uniol.apt.analysis.isomorphism.AbstractIsomorphismTest.java Source code

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Here is the source code for uniol.apt.analysis.isomorphism.AbstractIsomorphismTest.java


 * APT - Analysis of Petri Nets and labeled Transition systems
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013  Members of the project group APT
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

package uniol.apt.analysis.isomorphism;

import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasEntry;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs1A;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs1B;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs2A;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs2B;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs3A;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs3B;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs4A;
import static uniol.apt.BestNetCollection.getTs4B;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs1A;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs1B;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs2A;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs2B;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs3A;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs3B;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs4A;
import static uniol.apt.TestNetsForIsomorphism.getIsoTs4B;
import static uniol.apt.TestTSCollection.getSingleStateTS;
import static uniol.apt.TestTSCollection.getSingleStateTSWithLoop;
import static uniol.apt.TestTSCollection.getSingleStateWithUnreachableTS;
import static uniol.apt.TestTSCollection.getTwoStateCycleSameLabelTS;
import static uniol.apt.adt.matcher.Matchers.nodeWithID;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.BidiMap;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import uniol.apt.adt.ts.State;
import uniol.apt.adt.ts.TransitionSystem;

 * Collection of nets to test the isomorphism-module
 * notation:
 * weak isomorphism: isomorphism, that ignores labels
 * strong isomorphism: isomorphism, that doesn't ignore labels
 * @author Maike Schwammberger
public abstract class AbstractIsomorphismTest {

    // Test strong isomorphism (which includes weak isomorphism)
    abstract protected BidiMap<State, State> testIsomorphism(TransitionSystem lts1, TransitionSystem lts2);

    // Test weak isomorphism, but non-strong isomorphism.
    abstract protected BidiMap<State, State> testWeakIsomorphism(TransitionSystem lts1, TransitionSystem lts2);

    // Test not non-weak isomorphism (which includes non-strong isomorphism)
    abstract protected void testNonWeakIsomorphism(TransitionSystem lts1, TransitionSystem lts2);

    //Tests for strong isomorphic nets:

    public void testIsomorphicWithItSelf() {
        BidiMap<State, State> isomorphism = testIsomorphism(getTs3A(), getTs3A());
        assertTrue(isomorphism.size() == 3);
        assertThat(isomorphism, allOf(hasEntry(nodeWithID("s0"), nodeWithID("s0")),
                hasEntry(nodeWithID("s1"), nodeWithID("s1")), hasEntry(nodeWithID("s2"), nodeWithID("s2"))));

    public void testIsomorphicNets1() {
        BidiMap<State, State> isomorphism = testIsomorphism(getTs3A(), getTs3B());
        assertTrue(isomorphism.size() == 3);
        assertThat(isomorphism, allOf(hasEntry(nodeWithID("s0"), nodeWithID("s0")),
                hasEntry(nodeWithID("s1"), nodeWithID("s1")), hasEntry(nodeWithID("s2"), nodeWithID("s2"))));

     * The nets IsoNet1A and IsoNet1B are identically,
     * except that the labels are exchanged.
    public void testIsomorphicNets2() {
        BidiMap<State, State> isomorphism = testIsomorphism(getIsoTs1A(), getIsoTs1B());
        assertTrue(isomorphism.size() == 1);
        assertThat(isomorphism, hasEntry(nodeWithID("s0"), nodeWithID("s0")));

    public void testIsomorphicNets3() {
        BidiMap<State, State> isomorphism = testIsomorphism(getIsoTs2A(), getIsoTs2B());
        assertTrue(isomorphism.size() == 1);
        assertThat(isomorphism, hasEntry(nodeWithID("s0"), nodeWithID("s0")));

    // Tests for non isomorphic nets (neither weak nor strong isomorphism):

     * A net with one transition and no place isn't isomorphic to another
     * net with one place and no transition.
    public void testEmptyNet() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getSingleStateTS(), getSingleStateTSWithLoop());

    public void testNonIsomorphicNets1() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getTs1A(), getTs1B());

    public void testNonIsomorphicNets2() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getTs2A(), getTs2B());

    public void testNonIsomorphicNets3() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getTs4A(), getTs4B());

    //Tests for (non) weak isomorphism

     * Test to check, if the initial nodes are mapped correctly
     * (IsoNet3A and IsoNet4a have isomorphic reachability graphs,
     * but their initial nodes don't map to each other)
    public void testNonIsomorphicNets3Own() {
        BidiMap<State, State> isomorphism = testWeakIsomorphism(getIsoTs3A(), getIsoTs3B());
        assertTrue(isomorphism.size() == 2);
                allOf(hasEntry(nodeWithID("s0"), nodeWithID("s0")), hasEntry(nodeWithID("s1"), nodeWithID("s1"))));

     * IsoNet4A and IsoNet4B are "almost isomorphic". There is just a single edge of difference
     * and that edge is not easily reachable, but needs four firings before it appears.
    public void testNonIsomorphicNets4() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getIsoTs4A(), getIsoTs4B());

    public void testNotReachableTS() {
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(getTwoStateCycleSameLabelTS(), getSingleStateWithUnreachableTS());

    public void testLoopVsNonLoop1() {
        TransitionSystem ts1 = new TransitionSystem();
        ts1.createStates("s0", "s1");
        ts1.createArc("s0", "s1", "a");

        TransitionSystem ts2 = new TransitionSystem(ts1);
        ts2.createArc("s1", "s1", "a");

        testNonWeakIsomorphism(ts1, ts2);
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(ts2, ts1);

    public void testLoopVsNonLoop2() {
        TransitionSystem ts1 = new TransitionSystem();
        ts1.createStates("s0", "s1");
        ts1.createArc("s0", "s1", "a");

        TransitionSystem ts2 = new TransitionSystem(ts1);
        ts1.createArc("s1", "s0", "a");
        ts2.createArc("s1", "s1", "a");

        testNonWeakIsomorphism(ts1, ts2);
        testNonWeakIsomorphism(ts2, ts1);


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