Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// This is generated from by


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Extend dataset for float values // PRIM_TYPE
public class FloatDataset extends AbstractDataset {
    // pin UID to base class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = AbstractDataset.serialVersionUID;

     * Setup the logging facilities
    transient private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FloatDataset.class);

    protected float[] data; // subclass alias // PRIM_TYPE

    protected void setData() {
        data = (float[]) odata; // PRIM_TYPE

    private static float[] createArray(final int size) { // PRIM_TYPE
        float[] array = null; // PRIM_TYPE

        try {
            array = new float[size]; // PRIM_TYPE
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
            logger.error("The size of the dataset ({}) that is being created is too large "
                    + "and there is not enough memory to hold it.", size);
            throw new OutOfMemoryError("The dimensions given are too large, and there is "
                    + "not enough memory available in the Java Virtual Machine");
        return array;

    public int getDtype() {
        return FLOAT32; // DATA_TYPE

    public FloatDataset() {

     * @param shape
    public FloatDataset(final int... shape) {
        if (shape.length == 1) {
            size = shape[0];
            this.shape = shape.clone();
            if (size > 0) {
                odata = data = createArray(size);
            } else if (size < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative component in shape is not allowed");
        } else {
            size = calcSize(shape);
            this.shape = shape.clone();

            odata = data = createArray(size);

     * Create a dataset using given data
     * @param data
     * @param shape
     *            (can be null to create 1D dataset)
    public FloatDataset(final float[] data, int... shape) { // PRIM_TYPE
        if (shape == null || shape.length == 0) {
            shape = new int[] { data.length };
        size = calcSize(shape);
        if (size != data.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                    "Shape %s is not compatible with size of data array, %d", Arrays.toString(shape), data.length));
        this.shape = shape.clone();

        odata = = data;

     * Copy a dataset
     * @param dataset
    public FloatDataset(final FloatDataset dataset) {
        this(dataset, false);

     * Copy a dataset or just wrap in a new reference (for Jython sub-classing)
     * @param dataset
     * @param wrap
    public FloatDataset(final FloatDataset dataset, final boolean wrap) {
        size = dataset.size;

        if (wrap) {
            shape = dataset.shape;
            dataSize = dataset.dataSize;
            dataShape = dataset.dataShape;
            name =;
            metadata = dataset.metadata;
            if (dataset.metadataStructure != null)
                metadataStructure = dataset.metadataStructure;
            odata = data =;


        shape = dataset.shape.clone();
        name = new String(;
        metadata = copyMetadataMap(dataset.metadata);
        if (dataset.metadataStructure != null)
            metadataStructure = dataset.metadataStructure.clone();

        float[] gdata =; // PRIM_TYPE

        if (dataset.isContiguous()) {
            odata = data = gdata.clone();
        } else {
            odata = data = createArray(size);

            IndexIterator iter = dataset.getIterator();
            for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) {
                data[i] = gdata[iter.index];

        // now also populate the errors
        errorValue = dataset.errorValue;
        errorData = dataset.errorData;

     * Cast a dataset to this class type
     * @param dataset
    public FloatDataset(final AbstractDataset dataset) {
        size = dataset.size;
        shape = dataset.shape.clone();
        name = new String(;
        metadata = dataset.metadata;
        odata = data = createArray(size);
        metadataStructure = dataset.metadataStructure;

        IndexIterator iter = dataset.getIterator();
        for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) {
            data[i] = (float) dataset.getElementDoubleAbs(iter.index); // GET_ELEMENT_WITH_CAST

        // now also populate the errors
        errorValue = dataset.errorValue;
        errorData = dataset.errorData;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (!super.equals(obj)) {
            return false;

        if (getRank() == 0) // already true for scalar dataset
            return true;

        FloatDataset other = (FloatDataset) obj;
        IndexIterator it = getIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (data[it.index] !=[it.index]) // OBJECT_UNEQUAL
                return false;
        return true;

     * Create a dataset from an object which could be a PySequence, a Java array (of arrays...) or Number. Ragged
     * sequences or arrays are padded with zeros.
     * @param obj
     * @return dataset with contents given by input
    public static FloatDataset createFromObject(final Object obj) {
        FloatDataset result = new FloatDataset();

        result.shape = getShapeFromObject(obj);
        result.size = calcSize(result.shape);

        result.odata = = createArray(result.size);

        int[] pos = new int[result.shape.length];
        result.fillData(obj, 0, pos);
        return result;

