Javascript DOM HTML Element Select

Javascript examples for DOM HTML Element:Select


Click the following links for the tutorial for DOM HTML Element and Select.

  1. Create a Select Element
  2. Get Select Element
  3. Select value Property - Return the value of a selected option in a drop-down list:
  4. Select value Property
  5. Select type Property - Return which type of form element a drop-down list that allows multiple selections is:
  6. Select type Property
  7. Select size Property - Return the number of visible options in a drop-down list:
  8. Select size Property

  9. Select selectedIndex Property - selectedIndex property returns "-1" if no options are selected:
  10. Select selectedIndex Property - Deselect all options:
  11. Select selectedIndex Property - Display the index and text of the selected option in a drop-down list:
  12. Select selectedIndex Property
  13. Select name Property - Change the value of the name attribute of a drop-down list:
  14. Select name Property
  15. Select multiple Property - Find out if more than one option in a drop-down list can be selected:
  16. Select multiple Property

  17. Select length Property
  18. Select form Property
  19. Select disabled Property - Find out if a drop-down list is disabled or not:
  20. Select disabled Property
  21. Select options Collection - Change the options in a drop-down list depending on the selected option in another drop-down list:
  22. Select options Collection - Choose an option in the drop-down list and output the text of the selected option in an element with id="demo":
  23. Select options Collection - Loop through all options in a drop-down list, and output the text of each option:
  24. Select options Collection - Remove the option with index "1" from a drop-down list:
  25. Select options Collection - Add a "Kiwi" option at index position "1" in a drop-down list:
  26. Select options Collection namedItem(id) - Get the text of the option with id="orange" in a drop-down list:
  27. Select options Collection item(index) - Get the text of the first option (index 0) in a drop-down list:
  28. Select options Collection [index] - Get the text of the first option (index 0) in a drop-down list:
  29. Select options Collection
  30. Select remove() Method - Remove the last option from a drop-down list:
  31. Select remove() Method - Remove the option with index "2" from a drop-down list:
  32. Select remove() Method
  33. Select add() Method - Add an option before a selected option in a drop-down list:
  34. Select add() Method - Add a "Kiwi" option at index position "2" of a drop-down list:
  35. Select add() Method - Add a "Kiwi" option at the beginning of a drop-down list:
  36. Select add() Method
  37. Disable the selection of dropdown list box items after page loaded
  38. Setting the selected item of a <Select> element
  39. Handle <select> option value changed event
  40. Handle change event for Dropdown via onchange event attribute
  41. Select Item In List Using Tag and Value
  42. Get selected value from <select> via selectedIndex
  43. Select box value on <select> and show the value in the textfield
  44. Get last selected listbox item in javascript
  45. get selected value on a dropdown field