Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (c) 2015 Jack126Guy. Refer to /LICENSE.txt for details. */
package tk.halfgray.pcommandbot;

import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
import org.json.simple.*;
import org.json.simple.parser.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

 * Bot that responds to commands sent through IRC.
 * A bot should be instantiated and then configured using
 * {@link #loadConfiguration(}.
 * The configuration may already load certain commands, but
 * additional commands may be registered with {@link #getResponders()}
 * and {@link #getSynonymousCommands()}.
public class PCommandBot extends PircBot {
     * Default username (login name) to use
    public static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME = "PCB";

     * Default command prefix to use in case of missing configuration
    public static final String DEFAULT_COMMAND_PREFIX = "!";

     * Default core command to use in case of missing configuration
    public static final String DEFAULT_CORE_COMMAND = "p";

     * Version string
    public static final String PCB_VERSION_STRING = "PCommandBot v1.0.3";

     * Pattern that matches one or more characters not accepted in nicks
     * according to RFC 2182
    public static final java.util.regex.Pattern NON_NICK_CHARACTERS = java.util.regex.Pattern

     * Configuration as a JSON object
    private JSONObject config;

     * Whether this bot is ready to run (configuration loaded)
    private boolean isready;

     * Server to connect to
    private String server;

     * Port to use when connecting
    private int port;

     * Nicks to use when connecting
    private String[] nicks;

     * NickServ password
    private String nickservpassword;

     * Channels to join
    private String[] channels;

     * Command prefix
    private String commandprefix;

     * Argument terminator
    private String argumentterminator;

     * Default message when messaged privately
    private String defaultprivate;

     * Response when mentioned
    private String mentionedresponse;

     * Responders for commands
    private Map<String, Responder> responders;

     * Synonymous commands
    private Map<String, String[]> syncommands;

     * Lists of users. Keys are the channel names,
     * and values are the lists.
    private Map<String, java.util.Set<String>> userlists;

     * Create a new instance of this bot.
     * Configuration must be loaded using {@link #loadConfiguration(}
    public PCommandBot() {
        responders = new HashMap<String, Responder>();
        syncommands = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
        userlists = new HashMap<String, java.util.Set<String>>();
        config = null;
        server = "";
        port = 0;
        nicks = new String[0];
        channels = new String[0];
        commandprefix = DEFAULT_COMMAND_PREFIX;
        argumentterminator = "";
        defaultprivate = "";
        mentionedresponse = "";
        isready = false;

     * Load the configuration for this bot from the given reader.
     * The reader should point to a JSON-encoded object.
     * If there is any error, the configuration is reset.
     * @param creader Reader pointing to the configuration
     * @throws If there is a problem reading the configuration
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If there is a problem parsing
     * the configuration from JSON, or if fields are missing
     * @see #resetConfiguration()
    public void loadConfiguration( creader) throws {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof {
                throw ( e;
            } else if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                throw (IllegalArgumentException) e;

        //Load configuration fields
        if (config.get("server") instanceof String) {
            server = (String) config.get("server");
        } else {
            server = "";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find server name");

        if (config.get("port") instanceof Number) {
            port = ((Number) config.get("port")).intValue();
        } else {
            port = 0;

        String username;
        if (config.get("username") instanceof String) {
            username = (String) config.get("username");
        } else {
            username = DEFAULT_USERNAME;

        //Convert nick list to array
        Object nickconfig = config.get("nicks");
        if ((nickconfig instanceof List) && !((List) nickconfig).isEmpty()) {
            try {
                nicks = (String[]) ((List) nickconfig).toArray(new String[0]);
            } catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
                nicks = new String[0];
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid nick item encountered", e);
            for (int i = 0; i < nicks.length; i++) {
                nicks[i] = Utilities.supertrim(nicks[i]);
        } else {
            nicks = new String[0];
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find nicks to use");

        if (config.get("nickserv_password") instanceof String) {
            nickservpassword = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("nickserv_password"));
        } else {
            nickservpassword = "";

