Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2014 Stephen Cummins
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.*;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import ma.glasnost.orika.MapperFacade;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.comparators.ComparatorChain;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import static*;
import static*;
import static*;

 * This class will be responsible for generating and managing gameboards used by users.
public class GameManager {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GameManager.class);

    private static final int MAX_QUESTIONS_TO_SEARCH = 20;
    private static final String HIDE_FROM_FILTER_TAG = "nofilter";

    private final GameboardPersistenceManager gameboardPersistenceManager;
    private final Random randomGenerator;
    private final MapperFacade mapper;

    private final IContentManager contentManager;
    private final String contentIndex;

    private final QuestionManager questionManager;

     * Creates a game manager that operates using the provided api.
     * @param questionManager
     *            - so we can resolve game progress / user information.
     * @param contentManager
     *            - so we can augment game objects with actual detailed content
     * @param gameboardPersistenceManager
     *            - a persistence manager that deals with storing and retrieving gameboards.
     * @param mapper
     *            - allows mapping between DO and DTO object types.
    public GameManager(final IContentManager contentManager,
            final GameboardPersistenceManager gameboardPersistenceManager, final MapperFacade mapper,
            final QuestionManager questionManager, @Named(CONTENT_INDEX) final String contentIndex) {
        this.contentManager = contentManager;
        this.gameboardPersistenceManager = gameboardPersistenceManager;
        this.questionManager = questionManager;
        this.contentIndex = contentIndex;

        this.randomGenerator = new Random();

        this.mapper = mapper;

     * Generate a random gameboard without any filter conditions specified.
     * @see #generateRandomGameboard(String, List, List, List, List, List, AbstractSegueUserDTO)
     * @return gameboard containing random problems.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - when we are unable to provide you with a wildcard object.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             -
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
    public final GameboardDTO generateRandomGameboard()
            throws NoWildcardException, SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {
        return this.generateRandomGameboard(null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

     * This method expects only one of its 3 subject tag filter parameters to have more than one element due to
     * restrictions on the question filter interface.
     * @param title
     *            title of the board
     * @param subjectsList
     *            list of subjects to include in filtered results
     * @param fieldsList
     *            list of fields to include in filtered results
     * @param topicsList
     *            list of topics to include in filtered results
     * @param levelsList
     *            list of levels to include in filtered results
     * @param conceptsList
     *            list of concepts (relatedContent) to include in filtered results
     * @param boardOwner
     *            The user that should be marked as the creator of the gameBoard.
     * @return a gameboard if possible that satisifies the conditions provided by the parameters. Will return null if no
     *         questions can be provided.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - when we are unable to provide you with a wildcard object.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is an error contacting the database.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
    public GameboardDTO generateRandomGameboard(final String title, final List<String> subjectsList,
            final List<String> fieldsList, final List<String> topicsList, final List<Integer> levelsList,
            final List<String> conceptsList, final AbstractSegueUserDTO boardOwner)
            throws NoWildcardException, SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {

        Long boardOwnerId;
        if (boardOwner instanceof RegisteredUserDTO) {
            boardOwnerId = ((RegisteredUserDTO) boardOwner).getId();
        } else {
            // anonymous users do not get to own a board so just mark it as unowned.
            boardOwnerId = null;

        Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> usersQuestionAttempts = questionManager

        GameFilter gameFilter = new GameFilter(subjectsList, fieldsList, topicsList, levelsList, conceptsList);

        List<GameboardItem> selectionOfGameboardQuestions = this.getSelectedGameboardQuestions(gameFilter,

        if (!selectionOfGameboardQuestions.isEmpty()) {
            String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

            // filter game board ready questions to make up a decent game board.
            log.debug("Created gameboard " + uuid);

            GameboardDTO gameboardDTO = new GameboardDTO(uuid, title, selectionOfGameboardQuestions,
                    getRandomWildcard(mapper, subjectsList), generateRandomWildCardPosition(), new Date(),
                    gameFilter, boardOwnerId, GameboardCreationMethod.FILTER);


            return augmentGameboardWithUserInformation(gameboardDTO, usersQuestionAttempts, boardOwner);
        } else {
            return null;

     * linkUserToGameboard. Persist the gameboard in permanent storage and also link it to the users account.
     * @param gameboardToLink
     *            - gameboard to store and use as link.
     * @param userToLinkTo
     *            - UserId to link to.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem persisting the gameboard in the database.
    public void linkUserToGameboard(final GameboardDTO gameboardToLink, final RegisteredUserDTO userToLinkTo)
            throws SegueDatabaseException {
        // if the gameboard has no owner we should add the user who is first linking to it as the owner.
        if (gameboardToLink.getOwnerUserId() == null) {

        // determine if we need to permanently store the gameboard
        if (!this.gameboardPersistenceManager.isPermanentlyStored(gameboardToLink.getId())) {


