND TType.clientname = TT.clientname\n" + "  AND TType.contexttype = TT.contexttype\n"
                + "  AND TType.toolname = TT.type\n" + "JOIN \n" + "  configs.client_segmentproperties SEG\n"
                + "  ON TType.context = SEG.segmentid\n" + "WHERE\n" + "  SEG.parenttest = :assessmentId\n"
                + "  AND TType.contexttype = 'SEGMENT'\n" + "  AND TType.clientname = :clientName\n"
                + ") UNION ALL (\n" + "SELECT \n" + "  DISTINCT 0 AS segment,\n"
                + "  MODE.testkey AS segmentKey, \n" + "  MODE.testid as context, \n"
                + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession AS disableOnGuestSession,  \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder AS toolTypeSortOrder, \n" + "  TT.SortOrder AS toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode AS typeMode, \n" + "  TT.TestMode AS toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type AS accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value AS accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code AS accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault AS isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine AS allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional AS isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange AS allowChange, \n" + "  TType.IsSelectable AS isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible AS isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl AS studentControl, \n"
                + "  TType.DependsOnToolType AS dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (SELECT count(1) FROM configs.client_testtool TOOL WHERE TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' AND TOOL.Context = '*' AND TOOL.clientname = :clientName AND TOOL.Type = TT.Type) AS ValCount, \n"
                + "  TType.IsEntryControl AS isEntryControl\n" + "FROM \n" + "  configs.client_testmode MODE \n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtooltype TType ON \n" + "  MODE.clientname = TType.clientname\n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testtool TT \n" + "  ON TType.context = TT.context\n"
                + "  AND TType.clientname = TT.clientname\n" + "  AND TType.contexttype = TT.contexttype\n"
                + "  AND TType.toolname = TT.type\n" + "WHERE\n" + "  TType.contexttype = 'TEST'\n"
                + "  AND TType.context = '*'\n" + "  AND TType.clientname = :clientName\n" + "  AND NOT EXISTS \n"
                + "    (\n" + "      SELECT \n" + "        toolname \n"
                + "      FROM configs.client_testtooltype Tool \n" + "      WHERE Tool.ContextType = 'TEST' \n"
                + "        AND Tool.Context = :assessmentId \n" + "        AND Tool.Toolname = TType.Toolname \n"
                + "        AND Tool.Clientname = :clientName\n" + "    )\n" + ")";

        return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters, accommodationRowMapper);

    public List<Accommodation> findAssessmentAccommodationsByKey(String assessmentKey, Set<String> languageCodes) {
        MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("testKey", assessmentKey).addValue("languages",

