Java java.lang Math Number

Java examples for java.lang:Math Number


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  1. Reports some non-trivial factor of a composite number.
  2. Returns the next bigger number that's a power of 2.
  3. get Total Page Number from total row
  4. get Total Row Number from Statement and table name
  5. Essentially number mod modulus, but with the ability to specify the output range.
  6. Returns the number of vertical subdivisions the argument image needs to be divided into to respect argument size
  7. Returns the number of horizontal subdivisions the argument image needs to be divided into to respect argument size
  8. Returns the greatest common divisor of two positive numbers (this precondition is not checked and the result is undefined if not fulfilled) using the "binary gcd" method which avoids division and modulo operations.

  9. Returns the least common multiple of the absolute value of two numbers, using the formula lcm(a, b) = (a / gcd(a, b)) * b .
  10. Returns true if the double numbers are equal by EPSILON.
  11. Computes the factorial of a number.
  12. Computes the mathematical modulus of two numbers.
  13. Calculates greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
  14. Calculates lowest common multiple (LCM) of two numbers.
  15. Defines whether number is prime.
  16. Converts a 64-bit NTFS time value (number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC) to a Java time value (number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.)

  17. Cuts the decimals of a number to a specified amount.
  18. Gets the factorial of a large number
  19. Counts the number of divisors for a number
  20. Gets the factorial of a number
  21. Gets the greatest number divisible by both parameters
  22. Gets a list of divisors of a number
  23. Gets the sum of the divisors of a number
  24. Gets if a number is an abundant number.
  25. Gets if a number is amicable A number is amicable iff a!=b and the sum of the divisors of a == b and then sum of the divisors of b == a
  26. Gets if a number is even
  27. Gets if a number is a palindrome
  28. Gets if the number passed in is prime
  29. Gets the lowest number divisible by a and b
  30. Gets a word from a number in between 1-999
  31. Gets the lcm of a number from the parameter to 1
  32. Gets all prime numbers below max using the sieve of sundaram method
  33. Iteratively gets the square of the sum of the numbers [num : 1]
  34. Recursively gets the sum of squares of numbers starting from num to 1
  35. Estimates the Digamma value of a real positive number.
  36. Generates all permutations of a sequence containing the numbers from 1 to n.
  37. Evaluate if a given number is a prime number
  38. Computes the Greatest Common Divisor of two integers.
  39. Computes the Least Common Multiple of two integers.
  40. get Factors for an integer
  41. fibonacci Dynamic Programming via BigInteger
  42. generate Permutations from a List of Integer
  43. returns the largest double value that is smaller than d = x * 10exp where x is rounded down to the closest integer.
  44. This method returns the smallest double value that is smaller than d = x * 10exp where x is rounded up to the closest integer.
  45. is Prime integer
  46. Returns the least common multiple of two integers.
  47. This method finds the two integers in the array whose values have the smallest absolute difference.
  48. Generates integer partitions in anti-lexicographic order
  49. Helper method for generating the integer sequence permutations.
  50. Returns the complementary error function of a double.
  51. Returns the error function of a double.
  52. Returns the factorial of an integer.
  53. Returns the Gamma function of a double.
  54. Apply a bias to a number in the unit interval, moving numbers towards 0 or 1 according to the bias parameter.
  55. is even number
  56. count Number Bits
  57. Used to check if a number is a palindrome.
  58. Returns chi-square probability for even numbers number.
  59. Returns chi-square probability for odd numbers number.
  60. Consider all bit strings of specified length that have a specified number of 1 bits.
  61. Recursively constructs a bit string with a pre-specified number of 1 bits based on a unique and consistent ordering of the space of such possible strings.
  62. Is number A approximate number B.
  63. Rounds a float to a specified number of decimal places.
  64. Returns the given number as a string complete with unit (e.g., kilo, mega, etc.), to the specified number of decimal places.
  65. Returns the floating-point number adjacent to the first argument in the direction of the second argument.
  66. Returns the sum of all divisors of the given number.
  67. Returns a double representation of the Binomial Coefficient, "n choose k", the number of k-element subsets that can be selected from an n-element set.
  68. Returns an exact representation of the Binomial Coefficient, "n choose k", the number of k-element subsets that can be selected from an n-element set.
  69. Get Hoeffding probability number
  70. Finds the greatest common factor (also known as the greatest common divisor) of two numbers.
  71. Finds the least common multiple of two numbers.
  72. Checks if the number is negative.
  73. Checks if the number is positive.
  74. Get a number of cryptographically secure pseudo random bytes.
  75. Algorithm based on the random generation of Poissonian numbers, based on Knuth and Numerical Recipes (7.3.12).