Linking Modules - Java Object Oriented Design

Java examples for Object Oriented Design:Module


Make use of the jlink tool to link said set of modules, along with their transitive dependencies.

jlink --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:mods --add-modules org.firstModule --output  firstmoduleapp 

The jlink tool contains a bevy of options, as indicated in the following table.

Option Description
--add-modules Named modules to be resolved.
-c, --compress=<0|1|2> Enables compression or resources.
--disable-plugin <name> Disables named plugin.
--endian <little|big> Specifies byte order of generated image.
--ignore-signing-informationSuppress fatal error when linked image will contain modular JARs which are signed. Signature-related files of signed modular jars will not be included.
--limit-modules Limit the amount of observable modules.
--list-plugins List available plugins.
-p,--module-pathModule path.
--no-header-files Exclude header files from path.
--no-man-pages Exclude man pages from path.
--output <path> Output location.
--plugin-module-pathCustom plugin module path.
--save-opts <filename> Save jlink options in specified file.
-G,--strip-debugStrip debug information.
--version Version information.
@<filename> Read options from specified file.

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