uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.SynthesizePN.java Source code

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Here is the source code for uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.SynthesizePN.java


 * APT - Analysis of Petri Nets and labeled Transition systems
 * Copyright (C) 2014  Uli Schlachter
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

package uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize;

import static org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators.PeekingIterator.peekingIterator;
import static uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.LimitedUnfolding.ORIGINAL_STATE_KEY;
import static uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.LimitedUnfolding.calculateLimitedUnfolding;
import static uniol.apt.util.DebugUtil.debug;
import static uniol.apt.util.DebugUtil.debugFormat;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.FactoryUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators.PeekingIterator;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.map.LazyMap;

import uniol.apt.adt.pn.PetriNet;
import uniol.apt.adt.pn.Place;
import uniol.apt.adt.pn.Transition;
import uniol.apt.adt.ts.State;
import uniol.apt.adt.ts.TransitionSystem;
import uniol.apt.analysis.bcf.BCF;
import uniol.apt.analysis.bicf.BiCF;
import uniol.apt.analysis.bounded.Bounded;
import uniol.apt.analysis.cf.ConflictFree;
import uniol.apt.analysis.coverability.CoverabilityGraph;
import uniol.apt.analysis.exception.NonDeterministicException;
import uniol.apt.analysis.exception.PreconditionFailedException;
import uniol.apt.analysis.exception.UnboundedException;
import uniol.apt.analysis.homogeneous.Homogeneous;
import uniol.apt.analysis.isomorphism.IsomorphismLogic;
import uniol.apt.analysis.language.LanguageEquivalence;
import uniol.apt.analysis.mf.MergeFree;
import uniol.apt.analysis.on.OutputNonBranching;
import uniol.apt.analysis.plain.Plain;
import uniol.apt.analysis.separation.LargestK;
import uniol.apt.analysis.sideconditions.Pure;
import uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.separation.SeparationUtility;
import uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.separation.Synthesizer;
import uniol.apt.util.EquivalenceRelation;
import uniol.apt.util.Pair;
import uniol.apt.util.interrupt.InterrupterRegistry;

 * Synthesize a Petri Net from a transition system.
 * @author Uli Schlachter
public class SynthesizePN {
    private final TransitionSystem ts;
    private final RegionUtility utility;
    private final boolean onlyEventSeparation;
    private final Set<Region> regions;
    private final EquivalenceRelation<State> failedStateSeparationRelation = new EquivalenceRelation<>();
    private final Map<String, Set<State>> failedEventStateSeparationProblems = new HashMap<>();
    private final PNProperties properties;

     * Builder class for creating instances of SynthesizePN. You create an instance of this class via {@link
     * createForIsomorphicBehaviour} or {@link createForLanguageEquivalence}, give it all the state that you want
     * and then use one of the {@link #build()} method to create a SynthesizePN instance.
    static public class Builder {
        private RegionUtility utility;
        private PNProperties properties = new PNProperties();
        private boolean quickFail = false;
        private final Set<Region> extraRegions = new HashSet<>();
        private final boolean languageEquivalence;

         * Create a builder that targets the given RegionUtility and will synthesize up to isomorphic behaviour.
         * @param utility The region utility whose transition system should be synthesized.
         * @return A new builder instance
        static public Builder createForIsomorphicBehaviour(RegionUtility utility) {
            return new Builder(utility, false);

         * Create a builder that targets the given TransitionSystem and will synthesize up to isomorphic
         * behaviour.
         * @param ts The transition system that should be synthesized.
         * @return A new builder instance
        static public Builder createForIsomorphicBehaviour(TransitionSystem ts) {
            return new Builder(ts, false);

         * Create a builder that targets the given RegionUtility and will synthesize up to language equivalence.
         * The transition system that the region utility targets must already be a limited unfolding!
         * @param utility The region utility whose transition system should be synthesized.
         * @return A new builder instance
        static public Builder createForLanguageEquivalence(RegionUtility utility) {
            return new Builder(utility, true);

