voldemort.store.cachestore.impl.ChannelStore.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for voldemort.store.cachestore.impl.ChannelStore.java


 * Copyright 2012-2015 Viant.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package voldemort.store.cachestore.impl;

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: mhsieh
 * Date: 1/25/11
 * Time: 1:58 PM
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import voldemort.store.cachestore.BlockOps;
import voldemort.store.cachestore.CacheBlock;
import voldemort.store.cachestore.Key;
import voldemort.store.cachestore.StoreException;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;

import static voldemort.store.cachestore.BlockUtil.*;

public class ChannelStore implements BlockOps<byte[]> {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ChannelStore.class);
    // when data reside
    private FileChannel dataChannel;
    // key for map reside, it is write once
    private FileChannel keyChannel;
    // fixed len index block for dataChannel and keyChannel
    private FileChannel indexChannel;
    // delete log file
    //private FileChannel logChannel;
    // signature of data and index file
    public static final int MAGIC = 0xBABECAFE;
    // beginning of index channel
    public final static int OFFSET = 4;
    // total number of record
    private volatile int totalRecord = 0;
    // current offset of dataf
    private volatile long dataOffset = 0;
    // key channel offset
    private volatile long keyOffset = 0;
    // logOffset
    //private volatile long logOffset = 0;
    //private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    // number of deleted record
    private volatile int deleted;
    // plug in interface to determine blockSize
    //private BlockSize blockSize;
    // map hold all key in memory and cacheBlock. Data may be, data is cacheable, but key is not
    private Map<Key, CacheBlock> map;
    // filename
    private String filename;
    // delayWrite
    private boolean delayWrite;
    // channel index
    private int index;
    // number of error
    private int error;

    private ChannelStore(String filename, Map map, boolean reset, int index, boolean delayWrite) {
        this(filename, map, reset, index, delayWrite, 0);

    private ChannelStore(String filename, Map map, boolean reset, int index, boolean delayWrite, int mode) {
        String type = "rw";
        if (mode % 3 == 1)
            type = "rwd";
        else if (mode % 3 == 2)
            type = "rws";
        try {
            this.index = index;
            this.delayWrite = delayWrite;
            this.map = map;
            this.filename = filename;
            // add rwd mode to avoid file system cache
            indexChannel = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".ndx", type).getChannel();
            keyChannel = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".key", type).getChannel();
            dataChannel = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".data", type).getChannel();
            //logChannel  = new RandomAccessFile(filename+".log", type).getChannel();
            //checkSignature( logChannel);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new StoreException(ex.getMessage(), ex);

    public static ChannelStore open(String filename, Map map, boolean reset, int index, boolean delay) {
        return new ChannelStore(filename, map, reset, index, delay);

    public static ChannelStore open(String filename, Map map, boolean reset, int index, boolean delay, int mode) {
        return new ChannelStore(filename, map, reset, index, delay, mode);

    public String getFilename() {
        return filename;

    public static boolean isChannelExist(String filename) {
        File file = new File(filename);
        if (!file.isFile())
            return false;
        if (file.length() >= OFFSET + RECORD_SIZE)
            return true;
            return false;

    private boolean checkSignature(FileChannel channel) throws IOException {
        ByteBuffer intBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(OFFSET);
        if (channel.size() == 0) {
        } else {
            int s = intBytes.getInt();
            if (s != MAGIC)
                throw new StoreException(
                        "Header mismatch expect " + Integer.toHexString(MAGIC) + " read " + Integer.toHexString(s));
        return true;