     * @param stop
     * @return a new 1D dataset, filled with values determined by parameters
    public static FloatDataset arange(final double stop) {
        return arange(0, stop, 1);

     * @param start
     * @param stop
     * @param step
     * @return a new 1D dataset, filled with values determined by parameters
    public static FloatDataset arange(final double start, final double stop, final double step) {
        int size = calcSteps(start, stop, step);
        FloatDataset result = new FloatDataset(size);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  [i] = (float) (start + i * step); // PRIM_TYPE // ADD_CAST
        return result;

     * @param shape
     * @return a dataset filled with ones
    public static FloatDataset ones(final int... shape) {
        return new FloatDataset(shape).fill(1);

     * @param obj
     * @return dataset filled with given object
    public FloatDataset fill(final Object obj) {
        float dv = (float) toReal(obj); // PRIM_TYPE // FROM_OBJECT

        IndexIterator iter = getIterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            data[iter.index] = dv;

        return this;

     * This is a typed version of {@link #getBuffer()}
     * @return data buffer as linear array
    public float[] getData() { // PRIM_TYPE
        return data;

    public FloatDataset getView() {
        FloatDataset view = new FloatDataset(); = new String(name);
        view.size = size;
        view.dataSize = dataSize;
        view.shape = shape.clone();
        if (dataShape != null)
            view.dataShape = dataShape.clone();
        view.odata = = data;
        view.metadata = metadata;
        view.metadataStructure = metadataStructure;
        return view;

     * Get a value from an absolute index of the internal array. This is an internal method with no checks so can be
     * dangerous. Use with care or ideally with an iterator.
     * @param index
     *            absolute index
     * @return value
    public float getAbs(final int index) { // PRIM_TYPE
        return data[index];

    public boolean getElementBooleanAbs(final int index) {
        return data[index] != 0; // BOOLEAN_FALSE

    public double getElementDoubleAbs(final int index) {
        return data[index]; // BOOLEAN_ZERO

    public long getElementLongAbs(final int index) {
        return (long) data[index]; // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_CAST_INT

    public Object getObjectAbs(final int index) {
        return data[index];

    public String getStringAbs(final int index) {
        return String.format("%.8g", data[index]); // FORMAT_STRING

     * Set a value at absolute index in the internal array. This is an internal method with no checks so can be
     * dangerous. Use with care or ideally with an iterator.
     * @param index
     *            absolute index
     * @param val
     *            new value
    public void setAbs(final int index, final float val) { // PRIM_TYPE
        data[index] = val;

    protected void setItemDirect(final int dindex, final int sindex, final Object src) {
        float[] dsrc = (float[]) src; // PRIM_TYPE
        data[dindex] = dsrc[sindex];

    public void setObjectAbs(final int index, final Object obj) {
        if (index < 0 || index > data.length) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index given is outside dataset");

        setAbs(index, (float) toReal(obj)); // FROM_OBJECT

     * @param pos
     * @return item in given position
    public float get(final int... pos) { // PRIM_TYPE
        return data[get1DIndex(pos)];

    public Object getObject(final int... pos) {
        return Float.valueOf(get(pos)); // CLASS_TYPE

    public double getDouble(final int... pos) {
        return get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_SAME_CAST // ADD_CAST

    public float getFloat(final int... pos) {
        return get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_REAL_CAST

    public long getLong(final int... pos) {
        return (long) get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_UPCAST

    public int getInt(final int... pos) {
        return (int) get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_UPCAST

    public short getShort(final int... pos) {
        return (short) get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_UPCAST

    public byte getByte(final int... pos) {
        return (byte) get(pos); // BOOLEAN_ZERO // OMIT_UPCAST

    public boolean getBoolean(final int... pos) {
        return get(pos) != 0; // BOOLEAN_FALSE

    public String getString(final int... pos) {
        return getStringAbs(get1DIndex(pos));

