Java java.util Calendar Calculation

Java examples for java.util:Calendar Calculation


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.util and Calendar Calculation.

  1. is Calendar Between two other Calendar
  2. is Future Calendar
  3. get Date With Time To Mid night
  4. normalize Calendar to clear time field
  5. get After Date
  6. Returns true if the given from Date is after the given when Date otherwise false.
  7. Returns true if the given from Date is before the given when Date otherwise false.
  8. Calculates the elapsed time from the past to now.

  9. Calculates the elapsed time from the future to now.
  10. Checks if the Date object "between" is between from the given to Date objects.
  11. Checks if the given date object is in the future.
  12. Checks if the given date object is in the past.
  13. Checks if the Date is valid to convert.
  14. Set the time component of the calendar to midnight.
  15. Gets the calendar at given time at GMT
  16. Add the given amount of days to the given calendar.

  17. Add the given amount of millis to the given calendar.
  18. Add the given amount of seconds to the given calendar.
  19. Retrieve the amount of elapsed days between the two given calendars.
  20. Retrieve the amount of elapsed time between the two given calendars based on the given calendar field as defined in the Calendar constants, e.g.
  21. Retrieve the amount of elapsed milliseconds between the two given calendars.
  22. Retrieve the amount of elapsed seconds between the two given calendars.
  23. Returns true if the two given calendars are dated on the same time.
  24. decrement One Day
  25. increment One Day
  26. Gets the calendar field of the given calendar by amount.
  27. Sets the calendar field of the given calendar by amount.
  28. Adjusts the given Calendar to the start of the decade.
  29. Adjusts the given calendar to the start of the period as indicated by the given field.
  30. Adds the specified (signed) amount of days to the given time field, based on the calendar's rules.
  31. Adds the specified (signed) amount of time to the given time field, based on the calendar's rules.
  32. Find the number of units passed between two Calendar objects.
  33. Find the number of units, including a fraction, passed between two Calendar objects.
  34. set End Of Date
  35. set Start Of Date
  36. floor Calendar
  37. get a "clean" calendar as 1900-01-01 00:00:00
  38. Increments the calendar field of the given calendar by amount.
  39. adjust Calendar By Add Month
  40. This method calculate difference of date from a couple of Calendar Object.
  41. tomorrow Calendar