    private void init(boolean reset) throws IOException {
        if (reset) {
            totalRecord = 0;
        } else {
            long length = indexChannel.size() - OFFSET;
            totalRecord = (int) (length / RECORD_SIZE);
            ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(RECORD_SIZE);
            logger.info("Building key map and read index file for " + filename + " total record " + totalRecord);
            long per = 0;
            int j = 0;
            if (totalRecord >= 1000000)
                per = totalRecord / 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecord; i++) {
                assert (buf.capacity() == RECORD_SIZE);
                byte status = buf.get();
                if (isDeleted(status))
                else {
                    long key = buf.getLong();
                    byte[] keys;
                    try {
                        keys = readChannel(key, keyChannel);
                        long data = buf.getLong();
                        long block2version = buf.getLong();
                        CacheBlock block = new CacheBlock(i, data, block2version, status);
                        map.put(toKey(keys), block);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        logger.warn("Not able to read record no " + i + " , skip reason " + ex.getMessage());
                if (per > 0 && (i + 1) % per == 0) {
                    logger.info((++j * 10) + "% complete");
        dataOffset = dataChannel.size();
        keyOffset = keyChannel.size();
        //logOffset = logChannel.size();
        logger.info("Total record " + totalRecord + " deleted " + deleted + " error " + error + " active "
                + (totalRecord - deleted - error));

    private boolean isDeleted(byte b) {
        if ((b & DELETED) == DELETED)
            return true;
            return false;

    public boolean isDelayWrite() {
        return delayWrite;

    public int getIndex() {
        return index;

    public void forceFlush() {
        //forceFlush( logChannel);

    private void forceFlush(FileChannel channel) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //swallow exception
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

     * @param offset2len
     * @param channel
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public byte[] readChannel(long offset2len, FileChannel channel) throws IOException {
        long offset = getOffset(offset2len);
        int len = getLen(offset2len);
        ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(len);
        channel.read(data, offset);
        return data.array();

    public void writeNewBlock(CacheBlock<byte[]> block, long keyOffset2Len, byte[] key) throws IOException {
        // write in sequence of data, key and index channel, which doen not need call flip()
        ByteBuffer dataBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(block.getData());
        dataChannel.write(dataBuf, block.getDataOffset());
        // position to end of block
        if (block.getBlockSize() > block.getDataLen()) {
            ByteBuffer fillBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0 });
            dataChannel.write(fillBuf, block.getDataOffset() + block.getBlockSize() - 1);
        ByteBuffer keyBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(key);
        keyChannel.write(keyBuf, getOffset(keyOffset2Len));
        writeIndexBlock(block, keyOffset2Len, indexChannel);

    public void writeIndexBlock(CacheBlock<byte[]> block, long keyOffset2Len, FileChannel channel)
            throws IOException {
        long pos = OFFSET + (long) block.getRecordNo() * RECORD_SIZE;
        checkFileSize(pos, RECORD_SIZE);
        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(RECORD_SIZE);
        channel.write(buf, pos);

    public void writeExistBlock(CacheBlock<byte[]> block) throws IOException {
        ByteBuffer dataBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(block.getData());
        // don't use flip() before it write when use wrap
        dataChannel.write(dataBuf, block.getDataOffset());
        long pos = OFFSET + (long) block.getRecordNo() * RECORD_SIZE;
        int off = 9;
        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(RECORD_SIZE - off);
        // must flip() before it write
        indexChannel.write(buf, pos + off);

    public void removeBlock(CacheBlock<byte[]> block) throws IOException {
        long pos = OFFSET + (long) block.getRecordNo() * RECORD_SIZE;
        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
        // set delete by calling program
        byte status = block.getStatus();
        indexChannel.write(buf, pos);
        //remove this, use logfile for bootstrap with pre load function
        //writeIndexBlock(block, logOffset, logChannel);
        //logOffset += RECORD_SIZE ;

    private void close(FileChannel channel) {
        try {
            if (channel != null)
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
            // swallow exception