     * Sets the value at a particular point to the passed value. Note, this will automatically expand the dataset if the
     * given position is outside its bounds and make it discontiguous.
     * @param value
     * @param pos
    public void setItem(final float value, final int... pos) { // PRIM_TYPE
        try {
            if (!isPositionInShape(pos)) {
                int[] nshape = shape.clone();

                for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++)
                    if (pos[i] >= nshape[i])
                        nshape[i] = pos[i] + 1;

            setAbs(get1DIndex(pos), value);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Dimensionalities of requested position, %d, and dataset, %d, are incompatible",
                            pos.length, shape.length));
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index out of bounds - need to make dataset extendible");

    public void set(final Object obj, int... pos) {
        if (pos == null || pos.length == 0) {
            pos = new int[shape.length];

        setItem((float) toReal(obj), pos); // FROM_OBJECT

    private void allocateArray(final int... nshape) {
        if (data == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Data buffer in dataset is null");

        if (dataShape != null) {
            // see if reserved space is sufficient
            if (isShapeInDataShape(nshape)) {
                shape = nshape;
                size = calcSize(shape);
                if (Arrays.equals(shape, dataShape)) {
                    dataShape = null; // no reserved space

        final IndexIterator iter = getIterator();

        // not enough room so need to expand the allocated memory
        if (dataShape == null)
            dataShape = shape.clone();
        dataSize = calcSize(dataShape);

        final float[] ndata = createArray(dataSize); // PRIM_TYPE
        final int[] oshape = shape;

        // now this object has the new dimensions so specify them correctly
        shape = nshape;
        size = calcSize(nshape);

        // make sure that all the data is set to NaN, minimum value or false
        Arrays.fill(ndata, Float.NaN); // CLASS_TYPE // DEFAULT_VAL

        // now copy the data back to the correct positions
        final IndexIterator niter = getSliceIterator(null, oshape, null);

        while (niter.hasNext() && iter.hasNext())
            ndata[niter.index] = data[iter.index];

        odata = data = ndata;

        // if fully expanded then reset the reserved space dimensions
        if (dataSize == size) {
            dataShape = null;

    public void resize(int... newShape) {
        final IndexIterator iter = getIterator();
        final int nsize = calcSize(newShape);
        final float[] ndata = createArray(nsize); // PRIM_TYPE
        for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext() && i < nsize; i++) {
            ndata[i] = data[iter.index];

        odata = data = ndata;
        size = nsize;
        shape = newShape;
        dataShape = null;
        dataSize = size;

    public FloatDataset getSlice(final int[] start, final int[] stop, final int[] step) {
        return getSlice((SliceIterator) getSliceIterator(start, stop, step));

    public FloatDataset getSlice(final SliceIterator siter) {
        FloatDataset result = new FloatDataset(siter.getSliceShape());
        float[] rdata =; // PRIM_TYPE

        for (int i = 0; siter.hasNext(); i++)
            rdata[i] = data[siter.index];

        result.setName(name + ".slice");
        return result;

    public void fillDataset(AbstractDataset result, IndexIterator iter) {
        IndexIterator riter = result.getIterator();

        float[] rdata = ((FloatDataset) result).data; // PRIM_TYPE

        while (riter.hasNext() && iter.hasNext())
            rdata[riter.index] = data[iter.index];

    public FloatDataset setByBoolean(final Object obj, BooleanDataset selection) {
        if (obj instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            final AbstractDataset ds = (AbstractDataset) obj;
            final int length = ((Number) selection.sum()).intValue();
            if (length != ds.getSize()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Number of true items in selection does not match number of items in dataset");

            final IndexIterator oiter = ds.getIterator();
            final BooleanIterator biter = getBooleanIterator(selection);

            while (biter.hasNext() && oiter.hasNext()) {
                data[biter.index] = (float) ds.getElementDoubleAbs(oiter.index); // GET_ELEMENT_WITH_CAST
        } else {
            final float dv = (float) toReal(obj); // PRIM_TYPE // FROM_OBJECT
            final BooleanIterator biter = getBooleanIterator(selection);

            while (biter.hasNext()) {
                data[biter.index] = dv;
        return this;

    public FloatDataset setByIndex(final Object obj, IntegerDataset index) {
        if (obj instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            final AbstractDataset ds = (AbstractDataset) obj;
            if (index.getSize() != ds.getSize()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Number of true items in index dataset does not match number of items in dataset");

            final IndexIterator oiter = ds.getIterator();
            final IntegerIterator iter = new IntegerIterator(index, size);

            while (iter.hasNext() && oiter.hasNext()) {
                data[iter.index] = (float) ds.getElementDoubleAbs(oiter.index); // GET_ELEMENT_WITH_CAST
        } else {
            final float dv = (float) toReal(obj); // PRIM_TYPE // FROM_OBJECT
            IntegerIterator iter = new IntegerIterator(index, size);