     * This method allows a user to gameboard link to be destroyed.
     * @param gameboardToUnlink
     *            - the DTO
     * @param user
     *            - DTO
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - If there is a problem with the operation.
    public void unlinkUserToGameboard(final GameboardDTO gameboardToUnlink, final RegisteredUserDTO user)
            throws SegueDatabaseException {
        this.gameboardPersistenceManager.removeUserLinkToGameboard(user.getId(), gameboardToUnlink.getId());

     * Get a gameboard by its id.
     * Note: This gameboard will not be augmented with user information.
     * @param gameboardId
     *            - to look up.
     * @return the gameboard or null.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem retrieving the gameboard in the database or updating the users gameboard link
     *             table.
    public final GameboardDTO getGameboard(final String gameboardId) throws SegueDatabaseException {
        if (null == gameboardId || gameboardId.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        GameboardDTO gameboardFound = this.gameboardPersistenceManager.getGameboardById(gameboardId);

        return gameboardFound;

     * Get a gameboard by its id.
     * @param gameboardId
     *            - the id to find.
     * @return a lite gameboard without the question data fully expanded.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - a database error has occurred.
    public GameboardDTO getLiteGameboard(final String gameboardId) throws SegueDatabaseException {
        return this.gameboardPersistenceManager.getLiteGameboardById(gameboardId);

     * Get a gameboard by its id and augment with user information.
     * @param gameboardId
     *            - to look up.
     * @param user
     *            - This allows state information to be retrieved.
     * @param userQuestionAttempts
     *            - so that we can augment the gameboard.
     * @return the gameboard or null.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem retrieving the gameboard in the database or updating the users gameboard link
     *             table.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
    public final GameboardDTO getGameboard(final String gameboardId, final AbstractSegueUserDTO user,
            final Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> userQuestionAttempts)
            throws SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {

        GameboardDTO gameboardFound = augmentGameboardWithUserInformation(
                this.gameboardPersistenceManager.getGameboardById(gameboardId), userQuestionAttempts, user);

        return gameboardFound;

     * Lookup gameboards belonging to a current user.
     * @param user
     *            - containing so that we can augment the response with personalised information
     * @param startIndex
     *            - the initial index to return.
     * @param limit
     *            - the limit of the number of results to return
     * @param showOnly
     *            - show only gameboards matching the given state.
     * @param sortInstructions
     *            - List of instructions of the form fieldName -> SortOrder. Can be null.
     * @return a list of gameboards (without full question information) which are associated with a given user.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem retrieving the gameboards from the database.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
    public final GameboardListDTO getUsersGameboards(final RegisteredUserDTO user,
            @Nullable final Integer startIndex, @Nullable final Integer limit,
            @Nullable final GameboardState showOnly,
            @Nullable final List<Map.Entry<String, SortOrder>> sortInstructions)
            throws SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {

        List<GameboardDTO> usersGameboards = this.gameboardPersistenceManager.getGameboardsByUserId(user);
        Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> questionAttemptsFromUser = questionManager

        if (null == usersGameboards || usersGameboards.isEmpty()) {
            return new GameboardListDTO();

        List<GameboardDTO> resultToReturn = Lists.newArrayList();

        Long totalCompleted = 0L;
        Long totalInProgress = 0L;
        Long totalNotStarted = 0L;

        // filter gameboards based on selection.
        for (GameboardDTO gameboard : usersGameboards) {
            this.augmentGameboardWithUserInformation(gameboard, questionAttemptsFromUser, user);

            if (null == showOnly) {
            } else if (gameboard.isStartedQuestion() && showOnly.equals(GameboardState.IN_PROGRESS)) {
            } else if (!gameboard.isStartedQuestion() && showOnly.equals(GameboardState.NOT_ATTEMPTED)) {
            } else if (gameboard.getPercentageCompleted() == 100 && showOnly.equals(GameboardState.COMPLETED)) {

            // counts
            if (!gameboard.isStartedQuestion()) {
            } else if (gameboard.getPercentageCompleted() == 100) {
            } else if (gameboard.isStartedQuestion()) {

        ComparatorChain<GameboardDTO> comparatorForSorting = new ComparatorChain<GameboardDTO>();
        Comparator<GameboardDTO> defaultComparitor = new Comparator<GameboardDTO>() {
            public int compare(final GameboardDTO o1, final GameboardDTO o2) {
                return o1.getLastVisited().getTime() > o2.getLastVisited().getTime() ? -1 : 1;

        // assume we want reverse date order for visited date for now.
        if (null == sortInstructions || sortInstructions.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            // we have to use a more complex sorting Comparator.

