HTML5 Game - Generating and Using Radial Gradients to Fill Shapes


Generating and Using Radial Gradients to Fill Shapes


ResultView the demo in separate window

<!DOCTYPE html> 
        <title>Canvas Demo</title> 
canvas { //from  ww 2 s . c  o m
  border: 1px solid #000; 
      <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200">Did You Know: Every time 
        you use a browser that doesn't support HTML5
// Get the context we will be using for drawing. 
let myCanvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); 
let myContext = myCanvas.getContext('2d'); 
 * Draws a circle of the specified dimensions at the target coordinates and 
 * fills it with the current fill style. 
 * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the center of the circle. 
 * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the center of the circle. 
 * @param {number} radius The radius of the circle. 
function fillCircle(x, y, radius) { 
  myContext.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 6.3); 
 * Returns a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum values. 
 * @param {number} min The lower boundary for the random number. 
 * @param {number} max The upper boundary for the random number. 
 * @return {number} 
function getRandomIntegerBetween(min, max) { 
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; 
 * Returns a random color formatted as an rgb string. 
 * @return {string} 
function getRandRGB() { 
  let randRed = getRandomIntegerBetween(0, 255); 
  let randGreen = getRandomIntegerBetween(0, 255); 
  let randBlue = getRandomIntegerBetween(0, 255); 
  return 'rgb(' + randRed + ', ' + randGreen + ', ' + randBlue + ')'; 
let cycles = 10, 
    i = 0;  
for (i = 0; i < cycles; i++) { 
  let randX = getRandomIntegerBetween(50, 150); 
  let randY = getRandomIntegerBetween(50, 150); 
  let randRadius = getRandomIntegerBetween(10, 50); 
  let randGrad = myContext.createRadialGradient(randX, randY, 0, randX, randY, randRadius); 
  let randColor1 = getRandRGB(); 
  let randColor2 = getRandRGB(); 
  randGrad.addColorStop(0, randColor1); 
  randGrad.addColorStop(1, randColor2); 
  myContext.fillStyle = randGrad; 
  fillCircle(randX, randY, randRadius); 

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