Nodejs Utililty Methods Array Swap

List of utility methods to do Array Swap


The list of methods to do Array Swap are organized into topic(s).


swap(one, two)
Array.prototype.swap = function (one, two) {
  var tmp = this[one];
  this[one] = this[two];
  this[two] = tmp;
function randInt (low, high) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low + 1)) + low;
function randChar () {
swap(pos1, pos2)
Array.prototype.swap = function(pos1, pos2) {
  var temp = this[pos1];
  this[pos1] = this[pos2];
  this[pos2] = temp;
swap(sIdx, tIdx )
;"use strict";
var log=function(msg){console.log(msg);};
var alert=function(msg){log(msg);};
var arr = [3,6,7,5,3,6,2,9,1,5,33,-12,0,-122,-Infinity, 125, 33, 55, 77];
Array.prototype.swap = function (sIdx, tIdx ) {
  var tmp = this[sIdx];
  this[sIdx] = this[tIdx];
  this[tIdx] = tmp; 
Array.prototype.quickSort = function () {
  function _quickSort(arr, leftIdx, rightIdx) {
    if(leftIdx < rightIdx) {
      var pivot = arr[leftIdx],
      chkLeftIdx = leftIdx,
      chkRightIdx = rightIdx;
      while(chkLeftIdx < chkRightIdx) {
        while(arr[chkRightIdx] > pivot) {
        while(chkLeftIdx < chkRightIdx && arr[chkLeftIdx] <= pivot) {
        arr.swap(chkLeftIdx, chkRightIdx);
      arr.swap(leftIdx, chkLeftIdx);
      _quickSort(arr, leftIdx, chkLeftIdx-1);
      _quickSort(arr, chkLeftIdx+1, rightIdx);
    return arr;
  return _quickSort(this, 0, this.length -1);
swap(x, y)
Array.prototype.swap = function (x, y) {
    var b = this[x];
    this[x] = this[y];
    this[y] = b;
    return this;
swap(x, y)
function MathDist(xo, yo, x, y) {
  return Math.sqrt((x-xo)*(x-xo) + (y-yo)*(y-yo));
function MathVecNorm(vx, vy) {
  return Math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy);
function MathDotProduct(a1, a2, b1, b2) {
  return a1*b1 + a2*b2;
function MathSign(n) {
  return (n >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
const MAX_RADIUS = 50.0;
const MIN_RADIUS = 5;
const MAX_DENSITY = 8.00 * 1/1963.495;
const MIN_DENSITY =  0.50 * 1/1963.495;
Array.prototype.swap = function (x, y) {
  var b = this[x];
  this[x] = this[y];
  this[y] = b;
  return this;
function NewArray2d(rows, columns) {
   var array = new Array(rows);
   for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
       array[i] = new Array(columns);
   return array;
swap(x, y)
"use strict";
function Median(A) {
    var n = A.length;
    if (n == 1) {
        return A[0];
    } else {
        return Select(A, 0, Math.floor(n / 2), n - 1);
function Select(A, l, m, h) {
    var pos = Partition(A, l, h);
    if (pos == m) {
        return A[pos];
    } else if (pos > m) {
        return Select(A, l, m, pos - 1);
    } else if (pos < m) {
        return Select(A, pos + 1, m, h);
function Partition(A, l, h) {
    var pivotval = A[l];
    var pivotloc = l;
    var j;
    for (j = l + 1; j <= h; j = j + 1) {
        if (A[j] < pivotval) {
            pivotloc = pivotloc + 1;
            A.swap(pivotloc, j);
    A.swap(l, pivotloc);
    return pivotloc;
Array.prototype.swap = function (x, y) {
    var tmp = this[x];
    this[x] = this[y];
    this[y] = tmp;
    return this;
module.exports = Median;
swap(x, y)
Array.prototype.swap = function(x, y) {
    if (x > this.length || y > this.length || x === y) {
    var tem = this[x];
    this[x] = this[y];
    this[y] = tem;
swap(x, y)
Array.prototype.swap = function(x, y){
  var temp = this[x];
  this[x] = this[y];
  this[y] = temp;
  return this;
swapArray(index_a, index_b)
RegExp.escape = function(s) {
    return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
Array.prototype.swapArray = function(index_a, index_b) {
    var temp = this[index_a];
    this[index_a] = this[index_b];
    this[index_b] = temp;
swapByIndex( i1, i2 )
Array.prototype.swapByIndex = function( i1, i2 ) {
  var e1 = null, e2 = null;
  i1 = checkFn( i1 );
  i2 = checkFn( i2 );
  if( typeof i1 === 'string' && i1 !== '' ) e1 = i1.toNumber();
  if( typeof i2 === 'string' && i2 !== '' ) e2 = i2.toNumber();
  if( e1 === -1 || this[i1] === undefined ) { throw new Error( 'No element with index \'' + i1 + '\' was found in array.' ); return; }
  if( e2 === -1 || this[i2] === undefined ) { throw new Error( 'No element with index \'' + i2 + '\' was found in array.' ); return; }
  var e = this[i1];