Unescapes the String by converting XML escape sequences back into normal characters. - Java XML

Java examples for XML:XML String


Unescapes the String by converting XML escape sequences back into normal characters.

Demo Code

/**/*  www. j a v a  2s  .  c om*/
     * Turns an array of bytes into a String representing each byte as an
     * unsigned hex number.
     * <p>
     * Method by Santeri Paavolainen, Helsinki Finland 1996<br>
     * (c) Santeri Paavolainen, Helsinki Finland 1996<br>
     * Distributed under LGPL.
     * @param bytes
     *            an array of bytes to convert to a hex-string
     * @return generated hex string
//package com.java2s;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
        String string = "java2s.com";

     * Unescapes the String by converting XML escape sequences back into normal
     * characters.
     * @param string
     *            the string to unescape.
     * @return the string with appropriate characters unescaped.
    public static final String unescapeFromXML(String string) {
        string = replace(string, "&lt;", "<");
        string = replace(string, "&gt;", ">");
        string = replace(string, "&quot;", "\"");
        return replace(string, "&amp;", "&");

     * Replaces all instances of oldString with newString in line.
     * @param line
     *            the String to search to perform replacements on
     * @param oldString
     *            the String that should be replaced by newString
     * @param newString
     *            the String that will replace all instances of oldString
     * @return a String will all instances of oldString replaced by newString
    public static final String replace(String line, String oldString,
            String newString) {
        if (line == null) {
            return null;
        int i = 0;
        if ((i = line.indexOf(oldString, i)) >= 0) {
            char[] line2 = line.toCharArray();
            char[] newString2 = newString.toCharArray();
            int oLength = oldString.length();
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(line2.length);
            buf.append(line2, 0, i).append(newString2);
            i += oLength;
            int j = i;
            while ((i = line.indexOf(oldString, i)) > 0) {
                buf.append(line2, j, i - j).append(newString2);
                i += oLength;
                j = i;
            buf.append(line2, j, line2.length - j);
            return buf.toString();
        return line;

     * Replaces all instances of oldString with newString in line. The count
     * Integer is updated with number of replaces.
     * @param line
     *            the String to search to perform replacements on
     * @param oldString
     *            the String that should be replaced by newString
     * @param newString
     *            the String that will replace all instances of oldString
     * @return a String will all instances of oldString replaced by newString
    public static final String replace(String line, String oldString,
            String newString, int[] count) {
        if (line == null) {
            return null;
        int i = 0;
        if ((i = line.indexOf(oldString, i)) >= 0) {
            int counter = 0;
            char[] line2 = line.toCharArray();
            char[] newString2 = newString.toCharArray();
            int oLength = oldString.length();
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(line2.length);
            buf.append(line2, 0, i).append(newString2);
            i += oLength;
            int j = i;
            while ((i = line.indexOf(oldString, i)) > 0) {
                buf.append(line2, j, i - j).append(newString2);
                i += oLength;
                j = i;
            buf.append(line2, j, line2.length - j);
            count[0] = counter;
            return buf.toString();
        return line;

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