            for (Map.Entry<String, SortOrder> sortInstruction : sortInstructions) {
                Boolean reverseOrder = false;
                if (sortInstruction.getValue().equals(SortOrder.DESC)) {
                    reverseOrder = true;

                if (sortInstruction.getKey().equals(CREATED_DATE_FIELDNAME)) {
                    comparatorForSorting.addComparator((o1, o2) -> {
                        if (o1.getCreationDate().getTime() == o2.getCreationDate().getTime()) {
                            return 0;
                        } else {
                            return o1.getCreationDate().getTime() > o2.getCreationDate().getTime() ? -1 : 1;
                    }, reverseOrder);
                } else if (sortInstruction.getKey().equals(VISITED_DATE_FIELDNAME)) {
                    comparatorForSorting.addComparator((o1, o2) -> {
                        if (o1.getLastVisited().getTime() == o2.getLastVisited().getTime()) {
                            return 0;
                        } else {
                            return o1.getLastVisited().getTime() > o2.getLastVisited().getTime() ? -1 : 1;
                    }, reverseOrder);
                } else if (sortInstruction.getKey().equals(TITLE_FIELDNAME)) {
                    comparatorForSorting.addComparator((o1, o2) -> {
                        if (o1.getTitle() == null && o2.getTitle() == null) {
                            return 0;
                        if (o1.getTitle() == null) {
                            return 1;
                        if (o2.getTitle() == null) {
                            return -1;
                        return o1.getTitle().compareTo(o2.getTitle());
                    }, reverseOrder);

        if (comparatorForSorting.size() == 0) {

        Collections.sort(resultToReturn, comparatorForSorting);

        int toIndex = startIndex + limit > resultToReturn.size() ? resultToReturn.size() : startIndex + limit;

        List<GameboardDTO> sublistOfGameboards = resultToReturn.subList(startIndex, toIndex);

        // fully augment only those we are returning.

        GameboardListDTO myBoardsResults = new GameboardListDTO(sublistOfGameboards, (long) resultToReturn.size(),
                totalNotStarted, totalInProgress, totalCompleted);

        return myBoardsResults;

     * Augments the gameboards with user information.
     * @param gameboardDTO
     *            - the DTO of the gameboard
     * @param questionAttemptsFromUser
     *            - the users question data.
     * @param user
     *            - the users data.
     * @return Augmented Gameboard
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException if we can't look up gameboard --> user information
    public final GameboardDTO augmentGameboardWithUserInformation(final GameboardDTO gameboardDTO,
            final Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> questionAttemptsFromUser,
            final AbstractSegueUserDTO user) throws ContentManagerException, SegueDatabaseException {
        if (null == gameboardDTO) {
            return null;

        if (null == questionAttemptsFromUser || gameboardDTO.getQuestions().size() == 0) {
            return gameboardDTO;

        int totalCompleted = 0;
        int totalUnavailable = 0;

        for (GameboardItem gameItem : gameboardDTO.getQuestions()) {
            GameboardItemState state;
            try {
                state = this.calculateQuestionState(gameItem.getId(), questionAttemptsFromUser);
            } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                        "A question is unavailable (%s) - treating it as if it never existed for marking.",


            if (state.equals(GameboardItemState.PASSED) || state.equals(GameboardItemState.PERFECT)) {

            if (!state.equals(GameboardItemState.NOT_ATTEMPTED) && !gameboardDTO.isStartedQuestion()) {

        int totalQuestionInBoard = gameboardDTO.getQuestions().size() - totalUnavailable;

        double percentageCompleted = totalCompleted * 100 / totalQuestionInBoard;
        gameboardDTO.setPercentageCompleted((int) Math.round(percentageCompleted));

        if (user instanceof RegisteredUserDTO) {
                    this.isBoardLinkedToUser((RegisteredUserDTO) user, gameboardDTO.getId()));

        return gameboardDTO;

     * @param gameboardDTO
     *            - to save
     * @param owner
     *            - user to make owner of gameboard.
     * @return gameboardDTO as persisted
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - if we cannot add a wildcard.
     * @throws InvalidGameboardException
     *             - if the gameboard already exists with the given id.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - If we cannot save the gameboard.
     * @throws DuplicateGameboardException
     *             - If a gameboard already exists with the given id.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if we are unable to lookup the required content.
    public GameboardDTO saveNewGameboard(final GameboardDTO gameboardDTO, final RegisteredUserDTO owner)
            throws NoWildcardException, InvalidGameboardException, SegueDatabaseException,
            DuplicateGameboardException, ContentManagerException {

        String gameboardId = gameboardDTO.getId();
        if (gameboardId == null) {
        } else if (this.getGameboard(gameboardId.toLowerCase()) != null) {
            throw new DuplicateGameboardException();
        } else {

        if (gameboardDTO.getWildCard() == null) {
            gameboardDTO.setWildCard(getRandomWildcard(mapper, gameboardDTO.getGameFilter().getSubjects()));

        if (gameboardDTO.getWildCardPosition() == null) {

        // set creation date to now.
        gameboardDTO.setCreationDate(new Date());

        // this will throw an exception if it doesn't validate.


        return gameboardDTO;

