uta.ak.usttmp.dmcore.task.QuartzMiningJob.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for uta.ak.usttmp.dmcore.task.QuartzMiningJob.java


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package uta.ak.usttmp.dmcore.task;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.quartz.DisallowConcurrentExecution;
import org.quartz.Job;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.PersistJobDataAfterExecution;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.model.MiningTask;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.dao.mapper.MiningTaskRowMapper;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.dao.mapper.RawTextRowMapper;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.exception.UsttmpProcessException;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.model.EvolutionRelationship;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.model.RawText;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.model.Text;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.model.Topic;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.processInterface.MiningComponent;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.processInterface.PreprocessComponent;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.processInterface.TrackingComponent;
import uta.ak.usttmp.common.service.TopicMiningService;
import uta.ak.usttmp.dmcore.service.MiningTaskService;

 * @author zhangcong
public class QuartzMiningJob implements Job {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QuartzMiningJob.class);

    // Spring ApplicationContext
    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private long miningTaskId;
    private String jobName;

    //    private TopicMiningService topicMiningService;
    //    private TopicEvolutionService topicEvolutionService;

    private PreprocessComponent preprocessComponent;
    private MiningComponent miningComponent;
    private TrackingComponent trackingComponent;

    private MiningTaskService miningTaskService;
    private TopicMiningService topicMiningService;

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext jec) {

        //====== statistic time ======
        Date statisticStartTime = new Date();
        Date preprocessTime = new Date();
        Date miningTime = new Date();
        Date trackingTime = new Date();

        long statistic_TotalNum = 0;

        String updateSql = "UPDATE `c_miningtask`  " + "SET `qrtz_job_name` = ?,  "
                + " `qrtz_job_exec_count` = ?,  " + " `status` = ?  " + "WHERE  " + "   `mme_eid` = ?;";

        DataSource ds = null;
        JdbcTemplate jt = null;

        int nextExecCount = 0;
        int totalExecCount = 0;

        boolean hasPC = false;
        boolean hasTC = false;

        MiningTask mt;

        try {

            miningTaskId = Long.parseLong((String) jec.getMergedJobDataMap().get("miningTaskId"));
            jobName = (String) jec.getMergedJobDataMap().get("jobName");

            applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");

            ds = (DataSource) applicationContext.getBean("dataSource");
            jt = new JdbcTemplate(ds);

            //Load Miningtask
            String querySql = "select * from c_miningtask where mme_eid=?";
            mt = (MiningTask) jt.queryForObject(querySql, new Object[] { miningTaskId }, new MiningTaskRowMapper());

            if (mt.getQrtzJobExecCount() == mt.getQrtzJobTotalCount()) {
            totalExecCount = mt.getQrtzJobTotalCount();

            if (null != mt.getPreprocessComponent() && !"NONE".equals(mt.getPreprocessComponent().toUpperCase())) {
                hasPC = true;
            if (null != mt.getTrackingComponent() && !"NONE".equals(mt.getTrackingComponent().toUpperCase())) {
                hasTC = true;

            List<Text> textList;
            List<Topic> topicList;

            if (hasPC) {
                preprocessComponent = (PreprocessComponent) applicationContext.getBean(mt.getPreprocessComponent());

            miningComponent = (MiningComponent) applicationContext.getBean(mt.getMiningComponent());

            if (hasTC) {
                trackingComponent = (TrackingComponent) applicationContext.getBean(mt.getTrackingComponent());

            miningTaskService = (MiningTaskService) applicationContext.getBean("miningTaskService");

            topicMiningService = (TopicMiningService) applicationContext.getBean("topicMiningService");

            nextExecCount = mt.getQrtzJobExecCount() + 1;

            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            //Calculate the time period
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, mt.getMiningInterval() * mt.getQrtzJobExecCount());
            Date startTime = cal.getTime();
            cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, mt.getMiningInterval() * nextExecCount);
            Date endTime = cal.getTime();

             * 1. Preprocess text data                                    *
            String sTag = mt.getId() + "_" + mt.getTag();

