Java Network Http

Java examples for Network:Http


Click the following links for the tutorial for Network and Http.

  1. Developing a Concise HTTP Client
  2. Making HTTP Requests and Working with HTTP Responses
  3. Getting the Response Headers from an HTTP Connection
  4. Preventing Automatic Redirects in a HTTP Connection
  5. is content Type Binary
  6. HTTP send Get
  7. HTTP send Post
  8. get HTTP Code Message

  9. do Send to Socket server
  10. create Host Name Verifier
  11. create SSL Context
  12. make Saaj Request SOAPMessage
  13. Used to send a specific message as a POST request to an endpoint.
  14. Parses a JSON object into a map of links.
  15. Get SSL Context
  16. get Https URL Connection

  17. get Http URL Connection
  18. Creates a new object from the specified
  19. get Cookie from HttpServletRequest
  20. do Http Post
  21. do Https Get
  22. get App Host Name from HttpServletRequest
  23. validate URL by connecting to it
  24. Copied from
  25. is Host Port Available
  26. Returns the hostname of the local host.
  27. open Link vis default browser
  28. get Content Type from return File Name
  29. is HTTP Response Code Retryable
  30. get Page by encoding
  31. Download from HTTP return InputStream
  32. Parse out a charset from a content type header.
  33. binary Sid To String Sid
  34. string Sid To Byte Array Sid
  35. fetch HTTP Data
  36. Extracts only the mime-type from a Content-Type HTTP header.
  37. Look for the HTTP verb which should be GET , POST , PUT , DELETE , OPTIONS or HEAD .
  38. Returns the Charset from the given content-type.
  39. Iterates over the given acceptedContentTypes, looking for one of those values: text/html application/xhtml+xml application/xml