Copies the bytes from the specified array to the specified List as Byte objects starting at the specified index. - Java

Java examples for


Copies the bytes from the specified array to the specified List as Byte objects starting at the specified index.

Demo Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {

    /**//from   ww  w  .  ja  v  a 2 s  .  c om
     * Copies the bytes from the specified array to the specified
     * <code>List</code> as <code>Byte</code> objects starting
     * at the specified index. Grows the list if necessary.
     * <i>index</i> must be a valid index in the list.
     * @param data the byte data
     * @param list the <code>List</code>
     * @param index the index at which to start copying
    public static void addBytesToList(byte[] data, List list, int index) {
        addBytesToList(data, 0, data.length, list, index);

     * Copies the bytes from the specified array to the specified
     * <code>List</code> as <code>Byte</code> objects starting
     * at the specified index. Grows the list if necessary.
     * <i>index</i> must be a valid index in the list.
     * @param data the byte data
     * @param offset the offset into the byte array at which to start
     * @param len the number of bytes to copy
     * @param list the <code>List</code>
     * @param index the index at which to start copying
    public static void addBytesToList(byte[] data, int offset, int len,
            List list, int index) {
        int bytesToIncrease = index + len - list.size();
        if (bytesToIncrease > 0) {
            for (int ii = 0; ii < bytesToIncrease; ii++) {
        for (int ii = index; ii < index + len; ii++) {
            list.set(ii, new Byte(data[offset + ii - index]));

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