Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2017 Regents of the University of California. Licensed under the Educational
 * Community License, Version 2.0 (the license?); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the license at
 * Unless required under applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the license.

package tds.assessment.repositories.impl;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

import tds.assessment.Assessment;
import tds.assessment.AssessmentWindow;
import tds.assessment.model.AssessmentFormWindowProperties;
import tds.assessment.repositories.AssessmentWindowQueryRepository;

import static;

class AssessmentWindowQueryRepositoryImpl implements AssessmentWindowQueryRepository {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AssessmentWindowQueryRepositoryImpl.class);
    private static final int ONLINE_SESSION_TYPE = 0;

    private final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public AssessmentWindowQueryRepositoryImpl(final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

    public List<AssessmentWindow> findAssessmentWindowsForAssessmentIds(final String clientName,
            final String... assessmentIds) {
        return findCurrentAssessmentWindows(clientName, 0, 0, assessmentIds);

    public List<AssessmentWindow> findCurrentAssessmentWindows(final String clientName, int shiftWindowStart,
            int shiftWindowEnd, final String... assessmentIds) {
        final MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("clientName", clientName)
                .addValue("assessmentIds", Arrays.asList(assessmentIds))
                .addValue("shiftWindowStart", shiftWindowStart).addValue("shiftWindowEnd", shiftWindowEnd)
                .addValue("sessionType", ONLINE_SESSION_TYPE);

        //NOTE - SessionType is always 0 for the online application
        String SQL = "SELECT \n" + "      DISTINCT W.numopps AS windowMax, \n" + "      W.windowID,\n"
                + "      CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END AS startDate,\n"
                + "      CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) END AS endDate,\n"
                + "      M.mode, \n" + "      M.testkey as assessmentKey, \n" + "      M.maxopps AS modeMax,\n"
                + "      W.sessionType AS windowSession, \n" + "      M.sessionType AS modeSession \n" + "FROM \n"
                + "    configs.client_testwindow W \n" + "JOIN configs.client_testmode M \n"
                + "ON M.clientname = W.clientname AND W.testID = M.testID\n" + "WHERE \n"
                + "    W.clientname = :clientName AND W.testID IN (:assessmentIds) \n" + "AND \n"
                + "    UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN\n" + "    CASE\n" + "        WHEN W.startDate IS NULL \n"
                + "        THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() \n"
                + "        ELSE ( W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY)\n" + "    END\n" + "AND \n"
                + "    CASE \n" + "        WHEN W.endDate IS NULL \n" + "        THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() \n"
                + "        ELSE ( W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) \n" + "    END    \n"
                + "AND (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = 0) \n"
                + "AND (W.sessionType = -1 OR W.sessionType = 0);";

        List<AssessmentWindow> assessmentWindows;
        try {
            assessmentWindows = jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters,
                    (rs, rowNum) -> new AssessmentWindow.Builder().withWindowId(rs.getString("windowID"))
                            .withStartTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "startDate"))
                            .withEndTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "endDate")).withMode(rs.getString("mode"))
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erd) {
            assessmentWindows = Collections.emptyList();

        return assessmentWindows;

    public List<AssessmentWindow> findCurrentAssessmentFormWindows(final String clientName,
            final String assessmentId, final int shiftWindowStart, final int shiftWindowEnd,
            final int shiftFormStart, final int shiftFormEnd) {
        final MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("clientName", clientName)
                .addValue("assessmentId", assessmentId).addValue("shiftWindowStart", shiftWindowStart)
                .addValue("shiftWindowEnd", shiftWindowEnd).addValue("shiftFormStart", shiftFormStart)
                .addValue("shiftFormEnd", shiftFormEnd).addValue("sessionType", ONLINE_SESSION_TYPE);

