Java java.lang Math Value

Java examples for java.lang:Math Value


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  1. Gets the greatest common divisor of the absolute value of two numbers, using the "binary gcd" method which avoids division and modulo operations.
  2. is Equal
  3. Returns the least common multiple of the absolute value of two numbers, using the formula lcm(a,b) = (a / gcd(a,b)) * b.
  4. Returns the maximum value of three floats.
  5. Return a mod b.
  6. Multiply two integers, checking for overflow.
  7. Reduces the given angle into the -PI/4 ...
  8. Rounds a double precision value to the given precision.

  9. Restricts a value to be within a specified range.
  10. Linearly interpolates between two values.
  11. Returns the greater of two values.
  12. Returns the lesser of two values.
  13. Reduces a given angle to a value between ?
  14. Calculate the minimum and maximum values out of a list of doubles.
  15. Get percentage of a number for a certain value
  16. Wraps the given value into the inclusive-exclusive interval between min and max.

  17. A replacement for Math.abs , that never returns negative values.
  18. Forces a numerical value to be between a min and a max.
  19. Calculates the deviation value for a given set of values.
  20. Calculates the mean value for a given set of values.
  21. Rounds a given double value to 4 digits behind the comma.
  22. Returns gamma value for a double in.
  23. get Normal Deviation Value
  24. Returns the value obtained from applying the Euler totient function to an integer value .
  25. Returns MAD - median of the absolute values
  26. Round down input value to nearest value of 10.
  27. Rounds the given double value
  28. Returns the greatest common divisor of the specified value
  29. Performs a bilinear interpolation between four values.
  30. Returns x if it is within the specified range, or the closest value within the specified range if x is outside the range.
  31. Determines whether two floating point values are close enough to be considered "equal" (i.e., the difference may be attributed to rounding errors).
  32. Determines whether a floating point value is close enough to zero to be considered "equal" to zero (i.e., the difference may be attributed to rounding errors).
  33. Returns the floating-point value adjacent to d in the direction of negative infinity.
  34. Returns the floating-point value adjacent to d in the direction of positive infinity.
  35. Returns the hyperbolic secant of a value.
  36. Performs a trilinear interpolation between eight values.
  37. Returns the value of the integer of highest magnitude (farthest from zero) whose absolute value is at most that of x.
  38. Converts char digit into integer value.
  39. calculates max of two values with smooth blending
  40. calculates min of two values with smooth blending
  41. Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value.
  42. Returns the least common multiple between two integer values.
  43. Returns the value of the Bernstein polynomial for the specified parameters.
  44. Ensures that the given value is within the range [-|maxValue|, |maxValue|].
  45. Return a long as a string but capped as a 32-bit signed value.
  46. Get a phred-scaled quality value corresponding to the supplied error rate.
  47. Our own implementation of Math.round due to difference between java 1.6 and 1.7 implementations See Java bug 6430675 Using java 1.6 implementation of Math.round defined as floor of 0.5d plus value.
  48. Return the factorial value of the input.
  49. Returns the cumulative distribution function of a double value.
  50. double value list Absolute mean.
  51. Gets the gaussian pdf value.
  52. Rounds the specified double value to the nearest tenth.
  53. Returns a random boolean value.
  54. Get a cryptographically secure pseudo random int value between 0 (including and the given value (excluding).
  55. Get a cryptographically secure pseudo random long value.
  56. This function murmur hashes an integer value.
  57. Linearly interpolates between fromValue to toValue on progress position.