Java Algorithm String

Java examples for Algorithm:String


Click the following links for the tutorial for Algorithm and String.

  1. Knuth Morris Pratt string-searching algorithm
  2. generate a random alpha-numeric string using BigInteger
  3. Convert to base 64 code using apache common codec
  4. longest substring which is made by unique character.
  5. Find all distinct palindromic sub-strings of a given string
  6. Hex Decode Encode using apache commons code
  7. is String having Unique Character Using HashMap, Time: O(n), Space: O(1)
  8. is String having Unique Character Using Array, Time: O(n), Space: O(1)

  9. is String having Unique Character Using Sort, Time: O(nlog(n)), Space: O(1)
  10. is String having Unique Character Using Loop
  11. reverse String
  12. Is String a rotation
  13. find maximum number of occurrence of any character in any given string
  14. Permutation Using Underscore
  15. printing a string in which it will reverse the words from last
  16. compress String

  17. Are two string Permutation
  18. Removes all vocals from a given string vis recursive function
  19. Check palindrome using LinkedList as queue and stack
  20. implement Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
  21. Porter stemmer in Java
  22. Is String containing unique letter
  23. Most Frequent Word in a sentence
  24. Largest Sequence Of Equal Strings
  25. Sequence Of Equal Strings
  26. Are String values permutation
  27. Count Substring Occurrences
  28. Does string have duplicate characters next to each other
  29. Generate a random String suitable for use as a temporary password.
  30. Word frequency
  31. Count Character Types from a file
  32. counts the vowels when you write a statement
  33. Python code formatter
  34. Zip String. aaabbbb ->3a4b
  35. is one String the rotation of another string
  36. Longest Common Sub Sequence between two string
  37. Permutation String
  38. Fibonacci Word
  39. an implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm (LCS)