Java java.lang int prime

Java examples for java.lang:int prime


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and int prime.

  1. get Next Prime number
  2. get Previous Prime number
  3. is Prime Miller Rabin
  4. Get the prime factors of a number
  5. Get a list of all primes from 2 to max Check
  6. Check if an integer is Prime
  7. Eratosthenes Sieve
  8. is Prime

  9. next Prime
  10. previous Prime
  11. Deterministic Prime testing.
  12. Generate Unique prime Factors
  13. Get all prime numbers below n
  14. Get the prime number above n
  15. Get the prime number below n
  16. is Mersenne Prime, Uses the lucas-Lehmer algorithm. 2^n-1

  17. An deterministic approach to the miller Rabin algorithm, is prime number
  18. Implementation of the Miller-Rabin algorithm, prime number.
  19. A primality test
  20. get All Divisors
  21. return prime list equal or below n Please notice that element 0 is kept for 1 although 1 is not prime, this is preserved for usage in special occasions
  22. get Lowest Common Denominator
  23. get Prime Factors
  24. Returns the next prime-number after number
  25. Returns the prime-numbers number is divisible by without remainder Optimizing this function possibly could boost the overall process
  26. Returns the prime-factorization for number, multiplication of all return-array-elements will result in number
  27. Finds out if number is a prime-number
  28. Utility to get the n'th prime number
  29. Utility to determine whether some number is prime.
  30. get Primes Below
  31. get Primes Between
  32. get Some Primes
  33. prime generator: generate all prime that less than n in asc order
  34. get Distinct Prime Factors
  35. Check if a number if prime or not
  36. calculates the Greatest Common Divisor of a and b.
  37. returns the Lowest Common Multiple of a and b
  38. this method calculates the prime factors of the given x when x is 0 or +/-1, an empty array is returned, else an Array of integers
  39. Returns the list of primes less or equal to the provided boundary.
  40. This primality check is significantly quick with an accuracy of 4^(-k)
  41. a variation of the classic Miller-Rabin test in that it makes the function deterministic.
  42. Check for primality using a very simple method.
  43. This is a very good and very fast primality check.
  44. Calculates the center point of the first available graphics device (screen).