Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Ian Davies, James Sharkey, Ryan Lau
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;

 * Validator that only provides functionality to validate symbolic chemistry questions.
 * @author Ian Davies
public class IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator implements IValidator {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.class);

     * Describes the level of equivalence between two mhchem expressions.
    private enum MatchType {

    private final String hostname;
    private final String port;

    public IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator(final String hostname, final String port) {
        this.hostname = hostname;
        this.port = port;

     * Given two formulae, where one is student answer, and another is the target mhchem string,
     * this method generates a JSON object of them, and sends it to a back end chemistry checker
     * for comparison. Comparison results are sent back from server as a JSON string and returned here.
     * @param submittedFormula Formula submitted by user.
     * @param formulaChoice Formula of one of the choice in content editor.
     * @param description A text description to show in the checker logs.
     * @return The JSON string returned from the ChemicalChecker server.
     * @throws IOException Trouble connecting to the ChemicalChecker server.
    private String jsonPostAndGet(final String submittedFormula, final String formulaChoice,
            final String description) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        // Complicated: Put formulae into a JSON object
        HashMap<String, String> req = Maps.newHashMap();
        req.put("target", formulaChoice);
        req.put("test", submittedFormula);
        req.put("description", description);

        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        JsonGenerator g = new JsonFactory().createGenerator(sw);
        mapper.writeValue(g, req);
        String requestString = sw.toString();

        // Do some real checking through HTTP
        HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

        HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/check");

        // Send JSON object across ChemistryChecker server.
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestString));
        httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

        // Receive JSON response from server.
        HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
        HttpEntity responseEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();

        return EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);

    public QuestionValidationResponse validateQuestionResponse(final Question question, final Choice answer)
            throws ValidatorUnavailableException {

        if (!(question instanceof IsaacSymbolicChemistryQuestion)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("This validator only works with Isaac Symbolic Chemistry Questions... "
                            + "(%s is not symbolic chemistry)", question.getId()));

        if (!(answer instanceof ChemicalFormula)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Expected ChemicalFormula for IsaacSymbolicQuestion: %s. Received (%s) ",
                            question.getId(), answer.getClass()));

        IsaacSymbolicChemistryQuestion symbolicQuestion = (IsaacSymbolicChemistryQuestion) question;
        ChemicalFormula submittedFormula = (ChemicalFormula) answer;

        // These variables store the important features of the response we'll send.
        Content feedback = null; // The feedback we send the user
        boolean responseCorrect = false; // Whether we're right or wrong

        boolean allTypeMismatch = true; // Whether type of answer matches one of the correct answers
        boolean allChemistry = true, allNuclear = true;
        boolean allEquation = true, allExpression = true;
        boolean containsError = false; // Whether student answer contains any error terms.
        boolean isEquation = false; // Whether student answer is equation or not.
        boolean isBalanced = false; // Whether student answer has balanced equation.
        boolean isNuclear = false; // Whether student answer has nuclear terms.
        boolean isValid = false; // Whether student answer has valid atomic numbers.

        String receivedType; // Type of student answer.

        // STEP 0: Do we even have any answers for this question? Always do this check, because we know we
        //         won't have feedback yet.

        if (null == symbolicQuestion.getChoices() || symbolicQuestion.getChoices().isEmpty()) {
            log.error("Question does not have any answers. " + question.getId() + " src: "
                    + question.getCanonicalSourceFile());

            feedback = new Content("This question does not have any correct answers");

        // STEP 1: Did they provide an answer?

        if (null == feedback && (null == submittedFormula.getMhchemExpression()
                || submittedFormula.getMhchemExpression().isEmpty())) {
            feedback = new Content("You did not provide an answer");

        // STEP 2: Otherwise, Does their answer match a choice exactly?

        if (null == feedback) {

            // For all the choices on this question...
            for (Choice c : symbolicQuestion.getChoices()) {

                // ... that are of the ChemicalFormula type, ...
                if (!(c instanceof ChemicalFormula)) {
                    log.error("Isaac Symbolic Chemistry Validator for questionId: " + symbolicQuestion.getId()
                            + " expected there to be a ChemicalFormula. Instead it found a Choice.");

                ChemicalFormula formulaChoice = (ChemicalFormula) c;

                // ... and that have a mhchem expression ...
                if (null == formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression() || formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression().isEmpty()) {
                    log.error("Expected python expression, but none found in choice for question id: "
                            + symbolicQuestion.getId());

                // ... look for an exact string match to the submitted answer (lazy).
                if (formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression().equals(submittedFormula.getMhchemExpression())) {
                    feedback = (Content) formulaChoice.getExplanation();
                    responseCorrect = formulaChoice.isCorrect();

        // STEP 3: Otherwise, use the symbolic checker to analyse their answer

        if (feedback == null) {

            // Go through all choices, keeping track of the best match we've seen so far. A symbolic match terminates
            // this loop immediately.

