Java java.lang byte Array Convert

Java examples for java.lang:byte Array Convert


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and byte Array Convert.

  1. Converts a byte array to a char array.
  2. Convert char array to Byte Array
  3. Convert String to Byte Array
  4. convert string to Byte array without encoding
  5. Convert byte array to String
  6. Converts a base32 encoded string to a byte array
  7. Converts a byte array into an ascii string.
  8. Converts a byte array to a string

  9. Convert string To Bytes
  10. Convert a byte[] array to readable string format.
  11. Converts a byte array to a class.
  12. Converts a byte array to an object.
  13. convert To Byte Array Input Stream
  14. Convert a byte array to hex string {0x00, 0x01, (byte)0xff} -> "00 01 ff"
  15. Converts an integer into a 4-byte array.
  16. Convert int to byte array

  17. Convert byte array to double
  18. Convert byte array to float
  19. Convert byte array to boolean
  20. Convert byte array to int
  21. Convert byte array to long
  22. Convert Byte Array to Hex Value
  23. Convert a byte array to a Java int.
  24. Convert a byte array to a Java long.
  25. Convert a byte array to a Java short.
  26. Convert a Java int to a 4-byte array.
  27. Convert a Java long to a 8-byte array.
  28. Convert a Java short to a 2-byte array.
  29. Converts an array of bytes to a double.
  30. Converts an array of bytes to a float.
  31. Converts an array of bytes to an integer.
  32. Converts an array of bytes to a long.
  33. Converts an array of bytes to a short.
  34. Convert provided hex string representation in format AA:FF:47:11 byte array.
  35. Converts a byte array to hex string with leading 0x.
  36. Converts a byte array to hex string without leading 0x.
  37. Converts a byte array into a long value
  38. Converts a 2-byte array into an int16
  39. Converts a 4-byte array into an int32
  40. Converts a 2-byte array into an uint16
  41. Converts a 4-byte array into an uint32
  42. Converts an int8 into a 1 byte array
  43. Converts an int16 into a 2 byte array
  44. Converts an int32 into a 4 byte array
  45. Converts an int64 into a byte array with a maximum size of 8.
  46. Converts an uint8 into a 1 byte array
  47. Converts an uint16 into a 2 byte array
  48. Converts an uint32 into a 4 byte array
  49. Converts a byte array to an int.
  50. Converts a byte array to a long.
  51. Converts a byte array to a hex string.
  52. Converts a string of hexadecimal characters into a byte array.
  53. Converts a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
  54. Convert a byte array to hexadecimal
  55. Converts a string containing hexadecimal characters to a byte-array
  56. Converts a byte-array to the corresponding hexstring
  57. Convert byte array to double value.
  58. Convert double value to byte array.
  59. Convert double value to reversed byte array.
  60. Convert byte array to reversed double value.
  61. Converts a byte array to a long array.
  62. convert a byte array back to a double number.
  63. Convert a byte array back to an integer number.
  64. Convert a double to a byte array.
  65. Convert an integer to a byte array.
  66. Converts a given byte array to a long value
  67. Converts a given byte array to an integer value
  68. Converts a given integer value to a byte array
  69. Converts a given long value to a byte array
  70. Converts a String to a byte array using ASCII translation.
  71. Converts a 8-bit unsigned int to a byte array
  72. Converts a 16-bit unsigned int to a 2-byte array
  73. Converts a 32-bit unsigned int to a 4-byte array
  74. Converts a byte array that represents an unsigned 32-bit integer
  75. Converts a byte array that represents an signed 32-bit integer
  76. convert int to bytes.
  77. convert bytes to int.
  78. convert bytes to short.
  79. return the byte value converted to an unsigned int value
  80. Converts a unsigned byte to an signed int value.
  81. Convert a signed byte to an int
  82. Convert an unsigned byte to an int
  83. get Guid From Byte Array