get a java.awt.Shape instance describing Glyph g (only working for non-Or shapes for now, but could be easily extended to support them) - Java 2D Graphics

Java examples for 2D Graphics:Shape


get a java.awt.Shape instance describing Glyph g (only working for non-Or shapes for now, but could be easily extended to support them)

Demo Code

/*//from  www. j a v a 2s.  c om
 * FILE: DATE OF CREATION: Thu Apr 17 16:02:27 2003 AUTHOR :
 * Emmanuel Pietriga ( MODIF: Thu Jul 10 16:10:14 2003 by
 * Emmanuel Pietriga (, Copyright (c)
 * Emmanuel Pietriga, 2002. All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) INRIA, 2004-2010.
 * All Rights Reserved Licensed under the GNU LGPL. For full terms see the file
 * $Id: 4264 2011-02-23 05:14:18Z epietrig $
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;

public class Main{
     * get a java.awt.Shape instance describing Glyph g (only working for non-Or
     * shapes for now, but could be easily extended to support them)
    public static Shape getJava2DShape(Glyph g) {
        if (g instanceof VEllipse) {
            VEllipse el1 = (VEllipse) g;
            return new Ellipse2D.Double(el1.vx - el1.getWidth(), el1.vy
                    - el1.getHeight(), el1.getWidth() * 2,
                    el1.getHeight() * 2);
        } else if (g instanceof VRectangle) {
            VRectangle el1 = (VRectangle) g;
            return new Rectangle2D.Double(el1.vx - el1.getWidth(), el1.vy
                    - el1.getHeight(), el1.getWidth() * 2,
                    el1.getHeight() * 2);
        } else if (g instanceof VRoundRect) {
            VRoundRect el1 = (VRoundRect) g;
            return new RoundRectangle2D.Double(el1.vx - el1.getWidth(),
                    el1.vy - el1.getHeight(), el1.getWidth() * 2,
                    el1.getHeight() * 2, el1.getArcWidth(),
        } else if (g instanceof VCircle) {
            return new Ellipse2D.Double(g.vx - g.getSize(), g.vy
                    - g.getSize(), g.getSize() * 2, g.getSize() * 2);
        } else if (g instanceof VShape) {
            VShape sh1 = (VShape) g;
            double vertexAngle = sh1.getOrient();
            float[] vertices = sh1.getVertices();
            int[] xcoords = new int[vertices.length];
            int[] ycoords = new int[vertices.length];
            double size = g.getSize();
            for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length - 1; j++) {
                xcoords[j] = (int) Math.round(sh1.vx + size
                        * Math.cos(vertexAngle) * vertices[j]);
                ycoords[j] = (int) Math.round(sh1.vy + size
                        * Math.sin(vertexAngle) * vertices[j]);
                vertexAngle += 2 * Math.PI / vertices.length;
            }//last iteration outside to loop to avoid one vertexAngle computation too many
            xcoords[vertices.length - 1] = (int) Math
                    .round(sh1.vx + size * Math.cos(vertexAngle)
                            * vertices[vertices.length - 1]);
            ycoords[vertices.length - 1] = (int) Math
                    .round(sh1.vy + size * Math.sin(vertexAngle)
                            * vertices[vertices.length - 1]);
            return new Polygon(xcoords, ycoords, vertices.length);
        } else if (g instanceof VPolygon) {
            VPolygon pg1 = (VPolygon) g;
            Point2D.Double[] vertices = pg1.getVertices();
            int[] xcoords = new int[vertices.length];
            int[] ycoords = new int[vertices.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) {
                xcoords[j] = (int) Math.round(pg1.vx + vertices[j].x);
                ycoords[j] = (int) Math.round(pg1.vy + vertices[j].y);
            return new Polygon(xcoords, ycoords, vertices.length);
        } else if (g instanceof VImage) {
            VImage im1 = (VImage) g;
            return new Rectangle2D.Double(im1.vx - im1.getWidth(), im1.vy
                    - im1.getHeight(), im1.getWidth() * 2,
                    im1.getHeight() * 2);
        } else {
            return new Rectangle2D.Double(g.vx, g.vy, 1, 1); //should never happen, just for robustness

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