Return today in String representation. - Java java.time

Java examples for java.time:Today


Return today in String representation.

Demo Code

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class Main{
    /**/*from  www  . j av  a2 s . c o m*/
     * Return today in String representation.
     * @return today in String representation using format MM/dd/YYYY
    public static String getSimpleNowInString() {
        return toString(getSimpleNow());
     * Return today in String representation with specified delim.
     * @return today in String representation using format MM [delim] dd [delim] YYYY
    public static String getSimpleNowInString(String delim) {
        return toString(getSimpleNow(), delim);
     * Create String representation of date.
     * @param date
     * @return dateStr String representation of date in format MM/dd/YYYY
    public static String toString(Date date) {
        int[] arrOfDate = createArrayOfDate(date);

        return String.format("%d/%d/%d", arrOfDate[1], arrOfDate[0],
     * Create String representation of date with specified delimeter.
     * @param date
     * @param delim
     * @return dateStr String representation of date in format MM [delim] dd [delim] YYYY
    public static String toString(Date date, String delim) {
        int[] arrOfDate = createArrayOfDate(date);

        return String.format("%d%s%d%s%d", arrOfDate[1], delim,
                arrOfDate[0], delim, arrOfDate[2]);
     * Return today in date representation, but only containing year, month, and day.
     * @return today
    public static Date getSimpleNow() {
        return getSimpleDate(getNow());
     * Extract date element (year, month, and date) into array of {@code int}.
     * @param date
     * @return arrOfDate array of date [DD, mm, YYYY]
    public static int[] createArrayOfDate(Date date) {
        int[] arrOfDate = new int[3];

        arrOfDate[0] = getDay(date);
        arrOfDate[1] = getMonthInt(date);
        arrOfDate[2] = getYear(date);

        return arrOfDate;
     * Convert the full element date into simple element only containing year, month, and day.
     * @param date 
     * @return simpleDate simpler version of date
    public static Date getSimpleDate(Date date) {
        int[] arrOfDate = createArrayOfDate(date);

        return getDate(arrOfDate[2], arrOfDate[1], arrOfDate[0]);
     * Return today in date representation. Along with hour, minute, second, and other element.<br />
     * @return today
    public static Date getNow() {
        return getCalendar().getTime();
     * Return day in {@code int} representation from {@code Calendar}.
     * @param calendar
     * @return day in {@code int} representation
    public static int getDay(Calendar calendar) {
        return calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
     * Return day in {@code int} representation from {@code Date}.
     * @param day
     * @return day in {@code int} representation
    public static int getDay(Date date) {
        return getCalendar(date).get(Calendar.DATE);
     * Return month in {@code int} representation from {@code Calendar}.<br />
     * @param calendar
     * @return month in {@code int} representation
    public static int getMonthInt(Calendar calendar) {
        return calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
     * Return month in {@code int} representation from {@code String}.
     * @param month
     * @return month in {@code int} representation
    public static int getMonthInt(String month) {
        return Integer.parseInt(month);
     * Return month in {@code int} representation from {@code Date}.
     * @param date
     * @return month in {@code int} representation
    public static int getMonthInt(Date date) {
        return getMonthInt(getCalendar(date));
     * Return year in {@code int} representation from {@code Calendar}.
     * @param calendar
     * @return year in {@code int} representation
    public static int getYear(Calendar calendar) {
        return calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
     * Return year in {@code int} representation from {@code Date}.
     * @param date
     * @return year in {@code int} representation
    public static int getYear(Date date) {
        return getCalendar(date).get(Calendar.YEAR);
     * Create date object.
     * @param year {@code int}
     * @param month {@code int}
     * @param day {@code int}
     * @return date object
    public static Date getDate(int year, int month, int day) {
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        cal.setTimeInMillis(toMilis(year, month, day));

        return cal.getTime();
     * Create date from String value.<br />
     * Format of String is MM/dd/YYYY.
     * @param dateStr String value with format MM/dd/YYYY
     * @return date
    public static Date getDate(String dateStr) {
        String delim = dateStr.contains("-") ? "-" : "/";

        return getDate(dateStr, delim);
     * Create date from String value.<br />
     * Format of String is MM/dd/YYYY.
     * @param dateStr String value with format MM/dd/YYYY
     * @param delim
     * @return date
    public static Date getDate(String dateStr, String delim) {
        String elStr[] = dateStr.split(delim);
        Date date = getDate(Integer.parseInt(elStr[2]),
                getMonthInt(elStr[0]), Integer.parseInt(elStr[1]));

        return date;
     * Create date object.
     * @param year {@code int}
     * @param month {@code Month}
     * @param date {@code int}
     * @return
    public static Date getDate(int year, Month month, int date) {
        return getDate(year, month.getValue(), date);
     * Create default calendar.<br />
     * @return default calendar
    public static Calendar getCalendar() {
        return Calendar.getInstance();
     * Create calendar using date.<br />
     * @param date
     * @return calendar
    public static Calendar getCalendar(Date date) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

        return cal;

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