        //Convert channel list to array
        Object chanconfig = config.get("channels");
        if ((chanconfig instanceof List) && !((List) chanconfig).isEmpty()) {
            try {
                channels = (String[]) ((List) chanconfig).toArray(new String[0]);
            } catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
                channels = new String[0];
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid channel item encountered", e);
            for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) {
                channels[i] = Utilities.supertrim(channels[i]);
        } else {
            channels = new String[0];

        String cmdpfx;
        if (config.get("command_prefix") instanceof String) {
            cmdpfx = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("command_prefix"));
        } else {
            cmdpfx = DEFAULT_COMMAND_PREFIX;
        if (cmdpfx.isEmpty()) {
            cmdpfx = DEFAULT_COMMAND_PREFIX;
        commandprefix = cmdpfx;

        if (config.get("argument_terminator") instanceof String) {
            argumentterminator = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("argument_terminator"));
        } else {
            argumentterminator = "";

        if (config.get("default_private") instanceof String) {
            defaultprivate = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("default_private"));
        } else {
            defaultprivate = "";

        if (config.get("mentioned_response") instanceof String) {
            mentionedresponse = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("mentioned_response"));
        } else {
            mentionedresponse = "";

        //Load commands from configuration

        //Core command should replace any other command
        String corecommand;
        if (config.get("core_command") instanceof String) {
            corecommand = Utilities.supertrim((String) config.get("core_command"));
        } else {
            corecommand = DEFAULT_CORE_COMMAND;
        if (corecommand.isEmpty()) {
            corecommand = DEFAULT_CORE_COMMAND;
        Object adminpass = config.get("admin_password");
        if ((adminpass instanceof String) && !((String) adminpass).isEmpty()) {
                    new CoreCommandResponder((String) adminpass, this));
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find admin password");

        isready = true;

     * Parse the configuration.
     * @param creader Reader pointing to a JSON-encoded object
     * @throws If there is a problem reading from {@code creader}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the configuration could not be parsed,
     * or if the root value is not a JSON object
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected void parseConfiguration( creader) throws {
        Object temp;
        try {
            temp = new JSONParser().parse(creader);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse configuration: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
        if (temp instanceof JSONObject) {
            config = (JSONObject) temp;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root value of the configuration is not an object");

     * Load fixed commands from the configuration,
     * if the configuration has been parsed.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the configuration is not yet parsed
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected void loadFixedCommands() {
        if (config == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration has not yet been parsed");
        Object fixedcommands = config.get("commands");
        //Ensure that it is a JSON object; do nothing if it is not
        if (!(fixedcommands instanceof java.util.Map)) {
        Map fcmap = (Map) fixedcommands;
        Iterator fciter = fcmap.keySet().iterator();
        Object fckey;
        while (fciter.hasNext()) {
            fckey =;
            //Ensure that the key and value are strings
            if (!((fckey instanceof String) && (fcmap.get(fckey) instanceof String))) {
            this.getResponders().put(((String) fckey).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH),
                    new FixedResponder((String) fcmap.get(fckey)));

     * Load synonymous commands from the configuration,
     * if the configuration has been parsed.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the configuration is not yet parsed
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected void loadSynonymousCommands() {
        if (config == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration has not yet been parsed");
        Object fixedcommands = config.get("commands");
        //Ensure that it is a JSON object
        if (!(fixedcommands instanceof java.util.Map)) {
        Map fcmap = (Map) fixedcommands;
        Iterator fciter = fcmap.keySet().iterator();
        Object fckey;
        Iterator syniter;
        Object synonym;
        List<String> synonyms = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
        while (fciter.hasNext()) {
            fckey =;
            //Ensure that the key is a string and the value a JSON array
            if (!((fckey instanceof String) && (fcmap.get(fckey) instanceof List))) {
            syniter = ((List) fcmap.get(fckey)).iterator();
            while (syniter.hasNext()) {
                synonym =;
                //Ignore non-string synonyms
                if (synonym instanceof String) {
                    synonyms.add((String) synonym);
            getSynonymousCommands().put(((String) fckey).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH),
                    synonyms.toArray(new String[0]));