         * Create a builder that targets the given TransitionSystem and will synthesize up to language
         * equivalence.
         * @param ts The transition system that should be synthesized.
         * @return A new builder instance
         * @throws NonDeterministicException if the transition system is non-deterministic
         * @see LimitedUnfolding#calculateLimitedUnfolding
        static public Builder createForLanguageEquivalence(TransitionSystem ts) throws NonDeterministicException {
            return new Builder(calculateLimitedUnfolding(ts), true);

        private Builder(TransitionSystem ts, boolean languageEquivalence) {
            this(new RegionUtility(ts), languageEquivalence);

        private Builder(RegionUtility utility, boolean languageEquivalence) {
            this.utility = utility;
            this.languageEquivalence = languageEquivalence;

         * Set required properties for the synthesized Petri net.
         * @param props the properties to satisfy.
         * @return this
        public Builder setProperties(PNProperties props) {
            this.properties = props;
            return this;

         * Get the required properties for the synthesized Petri net. The instance returned by this method may
         * be modified directly and the modifications will apply to this builder.
         * @return The properties that the synthesized net should currently satisfy.
        public PNProperties getProperties() {
            return this.properties;

         * Get the region utility that will be used for Petri net synthesis.
         * @return The region utility.
        public RegionUtility getRegionUtility() {
            return this.utility;

         * Set the quick fail mode for the SynthesizePN instance. Use quick fail mode if only the result from
         * {@link SynthesizePN#wasSuccessfullySeparated()} is interesting for you. In this case, SynthesizePN
         * will stop after the first failure instead of going through all separation problems and trying to
         * solve them.
         * The quick fail mode default to false.
         * @param qf the new value for the quick fail mode.
         * @return this
        public Builder setQuickFail(boolean qf) {
            this.quickFail = qf;
            return this;

         * Add an already-known region to this builder. If some regions are already known, adding them can speed
         * up the Petri net synthesis.
         * @param r The region that should be added.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given region belongs to a different RegionUtility
         * @throws InvalidRegionException If the given region is not valid
         * @return this
        public Builder addRegion(Region r) throws InvalidRegionException {
            if (!r.getRegionUtility().equals(utility))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given region belongs to a different region utility");
            return this;

         * Create a SynthesizePN instance for the current configuration of this builder.
         * @return A SynthesizePN instance that synthesize the input as configured in this builder.
         * @throws MissingLocationException if the transition system for the utility has locations for only some
         * events
        public SynthesizePN build() throws MissingLocationException {
            if (languageEquivalence)
                return new SynthesizePN(utility, properties, true, ORIGINAL_STATE_KEY, quickFail, extraRegions);
                return new SynthesizePN(utility, properties, false, null, quickFail, extraRegions);

     * Synthesize a Petri Net which generates the given transition system.
     * @param utility An instance of RegionUtility for the requested transition system.
     * @param properties Properties that the synthesized Petri net should satisfy.
     * @param onlyEventSeparation Should state separation be ignored? This means that two different states might get
     * the same marking.
     * @param stateMappingExtension An extension key that will be used to map States. All states in the input
     * transition system must have this extension and it must refer to a State object.
     * @param quickFail If true, stop the calculation as soon as it is known that it won't be successful. If false,
     * try to solve all separation problems. Only if true will the list of failed problems be fully filled.
     * @param extraRegions Some already known regions that should be re-used.
     * @throws MissingLocationException if the transition system for the utility has locations for only some events
    SynthesizePN(RegionUtility utility, PNProperties properties, boolean onlyEventSeparation,
            String stateMappingExtension, boolean quickFail, Set<Region> extraRegions)
            throws MissingLocationException {
        this.ts = utility.getTransitionSystem();
        this.utility = utility;
        this.onlyEventSeparation = onlyEventSeparation;
        this.properties = properties;
        this.regions = new HashSet<>(extraRegions);

        debug("Input regions: ", regions);

