Use Number Literals to calculate Fahrenheit and Celsius - Java Language Basics

Java examples for Language Basics:Primitive Types


Use Number Literals to calculate Fahrenheit and Celsius

Demo Code

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        float fah = 86;
        System.out.println(fah + " degrees Fahrenheit is ...");
        // To convert Fahrenheit into Celsius begin by subtracting 32
        fah = fah - 32;/*from ww w  .  j a  v  a  2  s. com*/
        // Divide the answer by 9
        fah = fah / 9;
        // Multiply that answer by 5
        fah = fah * 5;
        System.out.println(fah + " degrees Celsius\n");

        float cel = 33;
        System.out.println(cel + " degrees Celsius is ...");
        // To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit begin by multiplying by 9
        cel = cel * 9;
        cel = cel / 5; // Divide the answer by 5
        cel = cel + 32;
        System.out.println(cel + " degrees Fahrenheit");


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