Built-in Array Methods - Javascript Language Basics

Javascript examples for Language Basics:Introduction


The JavaScript Array object defines a number of methods you can use to work with arrays.

Useful Array Methods

Method DescriptionReturns
concat(<otherArray>)Concatenates the contents of the array with the array specified by the argument. Multiple arrays can be specified. Array
join(<separator>) Joins all of the elements in the array to form a string. The argument specifies the character used to delimit the items.string
pop() Treats an array like a stack, and removes and returns the last item in the array. object
push(<item>)Treats an array like a stack, and appends the specified item to the array. void
reverse() Reverses the order of the items in the array in place. Array
shift() Like pop, but operates on the first element in the array. object
slice(<start>,<end>)Returns a sub-array. Array
sort() Sorts the items in the array in place. Array
unshift(<item>) Like push, but inserts the new element at the start of the array. void

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