     * Reset configuration to its initial state.
     * This does not disconnect the bot from the server.
     * The bot can be reconfigured with {@link #loadConfiguration(}
    public void resetConfiguration() {
        config = null;
        server = "";
        port = 0;
        nicks = new String[0];
        channels = new String[0];
        commandprefix = DEFAULT_COMMAND_PREFIX;
        argumentterminator = "";
        defaultprivate = "";
        mentionedresponse = "";
        isready = false;

     * Check if the bot is ready to run. Generally, this means that the
     * configuration has been loaded with {@link #loadConfiguration(}
     * @return {@code true} if the bot is ready, {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isReady() {
        return isready;

     * Get the server that this bot should connect to
     * @return Server name, or {@code ""} if the configuration
     * is not loaded
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected String getConfiguredServer() {
        return server;

     * Get the port on which this bot should connect.
     * An valid port number is between 1 and 65535 (inclusively);
     * an invalid port number indicates that the default port
     * should be used.
     * @return Port number
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected int getConfiguredPort() {
        return port;

     * Get the nicks that this bot should use, in order of
     * preference.
     * @return Nicks
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected String[] getConfiguredNicks() {
        return nicks;

     * Get the password this bot should use to identify to NickServ
     * @return Password for NickServ, or {@code ""} if no password was set
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected String getNickservPassword() {
        return nickservpassword;

     * Get the channels that this bot should join.
     * @return Channels
     * @see #loadConfiguration(
    protected String[] getConfiguredChannels() {
        return channels;

     * Get the command prefix.
     * @return Command prefix
    protected String getCommandPrefix() {
        return commandprefix;

     * Get the argument terminator
     * @return Argument terminator, or {@code ""}
     * if none is configured
    protected String getArgumentTerminator() {
        return argumentterminator;

     * Get the default message sent as a response to a message
     * that mentions this bot.
     * @return Default response to a message that mentions the bot,
     * or {@code ""} if none should be sent
    protected String getMentionedResponse() {
        return mentionedresponse;

     * Get the default message sent as a reply to a private message
     * that does not include a command.
     * @return Default response to a private message, or {@code ""}
     * if none should be sent
    protected String getDefaultPrivate() {
        return defaultprivate;

     * Get lists of users, as a map of channel names to lists of nicks.
     * These lists should be used to track nicks for processing mentions.
     * All channel names and nicks are lowercase, such that
     * {@code str.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(str)}
     * returns {@code true}.
     * @return Lists of users, as a map
     * @see String#toLowerCase()
    protected Map<String, java.util.Set<String>> getUserLists() {
        return userlists;

     * Get the the commands recognized by this bot as a map of
     * command strings to {@link Responder} objects. This map
     * can be used to add, remove, and change commands.
     * Command strings are lowercase such that
     * {@code str.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(str)}
     * returns {@code true}.
     * @return Map representing the bot's commands
     * @see String#toLowerCase(java.util.Locale)
    public Map<String, Responder> getResponders() {
        return responders;

     * Get the synonymous commands recognized by this bot as
     * a map of command strings to synonyms (arrays of strings).
     * An invocation of a synonymous command causes each command
     * registered as a synonym to be invoked in turn; nonexistent synonyms
     * are ignored. These synonyms cannot themselves be synonymous commands.
     * This map can be used to add, remove, and change commands.
     * All command strings (in both keys and values)are lowercase such that
     * {@code str.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(str)}
     * returns {@code true}.
     * @return Map representing the bot's synonymous commands
     * @see String#toLowerCase(java.util.Locale)
    public Map<String, String[]> getSynonymousCommands() {
        return syncommands;