            ChemicalFormula closestMatch = null;
            HashMap<String, Object> closestResponse = null;
            IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.MatchType closestMatchType = IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.MatchType.NONE;
            boolean typeKnownFlag = false;
            boolean validityKnownFlag = false;
            boolean balancedKnownFlag = false;

            // Sort the choices so that we match incorrect choices last, taking precedence over correct ones.
            List<Choice> orderedChoices = Lists.newArrayList(symbolicQuestion.getChoices());

            Collections.sort(orderedChoices, new Comparator<Choice>() {
                public int compare(final Choice o1, final Choice o2) {
                    int o1Val = o1.isCorrect() ? 0 : 1;
                    int o2Val = o2.isCorrect() ? 0 : 1;
                    return o1Val - o2Val;

            // For all the choices on this question...
            for (Choice c : orderedChoices) {

                // ... that are of the ChemicalFormula type, ...
                if (!(c instanceof ChemicalFormula)) {
                    // Don't need to log this - it will have been logged above.

                ChemicalFormula formulaChoice = (ChemicalFormula) c;

                // ... and that have a mhchem expression ...
                if (null == formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression() || formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression().isEmpty()) {
                    // Don't need to log this - it will have been logged above.

                // ... test their answer against this choice with the symbolic checker.

                IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.MatchType matchType;
                HashMap<String, Object> response;

                try {

                    // Pass some JSON to a REST endpoint and get some JSON back.

                    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                    String responseString = jsonPostAndGet(submittedFormula.getMhchemExpression(),
                            formulaChoice.getMhchemExpression(), symbolicQuestion.getId());
                    response = mapper.readValue(responseString, HashMap.class); //new HashMap<>();

                    if (response.containsKey("error")) {

                        // If it doesn't contain a code, it wasn't a fatal error in the checker; probably only a
                        // problem with the submitted answer.
                        log.warn("Problem checking formula \"" + submittedFormula.getMhchemExpression()
                                + "\" with symbolic chemistry checker: " + response.get("error"));

                    } else if (response.get("containsError").equals(true)) {

                        // Contains error term in expression: Cannot be matched with any terms.
                        containsError = true;


                    if (c.isCorrect()) {

                        // Check if type mismatch occurred, when choice is correct answer.
                        allTypeMismatch = allTypeMismatch && response.get("typeMismatch").equals(true);

                        String expectedType = (String) response.get("expectedType");

                        allChemistry = allChemistry && !expectedType.contains("nuclear");
                        allNuclear = allNuclear && expectedType.contains("nuclear");

                        allExpression = allExpression && expectedType.contains("expression");
                        allEquation = allEquation && expectedType.contains("equation");


                    // Identify the type of student answer.
                    if (!typeKnownFlag) {

                        receivedType = (String) response.get("receivedType");
                        isEquation = receivedType.contains("equation");
                        isNuclear = receivedType.contains("nuclear");
                        typeKnownFlag = true;


                    // Check if equation is balanced, given that choice is of type equation.
                    if (!balancedKnownFlag && isEquation && response.get("typeMismatch").equals(false)) {

                        // Check if equation (physical/chemical) is balanced.
                        isBalanced = response.get("isBalanced").equals(true);
                        balancedKnownFlag = true;


                    // Check if equation is valid, given that choice is of type nuclear.
                    if (!validityKnownFlag && isNuclear && response.get("typeMismatch").equals(false)) {

                        // Check if nuclear (equation/expression) has valid atomic numbers.
                        isValid = response.get("validAtomicNumber").equals(true);
                        validityKnownFlag = true;

                    if (response.get("equal").equals(true)) {

                        // Input is semantically equivalent to correct answer.
                        matchType = MatchType.EXACT;

                    } else if (response.get("expectedType").equals("equation")) {

                        if (response.get("weaklyEquivalent").equals(false)) {

                            // current choice is not a good match.