        Synthesizer synthesizer = SeparationUtility.createSynthesizerInstance(utility, properties,
                onlyEventSeparation, quickFail);

        // Handle unsolvable state separation problems
        for (Set<State> group : synthesizer.getUnsolvableStateSeparationProblems()) {
            Iterator<State> iter = group.iterator();
            if (!iter.hasNext())
            State first = mapState(stateMappingExtension, iter.next());
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                State next = mapState(stateMappingExtension, iter.next());
                failedStateSeparationRelation.joinClasses(first, next);

        // Handle unsolvable event/state separation problems
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<State>> entry : synthesizer.getUnsolvableEventStateSeparationProblems()
                .entrySet()) {
            Set<State> states = entry.getValue();
            if (states.isEmpty())
            Set<State> mappedStates = new HashSet<>();
            for (State state : states) {
                mappedStates.add(mapState(stateMappingExtension, state));
            failedEventStateSeparationProblems.put(entry.getKey(), mappedStates);

    private State mapState(String stateMappingExtension, State state) {
        if (stateMappingExtension == null)
            return state;
        return (State) state.getExtension(stateMappingExtension);

     * Calculate the set of states which aren't separated by the given regions.
     * @param states The states to separate
     * @param regions The regions that are used for separation
     * @return All states which have for at least one other state the same marking in all regions.
    static public Set<State> calculateUnseparatedStates(Set<State> states, Set<Region> regions) {
        Set<State> result = new HashSet<>();
        Set<Set<State>> partition = new HashSet<>();
        partition.add(new HashSet<>(states));

        debug("Calculating unseparated states");
        for (Region region : regions) {
            int discarded = 0;
            Set<Set<State>> newPartition = new HashSet<>();
            for (Set<State> family : partition) {

                // Separate this family by the given region: States to which this region assigns
                // different markings are separated.
                Map<Integer, Set<State>> markings = LazyMap.lazyMap(new HashMap<Integer, Set<State>>(),
                        FactoryUtils.prototypeFactory(new HashSet<State>()));
                for (State state : family) {
                    try {
                    } catch (UnreachableException e) {
                        // SSP with any unreachable state is unsolvable
                        return states;

                // Now collect families of not-yet-separated states
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<State>> entry : markings.entrySet()) {
                    if (entry.getValue().size() > 1)

            partition = newPartition;
            debugFormat("After region %s, still have %d families " + "(%d resulting singular families discarded)",
                    region, partition.size(), discarded);
            if (partition.isEmpty())

        // All remaining states are not yet separated. Throw away the family information and return them all.
        for (Set<State> family : partition)

        return result;

     * Calculate definitely required regions and for each remaining separation problem all regions which solve this
     * problem.
     * @param ts The transition system that is being solved.
     * @param separationProblems For each still unsolved separation problem, the set of all regions that solve it is
     * calculated and added to this argument.
     * @param requiredRegions Regions which are definitely required will be added to this set.
     * @param remainingRegions Regions to choose from and if they are definitely required to move to
     * requiredRegions.
     * @param onlyEventSeparation Should state separation be ignored?
    static private void calculateRequiredRegionsAndProblems(TransitionSystem ts,
            Set<Set<Region>> separationProblems, Set<Region> requiredRegions, Set<Region> remainingRegions,
            boolean onlyEventSeparation) {
        // Event separation
        problemLoop: for (Pair<State, String> problem : new EventStateSeparationProblems(ts)) {

            State state = problem.getFirst();
            String event = problem.getSecond();
            // Does one of our required regions already solve ESSP? If so, skip
            for (Region r : requiredRegions) {
                if (SeparationUtility.isSeparatingRegion(r, state, event))
                    continue problemLoop;
            // Calculate which of the remaining regions solves this ESSP instance
            Set<Region> sep = new HashSet<>();
            for (Region r : remainingRegions) {
                if (SeparationUtility.isSeparatingRegion(r, state, event))
            if (sep.size() == 1) {
                // If only one region solves this problem, that region is required
                Region r = sep.iterator().next();
            } else if (!sep.isEmpty())

        if (onlyEventSeparation)