            //Clear the text table if there is existed text.
            String clearTextSQL = "DELETE " + "FROM " + "   c_text " + "WHERE " + "   ( "
                    + "       text_createdate " + "      BETWEEN ? " + "      AND ? " + "   ) " + "AND tag = ?";
            jt.update(clearTextSQL, formatter.format(startTime), formatter.format(endTime), sTag);

            System.out.println("Query raw text records...");
            String querySQL = "SELECT " + "   * " + "FROM " + "   c_rawtext " + "WHERE " + "   ( "
                    + "       text_createdate " + "      BETWEEN ? " + "      AND ? " + "   ) " + "AND tag = ?";

            List<RawText> rawTextList = jt.query(querySQL,
                    new Object[] { formatter.format(startTime), formatter.format(endTime), mt.getTag() },
                    new RawTextRowMapper());

            //if no raw text to be mined, then return
            if (null == rawTextList || rawTextList.isEmpty()) {
                int nowStatus = (nextExecCount == totalExecCount) ? MiningTask.STATUS_COMPLETED
                        : MiningTask.STATUS_RUNNING;
                //Update task status
                jt.update(updateSql, jobName, nextExecCount, nowStatus, miningTaskId);

            statistic_TotalNum = (null != rawTextList) ? rawTextList.size() : 0;

            if (hasPC) {

                textList = preprocessComponent.preprocess(mt, rawTextList);
            } else {

                textList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (RawText rt : rawTextList) {
                    Text tx = new Text();


            //if no text to be mined, then return
            if (null == textList || textList.isEmpty()) {
                int nowStatus = (nextExecCount == totalExecCount) ? MiningTask.STATUS_COMPLETED
                        : MiningTask.STATUS_RUNNING;
                //Update task status
                jt.update(updateSql, jobName, nextExecCount, nowStatus, miningTaskId);

            List<Object[]> text_lines = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Text tx : textList) {
                Object[] ojarr = new Object[] { tx.getTitle(), tx.getText(), sTag,
                        String.valueOf(tx.getRawTextId()), formatter.format(tx.getCreateTime()) };

            String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO c_text(mme_lastupdate, mme_updater, title, text, tag, rawtext_id, text_createdate) "
                    + "VALUES (NOW(), \"USTTMP\", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

            System.out.println("Start to insert text records...");
            jt.batchUpdate(insertSQL, text_lines);

            //statistic time
            preprocessTime = new Date();

             * 2. Mining topics                                           *

            //Clear the existed topics

            String clearTopicSQL = "DELETE " + "FROM " + "   c_topic " + "WHERE "
                    + "miningtask_id=? AND seq_no = ?";
            jt.update(clearTopicSQL, miningTaskId, nextExecCount);

            topicList = miningComponent.generateTopics(mt, textList);

            String insertTpSQL = "INSERT INTO `c_topic` ( " + "   `mme_lastupdate`, " + "   `mme_updater`, "
                    + "   `name`, " + "   `content`, " + "   `remark`, " + "   `miningtask_id`, " + "   `seq_no` "
                    + ") " + "VALUES " + "   (NOW(), 'USTTMP' ,?,?,?,?,?)";

            List<Object[]> tpArgsList = new ArrayList<>();

            for (Topic tm : topicList) {
                Object[] objarr = new Object[] { tm.getName(), tm.toString(),
                        (null != tm.getRemark()) ? tm.getRemark() : "", miningTaskId, nextExecCount };

            System.out.println("Inserting records into the c_topic table...");
            jt.batchUpdate(insertTpSQL, tpArgsList);

            //statistic time
            miningTime = new Date();

             * 3. Evolution tracking                                      *

            if (hasTC) {
                if (nextExecCount > 1) {
                    if (null != topicList && !topicList.isEmpty()) {

                        int preTopicSeq = nextExecCount - 1;
                        int nextTopicSeq = nextExecCount;

                        //Clear existed topic evolution rela
                        String clearEvSQL = "DELETE " + "FROM " + "   c_topicevolutionrela " + "WHERE "
                                + "   miningtask_id =? " + "AND pre_topic_seq =? " + "AND next_topic_seq =?";
                        jt.update(clearEvSQL, miningTaskId, preTopicSeq, nextTopicSeq);

