Javascript Browser Object Model Window

Javascript examples for Browser Object Model:Window


Click the following links for the tutorial for Browser Object Model and Window.

  1. Window top Property
  2. Window status Property
  3. Window self Property - counts the number of times a user has clicked a button, in the current session:
  4. Window self Property - Window sessionStorage Property
  5. Window self Property
  6. Window screenX and screenY Property - Open a new window with a specified left and top position, and return its coordinates:
  7. Window screenX and screenY Property
  8. Window screenLeft and screenTop Property

  9. Window parent Property - Alert the location of the parent window when opening a new window:
  10. Window parent Property
  11. Window pageYOffset Property
  12. Window pageXOffset Property
  13. Window outerWidth and outerHeight Property - A demonstration of innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth and outerHeight in one example:
  14. Window outerWidth Property
  15. Window outerHeight Property
  16. Window opener Property

  17. Window name Property - Set the name of the current window to "myWindowName":
  18. Window name Property
  19. Window localStorage Property - counts the number of times a user has clicked a button:
  20. Window localStorage Property
  21. Window length Property - Loop through all frames on a page, and change the location of all frames
  22. Window length Property
  23. Window innerWidth Property
  24. Window innerHeight Property - A demonstration of innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth and outerHeight in one example:
  25. Window innerHeight Property
  26. Window frames Property - Loop through all frames on a page, and change the location of all frames
  27. Window frames Property
  28. Window frameElement Property
  29. Window defaultStatus Property
  30. Window closed Property
  31. The following code shows how to Get all the computed styles from an element:
  32. Window getComputedStyle() Method
  33. Window stop() Method - Disable a button
  34. Window stop() Method
  35. Window setTimeout() Method - Use an anonymous function with setTimeout
  36. Window setTimeout() Method - Pass parameters to the time out function
  37. Window setTimeout() Method - A clock created with timing events:
  38. Window setTimeout() Method - Count forever with setTimeout()
  39. Window setTimeout() Method - Using clearTimeout() to prevent the function to run:
  40. Window setTimeout() Method - Open a new window and close the window after three seconds
  41. Window setTimeout() Method - Display a timed text
  42. Window setTimeout() Method - Use "named" function in setTimeout()
  43. Window setTimeout() Method
  44. Window setInterval() Method - Use an anonymous function with setInterval
  45. Window setInterval() Method - Pass parameters to the alertFunc function
  46. Window setInterval() Method - Toggle between two background colors once every 300 milliseconds:
  47. Window setInterval() Method - Using setInterval() and clearInterval() to create a dynamic progress bar:
  48. Window setInterval() Method - Using clearInterval() to stop time
  49. Window setInterval() Method - Display the current time every 1 second, just like a digital watch
  50. Window setInterval() Method - Call a "named" function every 3 seconds
  51. Window setInterval() Method
  52. Window scrollTo() Method - Scroll the document to position "300" horizontally and "500" vertically:
  53. Window scrollTo() Method
  54. Window scrollBy() Method - Scroll the document horizontally and vertically:
  55. Window scrollBy() Method - Scroll the document by 100px vertically:
  56. Window scrollBy() Method
  57. Window resizeTo() Method - Using the resizeTo() method together with resizeBy():
  58. Window resizeTo() Method
  59. Window resizeBy() Method - Resize the top most browser window with 100px each way
  60. Window resizeBy() Method - Using the resizeBy() method together with resizeTo():
  61. Window resizeBy() Method - Open a new window, and decrease the width by 50px and increase the height by 50px:
  62. Window resizeBy() Method
  63. Window prompt() Method - Use the switch statement with prompt() to execute a block of code based on user input:
  64. Window prompt() Method
  65. Window print() Method
  66. Window open() Method - Use the opener property to return a reference to the window that created the new window:
  67. Window open() Method - Open a new window. Use the name property to return the name of the new window:
  68. Window open() Method - Open a new window. Use close() to close the new window:
  69. Window open() Method - Open multiple windows:
  70. Window open() Method - Open a new window and control its appearance:
  71. Window open() Method - Replace the current window with a new window:
  72. Window open() Method - Open a new window called "MsgWindow", and write some text into it:
  73. Window open() Method - Open an about:blank page in a new window:
  74. Window open() Method
  75. Window moveTo() Method - Using moveBy() together with moveTo():
  76. Window moveTo() Method
  77. Window moveBy() Method - Using moveBy() together with moveTo():
  78. Window moveBy() Method
  79. Window matchMedia() Method - If the viewport is <=700 pixels wide, change the background color to yellow.
  80. Window matchMedia() Method
  81. Window focus() Method - Assure that the new window does NOT get focus and send the new window to the background
  82. Window focus() Method
  83. Window confirm() Method - Confirmation box with line-breaks:
  84. Window confirm() Method - Display a confirmation box, and output what the user clicked:
  85. Window confirm() Method
  86. Window close() Method - Open "" in a new window, and use close() to close the window:
  87. Window close() Method
  88. Window clearTimeout() Method - Start a timer, stop the timer
  89. Window clearTimeout() Method
  90. Window clearInterval() Method - Using setInterval() and clearInterval() to create a dynamic progress bar:
  91. Window clearInterval() Method - Toggle between two background colors once every 300 milliseconds, until it is stopped by clearInterval():
  92. Window clearInterval() Method
  93. Window btoa() Method
  94. Window blur() Method - Assure that the new window GETS focus and send the new window to the front
  95. Window blur() Method
  96. Window atob() Method
  97. Window alert() Method - Alert the hostname of the current URL:
  98. Window alert() Method - Alert box with line-breaks:
  99. Window alert() Method