Java File Path IO Byte Array

Java examples for File Path IO:Byte Array


Click the following links for the tutorial for File Path IO and Byte Array.

  1. Compress Byte Array Using Deflater
  2. Generate Adler32 Checksum For Byte Array
  3. Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal
  4. Convert Serialized byte array to Object
  5. Converts a byte array to an integer.
  6. Converts a byte array to a long.
  7. Combines multiple byte arrays into a single, longer byte array.
  8. Converts a float to a byte array with a length of 4.

  9. Convert a boolean array into a byte.
  10. Converts an integer to a byte array with a length of 4.
  11. Converts an long to a byte array with a length of 8.
  12. Asserts that the given javax.jcr.Binary source has the expected size (in bytes).
  13. Converts a byte into a String of length 8, consisting of 0s and 1s that corresponds to the binary representation of the byte
  14. Convert byte array to HEX format.
  15. Convert an array of bytes into an array of ints.
  16. Writes 4 bytes containing the given int value.

  17. format Bytes as String
  18. ascii String To Byte Array
  19. converts boolean to byte array
  20. byte Array To Ascii String
  21. converts byte array to integer
  22. byte Array To Utf String
  23. Check whether a given byte array contains only zeroes.
  24. get Bit from Byte value
  25. set Bit to byte value
  26. unset Bit on byte value
  27. Converts byte data to a Hex-encoded string.
  28. Convert an int into the corresponding byte array by encoding each two hexadecimal digits as a char.
  29. Convert the specified short into a byte array.
  30. Converts a string in the form "[01]*" into bits and packs them into byte array
  31. from Byte Array
  32. Convert the given number of bytes to human-readable String format.
  33. get Bytes From File
  34. get Bytes From Stream
  35. Transforms bytes into human readable byte count eg.
  36. Encodes a domain name using DNS encoding, as described here and returns it as a byte array.
  37. Extracts an int from an array of bytes.
  38. Extracts a short from an array of bytes.
  39. Outputs an int into a byte array, copying only the bottom 24 bits of the integer.
  40. Outputs an int into a byte array.
  41. Outputs a short into a byte array.
  42. byte To Hex
  43. Copy as many byte from source to target, until either source has no more data, target cannot take more
  44. Concatenates two byte arrays.
  45. compare Byte Arrays
  46. compress byte array
  47. compress byte array To Stream
  48. decompress byte array
  49. sign byte array To Base64
  50. Convert the given time duration into a human-readable string format.
  51. Return 24 unsigned bits as an integer.
  52. Returns 31 bits of an int, removing the sign bit.
  53. Returns 8 unsigned bits as an integer.
  54. Returns 16 unsigned bits as an integer.
  55. Reads an 8 bit array length followed by the actual array data.
  56. Reads an 16 bit array length followed by the actual array data.
  57. Reads an 24 bit array length followed by the actual array data.
  58. Reads an 31 bit array length followed by the actual array data.
  59. writes the length of data as an 8 bit unsigned value, followed by the actual data.
  60. writes the length of data as an 16 bit unsigned value, followed by the actual data.
  61. writes the length of data as an 24 bit unsigned value, followed by the actual data.
  62. writes the length of data as an 31 bit unsigned value, followed by the actual data.