Compiling and Executing a Module - Java Object Oriented Design

Java examples for Object Oriented Design:Module


Use the javac utility to compile the module.

Specifying the d flag to list the folder into which the compiled code will be placed.

After the d option, each of the source files to be compiled must be listed, including the descriptor.

Separate each of the file paths with a space.

javac d src/mods/org.firstModule src/org.firstModule/ src/org.firstModule/ org/firstModule/ 

To execute the module, use standard java executable with the --module-path option indicating the path of the module sources.

The -m option is used to specify the Main class of the module.

java --module-path mods -m org.firstModule/org.firstModule.Main   

The syntax for compiling two modules that contain a dependency is as follows:

javac -d mods --module-source-path src $(find src -name "*.java") 

The standard javac utility has been enhanced so that it can accommodate the compilation of modules.

The d option is used to specify the destination for the compiled sources.

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