     * @return useful for providing an indication of how many people are sharing boards.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem updating the gameboard.
    public Map<String, Integer> getNumberOfConnectedUsersByGameboard() throws SegueDatabaseException {
        Map<String, List<String>> boardToUserIdMapping = this.gameboardPersistenceManager.getBoardToUserIdMapping();

        Map<String, Integer> result = Maps.newTreeMap();

        for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : boardToUserIdMapping.entrySet()) {
            result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().size());

        return result;

     * Update the gameboards title.
     * @param gameboardWithUpdatedTitle
     *            - only the title will be updated.
     * @return the fully updated gameboard.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem updating the gameboard.
    public GameboardDTO updateGameboardTitle(final GameboardDTO gameboardWithUpdatedTitle)
            throws SegueDatabaseException {
        return this.gameboardPersistenceManager.updateGameboardTitle(gameboardWithUpdatedTitle);

     * Returns game states for a number of users for a given gameboard.
     * @param users
     *            - of interest
     * @param gameboard
     *            - gameboard containing questions.
     * @return map of users to their gameboard item results.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem with the database
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if we can't look up the question page details.
    public Map<RegisteredUserDTO, List<GameboardItemState>> gatherGameProgressData(
            final List<RegisteredUserDTO> users, final GameboardDTO gameboard)
            throws SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {

        Map<RegisteredUserDTO, List<GameboardItemState>> result = Maps.newHashMap();

        List<String> questionPageIds = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (GameboardItem questionPage : gameboard.getQuestions()) {

        Map<Long, Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>>> questionAttemptsForAllUsersOfInterest = questionManager
                .getMatchingQuestionAttempts(users, questionPageIds);

        for (RegisteredUserDTO user : users) {
            List<GameboardItemState> listOfQuestionStates = Lists.newArrayList();

            for (GameboardItem question : gameboard.getQuestions()) {
            result.put(user, listOfQuestionStates);

        return result;

     * @param users the users we are interested in
     * @param gameboard the gameboard / assignment we are interested in.
     * @return Map {userId: [{questionPageId : [questionId1Result, questionId2Result]}]
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException 
     * @throws ContentManagerException 
    public Map<RegisteredUserDTO, Map<String, Integer>> getDetailedGameProgressData(
            final List<RegisteredUserDTO> users, final GameboardDTO gameboard)
            throws SegueDatabaseException, ContentManagerException {

        Map<RegisteredUserDTO, Map<String, Integer>> results = Maps.newHashMap();

        for (RegisteredUserDTO user : users) {
            Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> questionAttemptsBySession = questionManager

            // questionPageId --> list of ints, in order of the questions on the page 1 is success, 0 is fail 
            // null is unanswered.
            Map<String, Integer> questionResultMap = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (GameboardItem questionPage : gameboard.getQuestions()) {

                for (QuestionDTO question : this.getAllMarkableQuestionParts(questionPage.getId())) {
                    Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>> questionPageAttempts = questionAttemptsBySession
                    if (null == questionPageAttempts) {
                        questionResultMap.put(question.getId(), null);

                    List<QuestionValidationResponse> listOfAttempts = questionPageAttempts.get(question.getId());

                    if (hasCorrectAnsweredCorrectly(listOfAttempts) == null) {
                        questionResultMap.put(question.getId(), null);
                    } else if (hasCorrectAnsweredCorrectly(listOfAttempts)) {
                        questionResultMap.put(question.getId(), 1);
                    } else {
                        questionResultMap.put(question.getId(), 0);


            results.put(user, questionResultMap);

        return results;

     * Find all wildcards.
     * @return wildCard object.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - when we are unable to provide you with a wildcard object.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if we cannot access the content requested.
    public List<IsaacWildcard> getWildcards() throws NoWildcardException, ContentManagerException {
        Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> fieldsToMap = Maps.newHashMap();

        fieldsToMap.put(immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.OR, TYPE_FIELDNAME),

        Map<String, SortOrder> sortInstructions = Maps.newHashMap();
        sortInstructions.put(TITLE_FIELDNAME + "." + UNPROCESSED_SEARCH_FIELD_SUFFIX, SortOrder.ASC);

        ResultsWrapper<ContentDTO> wildcardResults = this.contentManager.findByFieldNames(this.contentIndex,
                fieldsToMap, 0, -1, sortInstructions);

        if (wildcardResults.getTotalResults() == 0) {
            throw new NoWildcardException();

        List<IsaacWildcard> result = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ContentDTO c : wildcardResults.getResults()) {
            IsaacWildcard wildcard =, IsaacWildcard.class);

        return result;

     * Get all questions in the question page: depends on each question.
     * This collection is in an arbitrary order. If you want a DFS order use
     * {@link #getAllMarkableQuestionPartsDFSOrder(String)}
     * @param questionPageId
     *            - results depend on each question having an id prefixed with the question page id.
     * @return collection of markable question parts (questions).
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             if there is a problem with the content requested.
    public Collection<QuestionDTO> getAllMarkableQuestionParts(final String questionPageId)
            throws ContentManagerException {