     * Start the bot. This will connect the bot to the server
     * and listen for commands.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the bot is not ready
     * @throws NickAlreadyInUseException If none of the configured nicks can be used
     * @throws If the {@code connect()} function cannot connect
     * @throws IrcException If the {@code connect()} function cannot connect
     * @see #isReady()
     * @see PircBot#connect(String, int)
     * @see PircBot#connect(String)
    public void start() throws NickAlreadyInUseException,, IrcException {
        if (!isReady()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Bot is not ready");
        for (String nick : getConfiguredNicks()) {
            setName((String) nick);
            try {
                if ((getConfiguredPort() >= 1) && (getConfiguredPort() <= 65535)) {
                    connect(getConfiguredServer(), getConfiguredPort());
                } else {
            } catch (NickAlreadyInUseException e) {
            //No NickAlreadyInUseException: Success (or other problem)
        if (!isConnected()) {
            throw new NickAlreadyInUseException("Could not connect with any nick");

     * Perform actions upon connecting. This method is overridden
     * to identify to NickServ and join channels.
     * @see PircBot#onConnect()
    protected void onConnect() {
        //Identify with NickServ
        if (getNickservPassword().length() > 0) {
            this.sendMessage("NickServ", "IDENTIFY " + getNickservPassword());
        //Join channels
        for (String channel : getConfiguredChannels()) {

     * Process the user list. This method is overridden to place the nicks
     * into a list of users for tracking.
     * @param channel Channel for which the list applies
     * @param users Users in the channel
     * @see PircBot#onUserList(String, User[])
     * @see #getUserLists()
    protected void onUserList(String channel, User[] users) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        if (!getUserLists().containsKey(channel)) {
            getUserLists().put(channel, new java.util.HashSet<String>());
        java.util.Set<String> userset = getUserLists().get(channel);
        for (User user : users) {
            //Remove any prefix
            userset.add(user.getNick().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]*", 2)[1]);

     * Process someone joining a channel. This method is overridden to
     * place the nick into a list of users for tracking.
     * @param channel Channel that was joined
     * @param sender User who joined
     * @param login Login name of the user
     * @param hostname Hostname of the user
     * @see PircBot#onJoin(String, String, String, String)
     * @see #getUserLists()
    protected void onJoin(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        sender = sender.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        //It is redundant to add the bot when it joins
        if (!sender.equals(getNick().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {

     * Process someone parting a channel. This method is overridden to
     * remove the nick from a list of users for tracking.
     * @param channel Channel that was parted
     * @param sender User who parted
     * @param login Login name of the user
     * @param hostname Hostname of the user
     * @see PircBot#onPart(String, String, String, String)
     * @see #getUserLists()
    protected void onPart(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        sender = sender.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        if (sender.equals(getNick().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
            //Bot parted: Remove user list to save memory
        } else {
            //Someone else parted

     * Process someone being kicked from a channel. This method is
     * overridden to remove the nick from a list of users for tracking.
     * @param channel Channel from which the user was kicked
     * @param kickerNick User (operator/half-operator) who kicked
     * @param kickerLogin Login name of the kicker
     * @param kickerHostname Hostname of the kicker
     * @param recipientNick User who was kicked
     * @param reason Reason given for kicking
     * @see PircBot#onKick(String, String, String, String, String, String)
     * @see #getUserLists()
    protected void onKick(String channel, String kickerNick, String kickerLogin, String kickerHostname,
            String recipientNick, String reason) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        recipientNick = recipientNick.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        if (recipientNick.equals(getNick().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
            //Bot was kicked: Remove user list to save memory
        } else {
            //Someone else was kicked