        // State separation
        // All regions which are already separated by our requiredRegions can be skipped, so use
        // calculateUnseparatedStates() to look at the rest.
        Set<State> remainingStates = new HashSet<>(calculateUnseparatedStates(ts.getNodes(), requiredRegions));
        Iterator<State> iterator = remainingStates.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

            State state = iterator.next();

            innerStatesLoop: for (State otherState : remainingStates) {
                // Does one of our required regions already solve SSP? If so, skip
                for (Region r : requiredRegions) {
                    if (SeparationUtility.isSeparatingRegion(r, state, otherState))
                        continue innerStatesLoop;
                // Calculate which of the remaining regions solves SSP for this instance
                Set<Region> sep = new HashSet<>();
                for (Region r : remainingRegions) {
                    if (SeparationUtility.isSeparatingRegion(r, state, otherState))
                if (sep.size() == 1) {
                    // If only one region solves this problem, that region is required
                    Region r = sep.iterator().next();
                } else if (!sep.isEmpty())

     * Try to eliminate redundant regions.
     * @param ts The transition system that is being solved.
     * @param requiredRegions Set of regions to minimize. Redundant regions will be removed.
     * @param onlyEventSeparation Should state separation be ignored?
    static public void minimizeRegions(TransitionSystem ts, Set<Region> requiredRegions,
            boolean onlyEventSeparation) {
        int numInputRegions = requiredRegions.size();
        Set<Region> remainingRegions = new HashSet<>(requiredRegions);

        // Build a list where each entry is generated from a separation problem and contains all regions that
        // solve this problem.
        Set<Set<Region>> separationProblems = new HashSet<>();
        calculateRequiredRegionsAndProblems(ts, separationProblems, requiredRegions, remainingRegions,

        debug("Required regions after first pass:");
        debug("List of regions that solve each remaining separation problem:");

        // Now go through all remaining problems again
        for (Set<Region> problem : separationProblems) {
            // If none of our required regions solve this problem, we pick one arbitrarily that does
            if (Collections.disjoint(requiredRegions, problem))

        debug("List of required regions:");
        debugFormat("Picked %d required regions out of %d input regions", requiredRegions.size(), numInputRegions);

     * Get all separating regions which were calculated
     * @return All separating regions found.
    public Set<Region> getSeparatingRegions() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(regions);

     * Check if the transition system was successfully separated.
     * @return True if the transition was successfully separated.
    public boolean wasSuccessfullySeparated() {
        return failedStateSeparationRelation.isEmpty() && failedEventStateSeparationProblems.isEmpty();

     * Get all the state separation problems which could not be solved.
     * @return A set containing sets of two states which cannot be differentiated by any region.
    public Collection<Set<State>> getFailedStateSeparationProblems() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(failedStateSeparationRelation);

     * Get all the event/state separation problems which could not be solved.
     * @return A set containing instances of the event/state separation problem.
    public Map<String, Set<State>> getFailedEventStateSeparationProblems() {
        // This would still allow modifying the entries of the map. Whatever...
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(failedEventStateSeparationProblems);

     * Get the RegionUtility instance used for synthesis.
     * @return The region utility.
    public RegionUtility getUtility() {
        return utility;

     * Get the properties that were requested from synthesis.
     * @return The properties.
    public PNProperties getProperties() {
        return properties;

     * Was only event/state separation solved or also state separation?
     * @return true if only event/state separation was solved
    public boolean onlyEventSeparation() {
        return onlyEventSeparation;