                        // Measure the 'weakness' level. (0 is the weakest)
                        int counter = 0;

                        if (response.get("sameState").equals(true)) {

                        if (response.get("sameCoefficient").equals(true)) {

                        if (response.get("sameArrow").equals(true)) {

                        matchType = MatchType.valueOf("WEAK" + counter);

                    } else if (response.get("expectedType").equals("expression")) {

                        // Response & Answer have type Expression.
                        if (response.get("weaklyEquivalent").equals(false)) {

                            // current choice is not a good match.


                        // Measure the 'weakness' level. (0 is the weakest)
                        int counter = 0;

                        if (response.get("sameState").equals(true)) {

                        if (response.get("sameCoefficient").equals(true)) {

                        matchType = MatchType.valueOf("WEAK" + counter);

                    } else {

                        // Response & Answer have type NuclearEquation or NuclearExpression.
                        if (response.get("weaklyEquivalent").equals(false)) {

                            // current choice is not a good match.

                        // Measure the 'weakness' level. (0 is the weakest)
                        int counter = 0;

                        if (response.get("sameCoefficient").equals(true)) {

                        matchType = MatchType.valueOf("WEAK" + counter);


                } catch (IOException e) {
                            "Failed to check formula with chemistry checker. Is the server running? Not trying again.");
                    throw new ValidatorUnavailableException(
                            "We are having problems marking Chemistry Questions." + " Please try again later!");

                if (matchType == IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.MatchType.EXACT) {

                    // Found an exact match with one of the choices!

                    closestMatch = formulaChoice;
                    closestMatchType = IsaacSymbolicChemistryValidator.MatchType.EXACT;

                } else if (matchType.compareTo(closestMatchType) > 0) {

                    // Found a better partial match than current match.

                    if (formulaChoice.isCorrect() || closestMatch == null) {

                        // We have no current closest match, or this choice is actually correct.
                        // Have no other choice than accepting this as closest match right now.

                        closestMatch = formulaChoice;
                        closestResponse = response;
                        closestMatchType = matchType;


                    // Otherwise, input partially matches a wrong choice, or closestMatch is assigned already.
                    // The best thing to do here is to do nothing.

            // End of second choice matching

            // STEP 4: Decide on what response to give to user

            if (containsError) {

                // User input contains error terms.
                feedback = new Content("Your answer contains invalid syntax!");

            } else if (closestMatch != null && closestMatchType == MatchType.EXACT) {

                // There is an exact match to a choice.
                feedback = (Content) closestMatch.getExplanation();
                responseCorrect = closestMatch.isCorrect();

            } else if (isNuclear && allChemistry) {

                // Nuclear/Chemistry mismatch in all correct answers.
                feedback = new Content("This question is about Chemistry.");

            } else if (!isNuclear && allNuclear) {

                // Nuclear/Chemistry mismatch in all correct answers.
                feedback = new Content("This question is about Nuclear Physics.");

            } else if (!isEquation && allEquation) {

                // Equation/Expression mismatch in all correct answers.
                feedback = new Content("Your answer is an expression but we expected an equation.");

            } else if (isEquation && allExpression) {

                // Equation/Expression mismatch in all correct answers.
                feedback = new Content("Your answer is an equation but we expected an expression.");

            } else if (isEquation && balancedKnownFlag && !isBalanced) {

                // Input is an unbalanced equation.
                feedback = new Content("Your equation is unbalanced.");

            } else if (isNuclear && validityKnownFlag && !isValid) {

                // Input is nuclear, but atomic/mass numbers are invalid.
                feedback = new Content("Check your atomic/mass numbers!");

            } else if (closestMatch != null && closestMatch.isCorrect()) {

                // Weak match to a correct answer.

                if (!((String) closestResponse.get("expectedType")).contains("nuclear")
                        && closestResponse.get("sameState").equals(false)) {

                    // Wrong state symbols
                    feedback = new Content("Check your state symbols!");

                } else if (closestResponse.get("sameCoefficient").equals(false)) {

                    // Wrong coefficients
                    feedback = new Content("Check your coefficients!");

                } else {

                    // Wrong arrow
                    feedback = new Content("What type of reaction is this?");


        return new QuestionValidationResponse(symbolicQuestion.getId(), answer, responseCorrect, feedback,
                new Date());