Javascript DOM HTML Element Option

Javascript examples for DOM HTML Element:Option


Click the following links for the tutorial for DOM HTML Element and Option.

  1. Create an Option Element
  2. Get Option Element
  3. Option value Property - Change the value of a specific option element:
  4. Option value Property
  5. Option text Property - Get the text of all options in a drop-down list:
  6. Option text Property - Return the text of the selected option in a drop-down list:
  7. Option text Property
  8. Option selected Property - Find out if the "banana" option in a drop-down list is selected or not:

  9. Option selected Property
  10. Option label Property - Alert the label value of the selected option in a drop-down list:
  11. Option label Property - Return the label value of an option in a drop-down list:
  12. Option label Property
  13. Option index Property - Display the text and index of all options in a drop-down list:
  14. Option index Property
  15. Option form Property
  16. Option disabled Property - Find out if the second option (index 1) in a drop-down list is disabled

  17. Option disabled Property
  18. Option defaultSelected Property
  19. Create option element and Append option to <select>
  20. Get text value from <option> tag
  21. Change select option with var change
  22. Set content to <option> element
  23. Check value from <option>
  24. Add <Option> to <select>
  25. Delete <option> from <select>
  26. get a selected option's value
  27. HTML for loop inside ul element, insert <option> element to UL
  28. getting the <select> option value
  29. Using setAttribute on a selected option
  30. accessing options of a select list