Nodejs HTML Strip stripHTML()

Here you can find the source of stripHTML()

Method Source Code

String.prototype.stripHTML = function(){
   return this.replace(/<(?:.|\s)*?>/g, "");


  1. stripHTML()
    String.prototype.stripHTML = function(){
        return $('<p/>').html(this.toString()).text();
  2. stripHTML()
    String.prototype.stripHTML = function(){
      var re = new RegExp("(<([^>]+)>)", "ig");
      var str = this.replace(re, "");
      var amps = ["&nbsp;", "&amp;", "&quot;"];
      var replaceAmps =[" ", "&", '"'];
      for(var x=0;x<amps.length;x++){
        str = str.replace(amps[x], replaceAmps[x]);
      re = new RegExp("(&(.*?);)", "ig");
  3. stripHTMLEntities()
    String.prototype.stripHTMLEntities = function() {
      var el = document.createElement("div");
      var html = this.replace(/<img/g, '<x-img');
      el.innerHTML = html;
      return el.innerText;
  4. stripHtml()
    String.prototype.stripHtml = function() {
       var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
       tmp.innerHTML = this;
       return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";