     * Check if the PetriNet is a distributed implementation
     * @param utility The region utility that defines the required distribution
     * @param properties The properties instance to use; this is needed to handle ON correctly.
     * @param pn The PetriNet to check
     * @return true if the pn is suitably distributed.
    static public boolean isDistributedImplementation(RegionUtility utility, PNProperties properties, PetriNet pn) {
        String[] locationMap;
        try {
            locationMap = SeparationUtility.getLocationMap(utility, properties);
        } catch (MissingLocationException e) {
            debug("Couldn't get location map");
            return false;

        // All transitions that consume tokens from the same place must have the same location.
        for (Place p : pn.getPlaces()) {

            String location = null;
            debug("Examining preset of place ", p, " for obeying the required distribution");
            for (Transition t : p.getPostset()) {
                int event = utility.getEventIndex(t.getLabel());
                if (locationMap[event] == null)
                if (location == null) {
                    location = locationMap[event];
                    debug("Transition ", t, " sets location to ", location);
                } else if (!location.equals(locationMap[event])) {
                    debug("Transition ", t, " would set location to ", locationMap[event],
                            ", but this conflicts with earlier location");
                    debug("PN is not a distributed implementation!");
                    return false;

        return true;

     * Check if the PetriNet is a generalized T-Net. In a T-Net, every place has a preset and postset with at most
     * one entry. In a generalized T-Net, arc weights are allowed.
     * @param pn The Petri net to check
     * @return true if the pn is a generalized T-Net.
    static public boolean isGeneralizedTNet(PetriNet pn) {
        for (Place place : pn.getPlaces()) {
            // is here a merge?
            if (place.getPreset().size() > 1) {
                debug("T-Net check: There is a merge at ", place.getId());
                return false;
            // is here a conflict?
            if (place.getPostset().size() > 1) {
                debug("T-Net check: There is a conflict at ", place.getId());
                return false;
        return true;

     * Check if the PetriNet is a generalized marked graph. In a marked graph, every place has a preset and postset
     * with exacly one entry. In a generalized marked graph, arc weights are allowed.
     * @param pn The Petri net to check
     * @return true if the pn is a generalized marked graph.
    static public boolean isGeneralizedMarkedGraph(PetriNet pn) {
        for (Place place : pn.getPlaces()) {
            if (place.getPreset().size() != 1) {
                debug("marked graph check: Preset of ", place.getId(), " doesn't have exactly one entry");
                return false;
            if (place.getPostset().size() != 1) {
                debug("marked graph check: Postset of ", place.getId(), " doesn't have exactly one entry");
                return false;
        return true;

    // Assert that all regions are valid; this is done in an extra function so that we do not even iterate over all
    // regions when assertions are disabled.
    static private boolean regionsAreValid(Collection<Region> regions) {
        for (Region region : regions)
            try {
            } catch (InvalidRegionException e) {
                throw new AssertionError(e);
        return true;

     * Synthesize a Petri Net from the separating regions that were calculated.
     * @return The synthesized PetriNet
    public PetriNet synthesizePetriNet() {
        if (!wasSuccessfullySeparated())
            return null;
        return synthesizePetriNet(regions);

     * Synthesize a Petri net from the given regions, checking that it is indeed a valid solution.
     * @param regions The regions that should be used for synthesis.
     * @return The synthesized PetriNet
    public PetriNet synthesizePetriNet(Set<Region> regions) {
        PetriNet pn = synthesizePetriNet(utility, regions);

        // Test if all regions are valid
        assert regionsAreValid(regions);

        // Test if the synthesized PN really satisfies all the properties that it should
        assert !properties.isPure() || Pure.checkPure(pn) : regions;
        assert !properties.isPlain() || new Plain().checkPlain(pn) : regions;
        assert !properties.isTNet() || isGeneralizedTNet(pn) : regions;
        assert !properties.isMarkedGraph() || isGeneralizedMarkedGraph(pn) : regions;
        assert !properties.isKBounded() || Bounded.checkBounded(pn).k <= properties.getKForKBounded() : regions;
        assert !properties.isOutputNonbranching() || new OutputNonBranching(pn).check() : regions;
        assert !properties.isMergeFree() || new MergeFree().check(pn) : regions;
        try {
            assert !properties.isConflictFree() || new ConflictFree(pn).check() : regions;
        } catch (PreconditionFailedException e) {
            assert false : regions;
        assert !properties.isHomogeneous() || new Homogeneous().check(pn) == null : regions;