                        List<Topic> preTopics = topicMiningService.getTopics(miningTaskId, preTopicSeq);
                        List<Topic> nextTopics = topicMiningService.getTopics(miningTaskId, nextTopicSeq);

                        if (null == preTopics || preTopics.isEmpty()) {

                            UsttmpProcessException upe = new UsttmpProcessException(
                            throw upe;
                        if (null == nextTopics || nextTopics.isEmpty()) {
                            UsttmpProcessException upe = new UsttmpProcessException(
                            throw upe;

                        List<EvolutionRelationship> evRelaList = trackingComponent
                                .getTopicEvolutionRelationships(mt, preTopics, nextTopics);

                        String insertEvSql = "INSERT INTO `c_topicevolutionrela` (  " + "   `pre_topic_id`,  "
                                + "   `next_topic_id`,  " + "   `rank_against_pre_topic_in_next_group`,  "
                                + "   `rank_against_next_topic_in_pre_group`,  " + "   `similarity`  ,"
                                + "   `miningtask_id`  ," + "   `pre_topic_seq`  ," + "   `next_topic_seq`  "
                                + ")  " + "VALUES  " + "   (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

                        List<Object[]> argsList = new ArrayList<>();

                        for (EvolutionRelationship er : evRelaList) {
                            Object[] objarr = new Object[] { er.getPreTopic().getId(), er.getNextTopic().getId(),
                                    er.getRankAgainstPreTopicInNextGroup(), er.getRankAgainstNextTopicInPreGroup(),
                                    er.getSimilarity(), miningTaskId, preTopicSeq, nextTopicSeq };
                        jt.batchUpdate(insertEvSql, argsList);

            int nowStatus = (nextExecCount == totalExecCount) ? MiningTask.STATUS_COMPLETED
                    : MiningTask.STATUS_RUNNING;
            //Update task status
            jt.update(updateSql, jobName, nextExecCount, nowStatus, miningTaskId);

            //statistic time
            trackingTime = new Date();

        } catch (UsttmpProcessException e) {

            if (UsttmpProcessException.TYPE_CALC_EVO_RELA_EXCEPTION.equals(e.getMessage())) {

                //Update task status
                int nowStatus = (nextExecCount == totalExecCount) ? MiningTask.STATUS_COMPLETED
                        : MiningTask.STATUS_RUNNING;
                jt.update(updateSql, jobName, nextExecCount, nowStatus, miningTaskId);

            } else {


            StringWriter errors = new StringWriter();
            e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors));
            //log exception table
            miningTaskService.logMiningTask(MiningTaskService.LOG_TYPE_EXCEPTION, miningTaskId, errors.toString());

            //statistic time
            trackingTime = new Date();
        } catch (Exception e) {

            StringWriter errors = new StringWriter();
            e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors));
            //log exception table
            miningTaskService.logMiningTask(MiningTaskService.LOG_TYPE_EXCEPTION, miningTaskId, errors.toString());

            //statistic time
            trackingTime = new Date();

        } finally {

            long statistic_PreprocessTime = (preprocessTime.getTime() - statisticStartTime.getTime()) / 1000;
            long statistic_MiningTime = (miningTime.getTime() - preprocessTime.getTime()) / 1000;
            long statistic_TrackingTime = (trackingTime.getTime() - miningTime.getTime()) / 1000;
            long statistic_TotalTime = (trackingTime.getTime() - statisticStartTime.getTime()) / 1000;

            logger.info("============================ " + "This is start log. " + "============================");

            logger.info("Total number of texts being processed is " + statistic_TotalNum + ".");

            logger.info("Preprocess time is " + statistic_PreprocessTime + " seconds.");

            logger.info("Mining time is " + statistic_MiningTime + " seconds.");

            logger.info("Tracking time is " + statistic_TrackingTime + " seconds.");

            logger.info("Total time is " + statistic_TotalTime + " seconds.");

            logger.info("============================ " + "This is end log. " + "============================");