     * Get the nicks mentioned in a message, if any.
     * @param channel Channel to which the message was sent
     * @param message Message text
     * @return Array of mentioned nicks, possibly empty
    protected String[] getMentions(String channel, String message) {
        String[] nicktokens = NON_NICK_CHARACTERS.split(message);
        int filtercount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nicktokens.length; i++) {
            if (!getUserLists().get(channel.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))
                    .contains(nicktokens[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
                nicktokens[i] = "";
        String[] filterednts = new String[nicktokens.length - filtercount];
        int filteredi = 0;
        for (String nicktoken : nicktokens) {
            if (!nicktoken.isEmpty()) {
                filterednts[filteredi] = nicktoken;
        return filterednts;

     * Process any commands in a message into an array of responses.
     * @param channel Channel from which the message originated,
     * or {@code null} if it was a private message
     * @param sender Sender of the message
     * @param message Message text
     * @return Array of responses (with mentions added), possibly empty
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the bot is not ready
     * @see #isReady()
    protected String[] processCommands(String channel, String sender, String message) {
        if (!isReady()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Bot is not ready");
        String termpattern;
        if (getArgumentTerminator().isEmpty()) {
            termpattern = "$";
        } else {
            termpattern = "(?:" + Pattern.quote(getArgumentTerminator()) + "|$)";
        Matcher matcher = Pattern
                .compile(Pattern.quote(getCommandPrefix()) + "([^\\p{javaSpaceChar}\\p{javaISOControl}]+?)" + "("
                        + Utilities.WHITESPACE.pattern() + "(.*?)" + ")?" + termpattern, Pattern.DOTALL)
        String[] mentions;
        if (channel != null) {
            mentions = getMentions(channel, message);
        } else {
            mentions = new String[0];
        List<String> responses = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
        String lccmdstr;
        String argument;
        String[] synonyms;
        String response;
        while (matcher.find()) {
            lccmdstr =;
            argument =;
            //If there is nothing after the command string,
            //groups 2 and 3 will be null
            if (argument == null) {
                argument = "";
            } else {
                argument = Utilities.supertrim(argument);
            //Check synonymous command
            if (getSynonymousCommands().containsKey(lccmdstr)) {
                synonyms = getSynonymousCommands().get(lccmdstr);
                for (String synonym : synonyms) {
                    if (getResponders().containsKey(synonym)) {
                        response = getResponders().get(synonym).respond(channel, sender, mentions, argument);
                        if (!response.isEmpty()) {
                            responses.add(Utilities.toMentionPrefix(mentions) + response);
                //Do not check regular responder
            //Check regular responder
            if (getResponders().containsKey(lccmdstr)) {
                response = getResponders().get(lccmdstr).respond(channel, sender, mentions, argument);
                if (!response.isEmpty()) {
                    responses.add(Utilities.toMentionPrefix(mentions) + response);
        return responses.toArray(new String[0]);

     * Process potential commands from public messages. Responses to commands
     * that mention other users in the channel will mention the same users.
     * @param channel Channel from which the message was sent
     * @param sender Sender of the message
     * @param login Login name of the user
     * @param hostname Hostname of the user
     * @param message Message text
     * @see PircBot#onMessage(String, String, String, String, String)
    protected void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
        String[] responses = processCommands(channel, sender, message);
        if (responses.length > 0) {
            for (String response : responses) {
                sendMessage(channel, response);
        } else {
            if (java.util.Arrays.asList(getMentions(channel, message.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))
                    .contains(getNick().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) && !getMentionedResponse().isEmpty()) {
                sendMessage(channel, getMentionedResponse());

     * Process potential commands from private messages.
     * @param sender Sender of the message
     * @param login Login name of the user
     * @param hostname Hostname of the user
     * @param message Message test
     * @see PircBot#onPrivateMessage(String, String, String, String)
    protected void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
        String[] responses = processCommands(null, sender, message);
        if (responses.length > 0) {
            for (String response : responses) {
                sendMessage(sender, response);
        } else {
            if (!getDefaultPrivate().isEmpty()) {
                sendMessage(sender, getDefaultPrivate());