        try {
            assert !properties.isBehaviourallyConflictFree() || new BCF().check(pn) == null : regions;
            assert !properties.isBinaryConflictFree() || new BiCF().check(pn) == null : regions;

            if (!onlyEventSeparation)
                // The resulting PN should always have a reachability graph isomorphic to the ts
                assert new IsomorphismLogic(CoverabilityGraph.get(pn).toReachabilityLTS(), ts, true)
                        .isIsomorphic() : regions;
                // The resulting PN should be language-equivalent to what we started with
                assert LanguageEquivalence.checkLanguageEquivalence(CoverabilityGraph.get(pn).toReachabilityLTS(),
                        ts) == null : regions;
        } catch (UnboundedException e) {
            assert false : regions;

        assert isDistributedImplementation(utility, properties, pn) : regions;
        assert new LargestK(pn).computeLargestK() % properties.getKForKMarking() == 0 : properties.getKForKMarking()
                + "-marking: " + regions;

        return pn;

     * Synthesize a Petri Net from the given regions.
     * @param utility An instance of RegionUtility for the requested transition system.
     * @param regions The regions that should be used for synthesis.
     * @return The synthesized PetriNet
    public static PetriNet synthesizePetriNet(RegionUtility utility, Set<Region> regions) {
        PetriNet pn = new PetriNet();

        debug("Synthesizing PetriNet from these regions:");

        // First generate the transitions so that isolated transitions do get created
        for (String event : utility.getEventList())

        for (Region region : regions) {
            Place place = pn.createPlace();
            place.putExtension(Region.class.getName(), region);

            for (String event : region.getRegionUtility().getEventList()) {
                Transition transition = pn.getTransition(event);
                int backward = bigIntToInt(region.getBackwardWeight(event));
                assert backward >= 0;
                if (backward > 0)
                    pn.createFlow(place, transition, backward);

                int forward = bigIntToInt(region.getForwardWeight(event));
                assert forward >= 0;
                if (forward > 0)
                    pn.createFlow(transition, place, forward);

        return pn;

    private static long bigIntToLong(BigInteger value) {
        if (value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0
                || value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)) < 0)
            throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot represent value as long: " + value);
        return value.longValue();

    private static int bigIntToInt(BigInteger value) {
        if (value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > 0
                || value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)) < 0)
            throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot represent value as int: " + value);
        return value.intValue();

     * Iterable for iterating over all event/state separation problems of a transition system. An event/state
     * separation problem consists of a state and an event that is not enabled in this state.
    static public class EventStateSeparationProblems implements Iterable<Pair<State, String>> {
        private final TransitionSystem ts;

         * Construct a new instance of this iterable for the given transition system.
         * @param ts The transition system whose ESSP instances should be returned.
        public EventStateSeparationProblems(TransitionSystem ts) {
            this.ts = ts;

        public Iterator<Pair<State, String>> iterator() {
            return new Iterator<Pair<State, String>>() {
                private Iterator<State> states = ts.getNodes().iterator();
                private State currentState = null;
                private PeekingIterator<String> alphabet = null;

                public boolean hasNext() {
                    while (true) {
                        if (alphabet == null || !alphabet.hasNext()) {
                            if (!states.hasNext())
                                return false;

                            currentState = states.next();
                            alphabet = peekingIterator(ts.getAlphabet().iterator());
                        } else {
                            if (!SeparationUtility.isEventEnabled(currentState, alphabet.peek()))
                                return true;

                public Pair<State, String> next() {
                    if (!hasNext())
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    return new Pair<>(currentState, alphabet.next());

                public void remove() {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

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