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                data[iter.index] = dv;
        return this;

    public FloatDataset setSlice(final Object obj, final SliceIterator siter) {

        if (obj instanceof IDataset) {
            final IDataset ds = (IDataset) obj;
            final int[] oshape = ds.getShape();

            if (!areShapesCompatible(siter.getSliceShape(), oshape)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        String.format("Input dataset is not compatible with slice: %s cf %s",
                                Arrays.toString(oshape), Arrays.toString(siter.getSliceShape())));

            if (ds instanceof AbstractDataset) {
                final AbstractDataset ads = (AbstractDataset) ds;
                final IndexIterator oiter = ads.getIterator();

                while (siter.hasNext() && oiter.hasNext())
                    data[siter.index] = (float) ads.getElementDoubleAbs(oiter.index); // GET_ELEMENT_WITH_CAST
            } else {
                final IndexIterator oiter = new PositionIterator(oshape);
                final int[] pos = oiter.getPos();

                while (siter.hasNext() && oiter.hasNext())
                    data[siter.index] = ds.getFloat(pos); // PRIM_TYPE
        } else {
            try {
                float v = (float) toReal(obj); // PRIM_TYPE // FROM_OBJECT

                while (siter.hasNext())
                    data[siter.index] = v;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object for setting slice is not a dataset or number");
        return this;

    public void copyItemsFromAxes(final int[] pos, final boolean[] axes, final AbstractDataset dest) {
        float[] ddata = (float[]) dest.odata; // PRIM_TYPE

        SliceIterator siter = getSliceIteratorFromAxes(pos, axes);
        int[] sshape = squeezeShape(siter.getSliceShape(), false);

        IndexIterator diter = dest.getSliceIterator(null, sshape, null);

        if (ddata.length < calcSize(sshape)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("destination array is not large enough");

        while (siter.hasNext() && diter.hasNext())
            ddata[diter.index] = data[siter.index];

    public void setItemsOnAxes(final int[] pos, final boolean[] axes, final Object src) {
        float[] sdata = (float[]) src; // PRIM_TYPE

        SliceIterator siter = getSliceIteratorFromAxes(pos, axes);

        if (sdata.length < calcSize(siter.getSliceShape())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("destination array is not large enough");

        for (int i = 0; siter.hasNext(); i++) {
            data[siter.index] = sdata[i];

    private List<Integer> findPositions(final float value) { // PRIM_TYPE
        IndexIterator iter = getIterator();
        List<Integer> posns = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            if (data[iter.index] == value) {
        return posns;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public int[] maxPos() {
        if (storedValues == null) {
        Object o = storedValues.get("maxpos");
        List<Integer> max = null;
        if (o == null) {
            max = findPositions(max().floatValue()); // PRIM_TYPE
            // max = findPositions(max().intValue() != 0); // BOOLEAN_USE
            // max = findPositions(null); // OBJECT_USE
            storedValues.put("maxpos", max);
        } else if (o instanceof List<?>) {
            max = (ArrayList<Integer>) o;
        } else {
            throw new InternalError("Inconsistent internal state of stored values for statistics calculation");

        return getNDPosition(max.get(0)); // first maximum

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public int[] minPos() {
        if (storedValues == null) {
        Object o = storedValues.get("minpos");
        List<Integer> min = null;
        if (o == null) {
            min = findPositions(min().floatValue()); // PRIM_TYPE
            // min = findPositions(min().intValue() != 0); // BOOLEAN_USE
            // min = findPositions(null); // OBJECT_USE
            storedValues.put("minpos", min);
        } else if (o instanceof ArrayList<?>) {
            min = (ArrayList<Integer>) o;
        } else {
            throw new InternalError("Inconsistent internal state of stored values for statistics calculation");

        return getNDPosition(min.get(0)); // first minimum

     * @return true if dataset contains any NaNs
    public boolean containsNans() {
        IndexIterator iter = getIterator(); // REAL_ONLY
        while (iter.hasNext()) { // REAL_ONLY
            if (Float.isNaN(data[iter.index])) // CLASS_TYPE // REAL_ONLY
                return true; // REAL_ONLY
        } // REAL_ONLY
        return false;

