display Property - Javascript CSS Style Property

Javascript examples for CSS Style Property:display


The display property sets or gets the element's display type.

Property Values

Value Description
block displayed as a block-level element
compactdisplayed as a block-level or inline element. Depends on context
flex displayed as a block-level flex box. New in CSS3
inheritThe value of the display property is inherited from parent element
inline displayed as an inline element. This is default
inline-block displayed as a block box inside an inline box
inline-flexdisplayed as a inline-level flex box. New in CSS3
inline-table displayed as an inline table (like <table>), with no line break before or after the table
list-item displayed as a list
marker This value sets content before or after a box to be a marker
none Element will not be displayed
run-in displayed as block-level or inline element. Depends on context
table displayed as a block table (like <table>), with a line break before and after the table
table-caption displayed as <caption>
table-cell displayed as <td> and <th>
table-column displayed as <col>
table-column-group displayed as <colgroup>
table-footer-group displayed as <tfoot>
table-header-group displayed as <thead>
table-row displayed as <tr>
table-row-groupdisplayed as <tbody>
initialSets this property to its default value.
inheritInherits this property from its parent element.

Technical Details

Item Value
Default Value: inline
Return Value: A String, representing the display type of an element
CSS VersionCSS1

Get a <div> element's display:

Demo Code

ResultView the demo in separate window

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p id="myP" style="display:none;">This is a p element.</p>

<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Return the display type of p</button>

function myFunction() {// w w w. j  a  v a  2s.co  m


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