        // go through each question in the question page
        ResultsWrapper<ContentDTO> listOfQuestions = this.contentManager.getByIdPrefix(this.contentIndex,
                questionPageId + ID_SEPARATOR, 0, NO_SEARCH_LIMIT);

        return this.filterQuestionParts(listOfQuestions.getResults());

     * Get all questions in the question page: depends on each question. This method will conduct a DFS traversal and
     * ensure the collection is ordered as per the DFS.
     * @param questionPageId
     *            - results depend on each question having an id prefixed with the question page id.
     * @return collection of markable question parts (questions).
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             if there is a problem with the content requested.
    public Collection<QuestionDTO> getAllMarkableQuestionPartsDFSOrder(final String questionPageId)
            throws ContentManagerException {

        // do a depth first traversal of the question page to get the correct order of questions
        ContentDTO questionPage = this.contentManager.getContentById(this.contentManager.getCurrentContentSHA(),
        List<ContentDTO> dfs = Lists.newArrayList();
        dfs = depthFirstQuestionSearch(questionPage, dfs);

        return this.filterQuestionParts(dfs);

     * Utility method to extract a list of questionDTOs only.
     * @param contentToFilter
     *            list of content.
     * @return list of question dtos.
    private Collection<QuestionDTO> filterQuestionParts(final Collection<ContentDTO> contentToFilter) {
        List<QuestionDTO> results = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ContentDTO possibleQuestion : contentToFilter) {

            if (!(possibleQuestion instanceof QuestionDTO) || possibleQuestion instanceof IsaacQuickQuestionDTO) {
                // we are not interested if this is not a question or if it is a quick question.
            QuestionDTO question = (QuestionDTO) possibleQuestion;

        return results;

     * We want to list the questions in the order they are seen.
     * @param c - content to search
     * @param result - the list of questions
     * @return a list of questions ordered by DFS.
    private List<ContentDTO> depthFirstQuestionSearch(final ContentDTO c, final List<ContentDTO> result) {
        if (c == null || c.getChildren() == null || c.getChildren().size() == 0) {
            return result;

        for (ContentBaseDTO child : c.getChildren()) {
            if (child instanceof QuestionDTO) {
                result.add((QuestionDTO) child);
                // assume that we can't have nested questions
            } else {
                depthFirstQuestionSearch((ContentDTO) child, result);
        return result;

     * Determines whether a given game board is already in a users my boards list.
     * @param user
     *            to check
     * @param gameboardId
     *            to look up
     * @return true if it is false if not
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             if there is a database error
    private boolean isBoardLinkedToUser(final RegisteredUserDTO user, final String gameboardId)
            throws SegueDatabaseException {
        return this.gameboardPersistenceManager.isBoardLinkedToUser(user.getId(), gameboardId);

     * Store a gameboard in a public location.
     * @param gameboardToStore
     *            - Gameboard object to persist.
     * @throws SegueDatabaseException
     *             - if there is a problem persisting the gameboard in the database.
    private void permanentlyStoreGameboard(final GameboardDTO gameboardToStore) throws SegueDatabaseException {

     * This method aims to (somewhat) intelligently select some useful gameboard questions.
     * @param gameFilter
     *            - the filter query that should be used to make up the gameboard.
     * @param usersQuestionAttempts
     *            - the users question attempt information if available.
     * @return Gameboard questions
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
    private List<GameboardItem> getSelectedGameboardQuestions(final GameFilter gameFilter,
            final Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> usersQuestionAttempts)
            throws ContentManagerException {

        Long seed = new Random().nextLong();
        int searchIndex = 0;
        List<GameboardItem> selectionOfGameboardQuestions = this.getNextQuestionsForFilter(gameFilter, searchIndex,

        if (selectionOfGameboardQuestions.isEmpty()) {
            // no questions found just return an empty list.
            return Lists.newArrayList();

        List<GameboardItem> gameboardReadyQuestions = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<GameboardItem> completedQuestions = Lists.newArrayList();
        // choose the gameboard questions to include.
        while (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() < GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE
                && !selectionOfGameboardQuestions.isEmpty()) {
            for (GameboardItem gameboardItem : selectionOfGameboardQuestions) {

                // Questions tagged with HIDE_FROM_FILTER_TAG should not appear in gameboards generated here at all:
                if (gameboardItem.getTags() != null && gameboardItem.getTags().contains(HIDE_FROM_FILTER_TAG)) {
                    log.debug("Skipping ignored question: " + gameboardItem.getId());

                GameboardItemState questionState;
                try {
                    questionState = this.calculateQuestionState(gameboardItem.getId(), usersQuestionAttempts);
                } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new ContentManagerException(
                            "Resource not found exception, this shouldn't happen as the selectionOfGameboardQuestions "
                                    + "should only show available content.");

                if (questionState.equals(GameboardItemState.PASSED)
                        || questionState.equals(GameboardItemState.PERFECT)) {
                } else if (!gameboardReadyQuestions.contains(gameboardItem)) {