    //    public void writeBack(CacheBlock block, Key key) {
    //        if ( block == null ) logger.error("key is not in map "+ key.toString());
    //        else {
    //            // if it is dirty, channel no did not match skip
    //            //if ( !block.isDirty() || block.getIndex() != index ) {
    //            //    //logger.info("key "+key.toString()+" "+block.isDirty()+" "+block.getIndex()+" index "+index);
    //            //    return;
    //            //}
    //            byte[] keyBytes = toKeyBytes( key);
    //            //reset Dirty bit before write
    //            block.setDirty( false);
    //            // check for add mode, two conditions, new record or overflow record
    //            if ( block.getDataOffset() == 0) {
    //                // lock for multiPuts dataOffset, total record, keyOffset
    //                long keyOffset2Len = 0;
    //                // indicate existing block, default to true
    //                boolean old = true;
    //                lock.lock();
    //                try {
    //                    keyOffset2Len = convertOffset4Len( getKeyOffset(), keyBytes.length);
    //                    block.setDataOffset(getDataOffset() );
    //                    setDataOffset( getDataOffset() + block.getBlockSize());
    //                    //keyOffset2Len = convertOffset4Len( getKeyOffset(), keyBytes.length);
    //                    // multiPuts total record for new record only
    //                    if( block.getRecordNo() == INIT_RECORDNO ) {
    //                        // new block, set old flag to true
    //                        old = false;
    //                        block.setRecordNo( getTotalRecord() );
    //                        setTotalRecord(getTotalRecord()+1);
    //                        setKeyOffset( getKeyOffset() + keyBytes.length );
    //                    }
    //                } finally {
    //                    lock.unlock();
    //                }
    //                try {
    //                    if ( old )
    //                        writeExistBlock( block);
    //                    else
    //                        writeNewBlock(block, keyOffset2Len, keyBytes);
    //                } catch( IOException ex) {
    //                    //swallow exception, nothing can be done for demoan thread
    //                    logger.error( ex.getMessage()+" "+block.toString()+" "+key.getKey().toString(), ex);
    //                }
    //            }
    //            else { //multiPuts mode
    //                try {
    //                     writeExistBlock(block);
    //                 } catch (IOException ex) {
    //                     logger.error( ex.getMessage()+" "+block.toString()+key.getKey().toString(), ex);
    //                     //throw new StoreException(ex.getMessage());
    //                 }
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }

    //    private void flush() {
    //        logger.info("Flush all data before closing channel "+index);
    //        Iterator<Key> its = map.keySet().iterator();
    //        while ( its.hasNext() ) {
    //            Key key = its.next();
    //            CacheBlock<byte[]> block = map.get( key);
    //            writeBack(block, key);
    //        }
    //    }

    public void forceClose() {
        //close( logChannel);


    public void close(BlockingQueue delayQueue) {
        if (delayWrite) {
            if (delayQueue.size() == 0) {
                logger.info("delayQueue is empty");
            } else {

                int size = delayQueue.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    try {
                        logger.info("delayQueue size " + delayQueue.size() + " i =" + i);
                        // return when there is no item in queue
                        if (delayQueue.size() == 0) {
                            logger.info("delayQueue is empty");
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // swallow
                logger.error("after " + size / 5 + " seconds, buffer size " + delayQueue.size());
        } else


    public void close() {
        logger.info("Channel store close index " + index);

     * get keyOffset and len from index channel
     * @param record #
     * @return key Object
    public Key readKey(int record) throws IOException {
        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(RECORD_SIZE);
        indexChannel.read(buf, (long) record * RECORD_SIZE + OFFSET);
        byte status = buf.get();
        if (isDeleted(status))
            return null;
        else {
            long key = buf.getLong();
            byte[] keys = readChannel(key, keyChannel);
            return toKey(keys);

    public FileChannel getDataChannel() {
        return dataChannel;

    public FileChannel getKeyChannel() {
        return keyChannel;

    public FileChannel getIndexChannel() {
        return indexChannel;

    //    public FileChannel getLogChannel() {
    //        return logChannel;
    //    }

    public int getTotalRecord() {
        return totalRecord;

    public long getDataOffset() {
        return dataOffset;

    public long getKeyOffset() {
        return keyOffset;

    //    public long getLogOffset() {
    //        return logOffset;
    //    }

    public int getDeleted() {
        return deleted;

    public void setTotalRecord(int totalRecord) {
        this.totalRecord = totalRecord;

    public void setDataOffset(long dataOffset) {
        this.dataOffset = dataOffset;

    public void setKeyOffset(long keyOffset) {
        this.keyOffset = keyOffset;

    //    public void setLogOffset(long logOffset) {
    //        this.logOffset = logOffset;
    //    }

    public void truncate() throws IOException {