        String SQL = "( \n" + "SELECT \n" + "  distinct SegmentPosition as segment,\n"
                + "  SEG.modekey as segmentKey, \n" + "  SEG.segmentId as context, \n"
                + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession as disableOnGuestSession, \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder as toolTypeSortOrder , \n" + "  TT.SortOrder as toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode as typeMode, \n" + "  TT.TestMode as toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type as accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value as accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code as accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault as isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine as allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional as isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange as allowChange,\n" + "  TType.IsSelectable as isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible as isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl as studentControl, \n"
                + "  null as dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (select count(1) from configs.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, \n"
                + "  IsEntryControl as isEntryControl\n" + "FROM \n" + "  configs.client_testmode MODE \n"
                + "  JOIN configs.client_testtooltype TType ON \n" + "    MODE.clientname = TType.clientname\n"
                + "  JOIN configs.client_testtool TT ON \n" + "    TT.Type = TType.Toolname AND \n"
                + "    MODE.clientname = TT.clientname\n" + "  JOIN configs.client_segmentproperties SEG ON \n"
                + "    MODE.testkey = SEG.modekey AND \n" + "    TType.Context = SEG.segmentID AND\n"
                + "    TT.Context = SEG.segmentId\n" + "WHERE \n" + "  SEG.parentTest = MODE.testID \n"
                + "  and MODE.testkey = :testKey \n" + "  and TType.ContextType = 'SEGMENT' \n"
                + "  and TT.ContextType = 'SEGMENT' \n"
                + "  and (TType.TestMode = 'ALL' AND TT.TestMode = 'ALL') \n"
                + "  or (TType.TestMode = MODE.mode and TT.TestMode = MODE.mode) \n" + ") \n" + "UNION ALL ( \n "
                + "SELECT \n" + "  distinct 0 as segment, \n" + "  MODE.testkey as segmentKey, \n"
                + "  MODE.testid as context, \n" + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession as disableOnGuestSession, \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder as toolTypeSortOrder, \n" + "  TT.SortOrder as toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode as typeMode,\n" + "  TT.TestMode as toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type as accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value as accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code as accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault as isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine as allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional as isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange as allowChange, \n" + "  TType.IsSelectable as isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible as isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl as studentControl,\n"
                + "  TType.DependsOnToolType as dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (select count(1) from configs.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' and TOOL.Context = MODE.testID  and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, \n"
                + "  TType.IsEntryControl as isEntryControl\n" + "FROM \n"
                + "  configs.client_testtooltype TType \n" + "  JOIN configs.client_testtool TT ON \n"
                + "    TT.Type = TType.Toolname AND \n" + "    TT.ClientName = TType.clientname\n"
                + "  JOIN configs.client_testmode MODE ON \n" + "    TType.Context = MODE.testid AND \n"
                + "    TT.ClientName = MODE.clientname AND\n" + "    TType.ClientName = MODE.clientname\n"
                + "WHERE\n" + "  MODE.testkey = :testKey  \n" + "  and TType.ContextType = 'TEST' \n"
                + "  and TT.Context = MODE.testid \n" + "  and TT.ContextType = 'TEST' \n"
                + "  and (TT.Type <> 'Language' or TT.Code in (:languages)) \n"
                + "  and (TType.TestMode = 'ALL' AND TT.TestMode = 'ALL') \n"
                + "  or (TType.TestMode = MODE.mode and TT.TestMode = MODE.mode) \n" + ") \n" + "UNION ALL \n"
                + "(\n" + "SELECT \n" + "  distinct 0 as segment,\n" + "  MODE.testkey as segmentKey, \n"
                + "  MODE.testid as context, \n" + "  TType.DisableOnGuestSession as disableOnGuestSession,  \n"
                + "  TType.SortOrder as toolTypeSortOrder, \n" + "  TT.SortOrder as toolValueSortOrder, \n"
                + "  TType.TestMode as typeMode, \n" + "  TT.TestMode as toolMode, \n" + "  TT.Type as accType, \n"
                + "  TT.Value as accValue, \n" + "  TT.Code as accCode, \n" + "  TT.IsDefault as isDefault, \n"
                + "  TT.AllowCombine as allowCombine, \n" + "  TType.IsFunctional as isFunctional, \n"
                + "  TType.AllowChange as allowChange, \n" + "  TType.IsSelectable as isSelectable, \n"
                + "  TType.IsVisible as isVisible, \n" + "  TType.studentControl as studentControl, \n"
                + "  TType.DependsOnToolType as dependsOnToolType, \n"
                + "  (select count(1) from configs.client_testtool TOOL where TOOL.ContextType = 'TEST' and TOOL.Context = '*' and TOOL.clientname = MODE.clientname and TOOL.Type = TT.Type) as ValCount, "
                + "  TType.IsEntryControl as isEntryControl\n" + "FROM  \n" + "  configs.client_testmode MODE\n"
                + "  JOIN configs.client_testtooltype TType ON\n" + "    TType.clientname = MODE.clientname\n"
                + "  JOIN configs.client_testtool TT ON\n" + "    TT.Type = TType.Toolname\n" + "WHERE \n"
                + "  MODE.testkey = :testKey \n" + "  and TType.ContextType = 'TEST' \n"
                + "  and TType.Context = '*' \n" + "  and TT.ContextType = 'TEST' \n" + "  and TT.Context = '*' \n"
                + "  and TT.clientname = MODE.clientname \n"
                + "  and (TType.TestMode IN ('ALL', 'online') AND TT.TestMode = 'ALL') \n"
                + "  or (TType.TestMode = MODE.mode and TT.TestMode = MODE.mode) \n"
                + "  and not exists (select * from configs.client_testtooltype Tool where Tool.ContextType = 'TEST' and Tool.Context = MODE.testID and Tool.Toolname = TType.Toolname and Tool.Clientname = MODE.clientname)\n"
                + ")";

        return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters, accommodationRowMapper);

    public List<AccommodationDependency> findAssessmentAccommodationDependencies(final String clientName,
            final String assessmentId) {
        SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("assessmentId", assessmentId)
                .addValue("clientName", clientName);

        final String SQL = "SELECT \n" + "   iftype, \n" + "   ifvalue, \n" + "   thentype, \n" + "   thenvalue, \n"
                + "   isdefault \n" + "FROM \n" + "   configs.client_tooldependencies \n" + "WHERE \n"
                + "   clientname = :clientName AND \n" + "   context = :assessmentId \n";

        return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters,
                (rs, row) -> new AccommodationDependency.Builder(assessmentId).withIfType(rs.getString("iftype"))

    private static class AccommodationRowMapper implements RowMapper<Accommodation> {
        public Accommodation mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {
            return new Accommodation.Builder().withSegmentPosition(rs.getInt("segment"))