                // stop inner loop if we have reached our target
                if (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() == GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE) {

            if (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() == GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE) {

            // increment search start index to see if we can get more questions for the given criteria.
            searchIndex = searchIndex + selectionOfGameboardQuestions.size();

            // we couldn't fill it up on the last round of questions so lets get more if no more this will be empty
            selectionOfGameboardQuestions = this.getNextQuestionsForFilter(gameFilter, searchIndex, seed);

        // Try and make up the difference with completed ones if we haven't reached our target size
        if (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() < GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE && !completedQuestions.isEmpty()) {
            for (GameboardItem completedQuestion : completedQuestions) {
                if (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() < GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE) {
                } else if (gameboardReadyQuestions.size() == GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE) {

        // randomise the questions again as we may have injected some completed questions.

        return gameboardReadyQuestions;

     * Gets you the next set of questions that match the given filter.
     * @param gameFilter
     *            - to enable search
     * @param index
     *            - the starting index of the query.
     * @param randomSeed
     *            - so that we can use search pagination and not repeat ourselves.
     * @return a list of gameboard items.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is a problem accessing the content repository.
    private List<GameboardItem> getNextQuestionsForFilter(final GameFilter gameFilter, final int index,
            final Long randomSeed) throws ContentManagerException {
        // get some questions
        Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> fieldsToMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        fieldsToMap.put(immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.AND, TYPE_FIELDNAME),

        // Search for questions that match the fields to map variable.

        ResultsWrapper<ContentDTO> results = this.contentManager.findByFieldNamesRandomOrder(this.contentIndex,
                fieldsToMap, index, MAX_QUESTIONS_TO_SEARCH, randomSeed);

        List<ContentDTO> questionsForGameboard = results.getResults();

        List<GameboardItem> selectionOfGameboardQuestions = Lists.newArrayList();

        // Map each Content object into an GameboardItem object
        for (ContentDTO c : questionsForGameboard) {
            // Only keep questions that have not been superseded.
            // Yes, this should probably be done in the fieldsToMap filter above, but this is simpler.
            if (c instanceof IsaacQuestionPageDTO) {
                IsaacQuestionPageDTO qp = (IsaacQuestionPageDTO) c;
                if (qp.getSupersededBy() != null && !qp.getSupersededBy().equals("")) {
                    // This question has been superseded. Don't include it.

            GameboardItem questionInfo = this.gameboardPersistenceManager.convertToGameboardItem(c);

        return selectionOfGameboardQuestions;

     * CalculateQuestionState
     * This method will calculate the question state for use in gameboards based on the question.
     * @param questionPageId
     *            - the gameboard item id.
     * @param questionAttemptsFromUser
     *            - the user that may or may not have attempted questions in the gameboard.
     * @return The state of the gameboard item.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if there is an error retrieving the content requested.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException
     *             - if we cannot find the question specified.
    private GameboardItemState calculateQuestionState(final String questionPageId,
            final Map<String, Map<String, List<QuestionValidationResponse>>> questionAttemptsFromUser)
            throws ContentManagerException, ResourceNotFoundException {
        Validate.notBlank(questionPageId, "QuestionPageId cannot be empty or blank");
        Validate.notNull(questionAttemptsFromUser, "questionAttemptsFromUser cannot null");

        if (questionAttemptsFromUser.containsKey(questionPageId)) {
            // get all questions in the question page: depends on each question
            // having an id that starts with the question page id.

            // Get the pass mark for the question page
            IsaacQuestionPage questionPage = (IsaacQuestionPage) this.contentManager
                    .getContentDOById(this.contentManager.getCurrentContentSHA(), questionPageId);

            if (null == questionPage) {
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                        String.format("Unable to locate the question: %s for augmenting", questionPageId));

            Float passMark = questionPage.getPassMark();
            if (passMark == null) {
                passMark = 100f;

            // go through each question in the question page
            Collection<QuestionDTO> listOfQuestions = getAllMarkableQuestionParts(questionPageId);

            // go through all of the questions that make up this gameboard item.
            int questionPartsCorrect = 0;
            int questionPartsIncorrect = 0;
            int questionPartsNotAttempted = 0;
            for (ContentDTO contentDTO : listOfQuestions) {
                // get the attempts for this particular question.
                List<QuestionValidationResponse> questionAttempts = questionAttemptsFromUser.get(questionPageId)

                // If we have an entry for the question page and do not have
                // any attempts for this question then it means that we have
                // done something on this question but have not yet answered
                // all parts.
                if (questionAttemptsFromUser.get(questionPageId) != null && null == questionAttempts) {

                boolean foundCorrectForThisQuestion = false;

