Nodejs Class Extend inherit(ParentClass)

Here you can find the source of inherit(ParentClass)

Method Source Code

Function.prototype.inherit = function(ParentClass) {
   this.prototype = Object.create(ParentClass.prototype);
   this.prototype.constructor = this;
   this.prototype.parent = ParentClass.prototype;


  1. subclass(base)
    Function.prototype.subclass = function(base) {
      var c = Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor;
      c.prototype = base.prototype;
      this.prototype = new c();
    Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor = function() {};
    Object.size = function(obj) {
      var size = 0, key;
      for (key in obj) {
  2. inherits(BaseClass)
    Function.prototype.inherits = function (BaseClass) {
      function Surrogate () {}
      Surrogate.prototype = BaseClass.prototype;
      this.prototype = new Surrogate();
      this.prototype.constructor = this;
    String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
        return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
  3. inheritsFrom(parent)
    Function.prototype.inheritsFrom = function(parent){ 
      this.prototype = new parent();
      this.prototype.constructor = this;
      this.prototype.parent = parent.prototype;
      return this;
  4. Inherits(parent)
    Function.prototype.Inherits = function(parent) {
      this.prototype = new parent();
      this.prototype.constructor = this;
      this.prototype.parent = parent.prototype;
  5. __extends(parent)
    Function.prototype.__extends = function(parent) {
        this.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
  6. __extends(superClass)
    Function.prototype.__extends = function(superClass) { 
        this.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
    Object._entries = function(obj) {
        var entry = [];
        for (key in obj)
            entry[entry.length] = [key, obj[key]];
        return entry;
  7. Inherits(parent)
    Object.prototype.Inherits = function(parent) {
      if(arguments.length > 1) {
        parent.apply(this,, 1) );
      } else {     ;
  8. extend()
    Object.prototype.extend = function(){
       var Obj = function(){};
       Obj.prototype = this;
       return new Obj();