Java java.lang Math Array Function

Java examples for java.lang:Math Array Function


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  1. Adds a 2-dimensional array of components to a GroupLayout according to their position in the array
  2. compute the mean (average) of a point array
  3. Calculated the mean of an array of doubles.
  4. Computes the maximum value of a given BigInteger array.
  5. Removes duplicate values from a BigInteger array
  6. Fisher-Yates shuffle of an array
  7. Performs a deep copy of an array of an array of ints
  8. Adds the elements of one array of doubles to another.

  9. Determines whether the values in the given array of doubles are all equal within a tolerance of #EPSILON
  10. Computes the cumulative product of the specified array in place.
  11. Computes the cumulative sum of the specified array in place.
  12. Multiplies all the elements in an array of doubles by the elements of an equally sized array of doubles.
  13. Scales the specified array of doubles so that they sum to one.
  14. Computes the product of the values in an array of doubles.
  15. Linearly remaps the values in an array to fit within the specified interval.
  16. Multiplies all of the values in the specified array of doubles by the same value.

  17. Subtracts a value from all elements of an array in place.
  18. Subtracts the elements of one array of doubles from another.
  19. Computes the sum of the values in an array of doubles.
  20. calculates bounds of array of 3D vertices stored in flat array
  21. Creates a random array of numbers.
  22. Normalize an array of ln values to probabilities.
  23. Renormalize an array to make it a probability distribution.
  24. Find the maximum of the absolute values of all elements in the array, ignoring elements that are NaN.
  25. Determines the maximum numerical value in an array of values.
  26. This returns the list of all k-tuple combinations in the sub-array, starting from base.
  27. This sorts an array descending and returns its order.
  28. This returns the position of a given value in the given array, or -1 if not found.
  29. Returns an array containing all numbers of bits that are set to true.
  30. Return the index of the maximum value found in the array.
  31. Find the standard deviation of an array.
  32. read Double Array from InputStream
  33. read Int Array from InputStream
  34. Computes the correlation between two arrays of the same length, p and q.
  35. Returns the correlation between the two arrays of data. The arrays are assumed to have the same lengths See - Wikipedia
  36. Copies the given source array into the required column number of the destination
  37. Returns the correlation between the two arrays of data, ignoring any Nan values See - Wikipedia
  38. Returns the covariance between the two arrays of data. See - Mathworld
  39. Returns the covariance between two columns of data in a multivariate array. See - Mathworld
  40. Convert a single dimensional double array to a 2D array, where the first dimension matches that of the original array and second is always 0 (with our convention for first index being time and second variable number, this means we have a 2D array where the original array becomes the first variable).
  41. Normalises the elements in the given array
  42. Returns a normalised array of the elements in the given array
  43. Sort array and return the original indices of each item in the sorted list, such that array[returnValue[k]] is the kth item in the sorted list.
  44. Return the standard deviation of all the elements in array
  45. Subtracts second array from the first
  46. Adds two arrays together, returning the result in input1
  47. Adds the squares of the second array to the first, returning the result in input1
  48. Copies all rows and columns between two double arrays