                // Go through the attempts in reverse chronological order
                // for this question to determine if there is a
                // correct answer somewhere.
                for (int i = questionAttempts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (questionAttempts.get(i).isCorrect() != null && questionAttempts.get(i).isCorrect()) {
                        foundCorrectForThisQuestion = true;

                if (foundCorrectForThisQuestion) {
                } else {

            int totalParts = questionPartsCorrect + questionPartsIncorrect + questionPartsNotAttempted;

            float percentCorrect = 100 * (float) questionPartsCorrect / totalParts;
            float percentIncorrect = 100 * (float) questionPartsIncorrect / totalParts;

            if (questionPartsCorrect == totalParts) {
                return GameboardItemState.PERFECT;
            } else if (percentCorrect >= passMark) {
                return GameboardItemState.PASSED;
            } else if (percentIncorrect > (100 - passMark)) {
                return GameboardItemState.FAILED;
            } else {
                return GameboardItemState.IN_PROGRESS;

        } else {
            return GameboardItemState.NOT_ATTEMPTED;

     * @param questionAttempts - to check
     * @return true or false
    private Boolean hasCorrectAnsweredCorrectly(final List<QuestionValidationResponse> questionAttempts) {
        if (null == questionAttempts || questionAttempts.size() == 0) {
            return null;

        // Go through the attempts in reverse chronological order
        // for this question to determine if there is a
        // correct answer somewhere.
        for (int i = questionAttempts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (questionAttempts.get(i).isCorrect() != null && questionAttempts.get(i).isCorrect()) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Generate a random integer value to represent the position of the wildcard tile in the gameboard.
     * @return integer between one and GAME_BOARD_SIZE+1
    private Integer generateRandomWildCardPosition() {
        return randomGenerator.nextInt(GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE + 1);

     * Find a wildcard object to add to a gameboard.
     * @param mapper
     *            - to convert between contentDTO to wildcard.
     * @return wildCard object.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - when we are unable to provide you with a wildcard object.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if we cannot access the content requested.
    private IsaacWildcard getRandomWildcard(final MapperFacade mapper, final List<String> subjectsList)
            throws NoWildcardException, ContentManagerException {
        Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> fieldsToMap = Maps.newHashMap();

        fieldsToMap.put(immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.OR, TYPE_FIELDNAME),

        // FIXME - the 999 is a magic number because using NO_SEARCH_LIMIT doesn't work for all elasticsearch queries!
        ResultsWrapper<ContentDTO> wildcardResults = this.contentManager
                .findByFieldNamesRandomOrder(this.contentIndex, fieldsToMap, 0, 999);

        // try to increase randomness of wildcard results.

        List<ContentDTO> wildcards = new ArrayList<>();

        if (null == subjectsList) {
            // If we have no subject info, just use any wildcard; to match behavior of questions.
        } else {
            for (ContentDTO c : wildcardResults.getResults()) {
                boolean match = false;
                for (String s : subjectsList) {
                    if (c.getTags().contains(s)) {
                        match = true;

                if (match) {

        if (wildcards.size() == 0) {
            throw new NoWildcardException();

        return, IsaacWildcard.class);

     * Get a wildcard by id.
     * @param id
     *            - of wildcard
     * @return wildcard or an exception.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - if we cannot locate the exception.
     * @throws ContentManagerException
     *             - if we cannot access the content requested.
    private IsaacWildcard getWildCardById(final String id) throws NoWildcardException, ContentManagerException {
        Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> fieldsToMap = Maps.newHashMap();

        fieldsToMap.put(immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.AND, ID_FIELDNAME), Collections.singletonList(id));
        fieldsToMap.put(immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.AND, TYPE_FIELDNAME),

        Content wildcardResults = this.contentManager.getContentDOById(this.contentManager.getCurrentContentSHA(),

        return, IsaacWildcard.class);

     * Helper method to generate field to match requirements for search queries (specialised for isaac-filtering rules)
     * This method will decide what should be AND and what should be OR based on the field names used.
     * @param gameFilter
     *            - filter object containing all the filter information used to make this board.
     * @return A map ready to be passed to a content provider
    private static Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> generateFieldToMatchForQuestionFilter(
            final GameFilter gameFilter) {

        // Validate that the field sizes are as we expect for tags
        // Check that the query provided adheres to the rules we expect
        if (!validateFilterQuery(gameFilter)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error validating filter query.");

        Map<Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String>, List<String>> fieldsToMatchOutput = Maps.newHashMap();

        // Deal with tags which represent subjects, fields and topics
        List<String> ands = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<String> ors = Lists.newArrayList();

        if (null != gameFilter.getSubjects()) {
            if (gameFilter.getSubjects().size() > 1) {
            } else { // should be exactly 1

                // ok now we are allowed to look at the fields
                if (null != gameFilter.getFields()) {
                    if (gameFilter.getFields().size() > 1) {
                    } else { // should be exactly 1

                        if (null != gameFilter.getTopics()) {
                            if (gameFilter.getTopics().size() > 1) {
                            } else {