        //NOTE - SessionType is always 0 for the online application
        String SQL = "SELECT\n" + "   windowID, \n" + "   W.numopps AS windowMax, \n"
                + "   M.maxopps AS modeMax, \n"
                + "   CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END AS startDate,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) END  AS endDate,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END AS formStart,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY ) END AS formEnd,\n"
                + "   _efk_TestForm AS formKey, \n" + "   FormID, \n" + "   F.Language, \n" + "   M.mode,\n"
                + "   M.testkey, \n" + "   W.sessionType AS windowSession, \n" + "   M.sessionType AS modeSession\n"
                + "FROM configs.client_testwindow W\n" + "JOIN configs.client_testmode M ON\n"
                + "   M.testid = W.testid AND\n" + "   M.clientname = W.clientname AND\n"
                + "   (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = 0) \n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testformproperties F ON \n" + "   M.testkey = F.testkey AND\n"
                + "   F.testid = W.testid AND\n" + "   F.clientname = W.clientname AND\n"
                + "   UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END\n"
                + "   AND CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY) END      \n"
                + "WHERE W.clientname = :clientName AND \n" + "      W.testid = :assessmentId AND \n"
                + "      (W.sessionType = -1 OR W.sessionType = 0) AND \n"
                + "      UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END\n"
                + "    AND CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY ) END \n"
                + "UNION (\n" + "SELECT\n" + "   windowID, \n" + "   W.numopps AS windowMax, \n"
                + "   M.maxopps AS modeMax,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE  (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END  AS startDate ,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY) END  AS endDate ,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE ( F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END AS formStart ,\n"
                + "   CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY ) END AS formEnd,\n"
                + "   _efk_TestForm AS formKey, \n" + "   FormID, \n" + "   F.Language, \n" + "   M.mode, \n"
                + "   M.testkey AS TestKey, \n" + "   W.sessionType , \n" + "   M.sessionType\n" + "FROM \n"
                + "   configs.client_segmentproperties S\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testformproperties F ON \n"
                + "            S.clientname = :clientName\n" + "            AND S.parentTest = :assessmentId \n"
                + "            AND S.clientname = F.clientname\n" + "            AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN \n"
                + "               ( CASE WHEN F.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.startdate + INTERVAL :shiftFormStart DAY) END )\n"
                + "               AND ( CASE WHEN F.enddate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (F.enddate + INTERVAL :shiftFormEnd DAY) END )\n"
                + "            AND S.segmentid = F.testid\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testmode M ON\n"
                + "            F.clientname = M.clientname\n" + "            AND S.parentTest = M.testID \n"
                + "            AND (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = :sessionType) \n"
                + "            AND S.modekey = M.testkey\n" + "   JOIN configs.client_testwindow W ON\n"
                + "            M.clientname = W.clientname\n" + "            AND W.testID = S.parentTest \n"
                + "            AND (W.sessionType = -1 OR W.sessionType = :sessionType)\n"
                + "            AND UTC_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN\n"
                + "               ( CASE WHEN W.startDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.startDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowStart DAY) END )\n"
                + "               AND ( CASE WHEN W.endDate IS NULL THEN UTC_TIMESTAMP() ELSE (W.endDate + INTERVAL :shiftWindowEnd DAY ) END )\n"
                + ");";

        return jdbcTemplate.query(SQL, parameters,
                (rs, rowNum) -> new AssessmentWindow.Builder().withWindowId(rs.getString("windowId"))
                        .withStartTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "startDate"))
                        .withEndTime(mapTimestampToJodaInstant(rs, "endDate")).build());

    public Optional<AssessmentFormWindowProperties> findAssessmentFormWindowProperties(final String clientName,
            final String assessmentId) {
        final MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource("clientName", clientName)
                .addValue("assessmentId", assessmentId).addValue("sessionType", ONLINE_SESSION_TYPE);

        //NOTE - sessionType is always 0 for the online application
        String SQL = "SELECT " + "   requireRTSFormWindow AS requireFormWindow, \n"
                + "   RTSFormField AS formField, \n" + "   requireRTSForm AS requireForm, \n"
                + "   requireRTSformIfExists AS ifexists \n" + "FROM configs.client_testproperties T \n"
                + "JOIN configs.client_testmode M ON \n" + "   T.clientname = M.clientname AND \n"
                + "   T.testid = M.testid \n" + "WHERE T.clientname = :clientName \n"
                + "   AND T.TestID = :assessmentId \n"
                + "   AND (M.sessionType = -1 OR M.sessionType = :sessionType);";

        Optional<AssessmentFormWindowProperties> maybeAssessmentProperties = Optional.empty();

        try {
            final AssessmentFormWindowProperties properties = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(SQL, parameters,
                    (rs, rowNum) -> new AssessmentFormWindowProperties(rs.getBoolean("requireForm"),
                            rs.getBoolean("ifexists"), rs.getString("formField"),

            maybeAssessmentProperties = Optional.of(properties);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            LOG.debug("Could not find assessment property for client %s and assessment %s", clientName,

        return maybeAssessmentProperties;