Fills an array with the contents of an iterator. - Java Collection Framework

Java examples for Collection Framework:Iterator


Fills an array with the contents of an iterator.

Demo Code

/*// ww w.  j  a  v a 2s.  c  o  m
 * Distributed as part of mchange-commons-java 0.2.9
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Machinery For Change, Inc.
 * Author: Steve Waldman <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of EITHER:
 *     1) The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1, as 
 *        published by the Free Software Foundation
 * OR
 *     2) The Eclipse Public License (EPL), version 1.0
 * You may choose which license to accept if you wish to redistribute
 * or modify this work. You may offer derivatives of this work
 * under the license you have chosen, or you may provide the same
 * choice of license which you have been offered here.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received copies of both LGPL v2.1 and EPL v1.0
 * along with this software; see the files LICENSE-EPL and LICENSE-LGPL.
 * If not, the text of these licenses are currently available at
 * LGPL v2.1:
 *  EPL v1.0: 
//package com.java2s;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
     * Fills an array with the contents of an iterator. If the array is too small,
     * it will contain the first portion of the iterator. If the array can contain
     * more elements than the iterator, extra elements are left untouched, unless
     * null_terminate is set to true, in which case the element immediately following
     * the last from the iterator is set to null. (This method is intended to make
     * it easy to implement Collection.toArray(Object[] oo) methods...
     * @param null_terminate iff there is extra space in the array, set the element
     *        immediately after the last from the iterator to null.
    public static void fillArray(Iterator ii, Object[] fillMe,
            boolean null_terminate) {
        int i = 0;
        int len = fillMe.length;
        while (i < len && ii.hasNext())
            fillMe[i++] =;
        if (null_terminate && i < len)
            fillMe[i] = null;

    public static void fillArray(Iterator ii, Object[] fillMe) {
        fillArray(ii, fillMe, false);

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