        // deal with adding overloaded tags field for subjects, fields and
        // topics
        if (ands.size() > 0) {
            Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String> newEntry = immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.AND, TAGS_FIELDNAME);
            fieldsToMatchOutput.put(newEntry, ands);
        if (ors.size() > 0) {
            Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String> newEntry = immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.OR, TAGS_FIELDNAME);
            fieldsToMatchOutput.put(newEntry, ors);

        // now deal with levels
        if (null != gameFilter.getLevels()) {
            List<String> levelsAsString = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (Integer levelInt : gameFilter.getLevels()) {

            Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String> newEntry = immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.OR, LEVEL_FIELDNAME);
            fieldsToMatchOutput.put(newEntry, levelsAsString);

        if (null != gameFilter.getConcepts()) {
            Map.Entry<BooleanOperator, String> newEntry = immutableEntry(BooleanOperator.AND,
            fieldsToMatchOutput.put(newEntry, gameFilter.getConcepts());

        return fieldsToMatchOutput;

     * Currently only validates subjects, fields and topics.
     * @param gameFilter
     *            containing the following data: (1) subjects - multiple subjects are only ok if there are not any
     *            fields or topics (2) fields - multiple fields are only ok if there are not any topics. (3) topics -
     *            You can have multiple fields only if there is precisely one subject and field. (4) levels - currently
     *            not used for validation (5) concepts - currently not used for validation
     * @return true if the query adheres to the rules specified, false if not.
    private static boolean validateFilterQuery(final GameFilter gameFilter) {
        if (null == gameFilter.getSubjects() && null == gameFilter.getFields() && null == gameFilter.getTopics()) {
            return true;
        } else if (null == gameFilter.getSubjects()
                && (null != gameFilter.getFields() || null != gameFilter.getTopics())) {
            log.warn("Error validating query: You cannot have a "
                    + "null subject and still specify fields or topics.");
            return false;
        } else if (null != gameFilter.getSubjects() && null == gameFilter.getFields()
                && null != gameFilter.getTopics()) {
            log.warn("Error validating query: You cannot have a null field"
                    + " and still specify subject and topics.");
            return false;

        // this variable indicates whether we have found a multiple term query
        // already.
        boolean foundMultipleTerms = false;

        // Now check that the subjects are of the correct size
        if (null != gameFilter.getSubjects() && !gameFilter.getSubjects().isEmpty()) {
            if (gameFilter.getSubjects().size() > 1) {
                foundMultipleTerms = true;

        if (null != gameFilter.getFields() && !gameFilter.getFields().isEmpty()) {
            if (foundMultipleTerms) {
                log.warn("Error validating query: multiple subjects and fields specified.");
                return false;

            if (gameFilter.getFields().size() > 1) {
                foundMultipleTerms = true;

        if (null != gameFilter.getTopics() && !gameFilter.getTopics().isEmpty()) {
            if (foundMultipleTerms) {
                log.warn("Error validating query: multiple fields and topics specified.");
                return false;

            if (gameFilter.getTopics().size() > 1) {
                foundMultipleTerms = true;
        return true;

     * Provides validation for a given gameboard. For use prior to persistence.
     * @param gameboardDTO
     *            - to check
     * @return the gameboard (unchanged) if everything is ok, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws InvalidGameboardException
     *             - If the gameboard is considered to be invalid.
     * @throws NoWildcardException
     *             - if the wildcard cannot be found.
    private GameboardDTO validateGameboard(final GameboardDTO gameboardDTO)
            throws InvalidGameboardException, NoWildcardException {
        if (gameboardDTO.getId() != null && gameboardDTO.getId().contains(" ")) {
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(
                    String.format("Your gameboard must not contain illegal characters e.g. spaces"));

        if (gameboardDTO.getQuestions().size() > Constants.GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE) {
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(String
                    .format("Your gameboard must not contain more than %s questions", GAME_BOARD_TARGET_SIZE));

        if (gameboardDTO.getGameFilter() == null || !validateFilterQuery(gameboardDTO.getGameFilter())) {
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(String.format(
                    "Your gameboard must have some valid filter information e.g. subject must be set.",

        List<String> badQuestions = this.gameboardPersistenceManager
        if (badQuestions.size() > 0) {
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(
                    String.format("The gameboard provided contains %s invalid (or missing) questions - [%s]",
                            badQuestions.size(), badQuestions));

        if (gameboardDTO.getWildCard() == null) {
            throw new NoWildcardException();

        // This will throw a NoWildCardException if we cannot locate a valid
        // wildcard for this gameboard.
        try {
        } catch (NoWildcardException e) {
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(
                    String.format("The gameboard provided contains an invalid wildcard with id [%s]",
        } catch (ContentManagerException e) {
            log.error("Error validating gameboard.", e);
            throw new InvalidGameboardException(
                    "There was a problem validating the gameboard due to ContentManagerException another exception.");

        return gameboardDTO;