     * @return true if dataset contains any Infs
    public boolean containsInfs() {
        IndexIterator iter = getIterator(); // REAL_ONLY
        while (iter.hasNext()) { // REAL_ONLY
            if (Float.isInfinite(data[iter.index])) // CLASS_TYPE // REAL_ONLY
                return true; // REAL_ONLY
        } // REAL_ONLY
        return false;

    public FloatDataset iadd(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;

            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] += bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index); // GET_ELEMENT
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] += v;
        return this;

    public FloatDataset isubtract(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;

            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] -= bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index); // GET_ELEMENT
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] -= v;
        return this;

    public FloatDataset imultiply(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;

            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] *= bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index); // GET_ELEMENT
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] *= v;
        return this;

    public FloatDataset idivide(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;

            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] /= bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index); // GET_ELEMENT // INT_EXCEPTION
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            // if (v == 0) { // INT_ZEROTEST
            //    fill(0); // INT_ZEROTEST
            // } else { // INT_ZEROTEST
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();

            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] /= v;
            // } // INT_ZEROTEST
        return this;

    public FloatDataset ifloor() {
        IndexIterator it1 = getIterator(); // REAL_ONLY
        // REAL_ONLY
        while (it1.hasNext()) { // REAL_ONLY
            data[it1.index] = (float) Math.floor(data[it1.index]); // PRIM_TYPE // REAL_ONLY // ADD_CAST
        } // REAL_ONLY
        setDirty(); // REAL_ONLY
        return this;

    public FloatDataset iremainder(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] %= bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index); // GET_ELEMENT // INT_EXCEPTION
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            // if (v == 0) { // INT_ZEROTEST
            //    fill(0); // INT_ZEROTEST
            // } else { // INT_ZEROTEST
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                data[it1.index] %= v;
            // } // INT_ZEROTEST
        return this;

    public FloatDataset ipower(final Object b) {
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                final double v = Math.pow(data[it1.index], bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index));
                // if (Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v)) { // INT_ZEROTEST
                //    data[it1.index] = 0; // INT_ZEROTEST
                // } else { // INT_ZEROTEST
                data[it1.index] = (float) v; // PRIM_TYPE_LONG // ADD_CAST
                // } // INT_ZEROTEST
        } else {
            double vr = toReal(b);
            double vi = toImag(b);
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            // BOOLEAN_OMIT
            if (vi == 0.) {
                while (it1.hasNext()) {
                    final double v = Math.pow(data[it1.index], vr);
                    // if (Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v)) { // INT_ZEROTEST
                    //    data[it1.index] = 0; // INT_ZEROTEST
                    // } else { // INT_ZEROTEST
                    data[it1.index] = (float) v; // PRIM_TYPE_LONG // ADD_CAST
                    // } // INT_ZEROTEST
            } else {
                Complex zv = new Complex(vr, vi);
                while (it1.hasNext()) {
                    Complex zd = new Complex(data[it1.index], 0.);
                    final double v = zd.pow(zv).getReal();
                    // if (Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v)) { // INT_ZEROTEST
                    //    data[it1.index] = 0; // INT_ZEROTEST
                    // } else { // INT_ZEROTEST
                    data[it1.index] = (float) v; // PRIM_TYPE_LONG // ADD_CAST
                    // } // INT_ZEROTEST
        return this;

    public double residual(final Object b) {
        double sum = 0;
        if (b instanceof AbstractDataset) {
            AbstractDataset bds = (AbstractDataset) b;

            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();
            IndexIterator it2 = bds.getIterator();

            double comp = 0;
            while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) {
                final double diff = data[it1.index] - bds.getElementDoubleAbs(it2.index);
                final double err = diff * diff - comp;
                final double temp = sum + err;
                comp = (temp - sum) - err;
                sum = temp;
        } else {
            final double v = toReal(b);
            IndexIterator it1 = getIterator();

            double comp = 0;
            while (it1.hasNext()) {
                final double diff = data[it1.index] - v;
                final double err = diff * diff - comp;
                final double temp = sum + err;
                comp = (temp - sum) - err;
                sum = temp;
        return sum;