Nodejs Number Calculate sigFig(precision)

Here you can find the source of sigFig(precision)

Method Source Code

'use strict'/*from  w ww  .  j ava2 s  .  c om*/

Number.prototype.sigFig = function(precision){
    if( !precision ) precision = 2;
    var d = Math.pow(10, precision);
    return ( parseInt( this.valueOf() * d) / d ).toFixed(precision);


  1. send(method)
    Number.prototype.send = function(method) {
      return this[method].call();
  2. separatorsseparators()
    Number.prototype.separators = function separators(){
      var string = this.toString();
      var x      = string.split('.');
      var x1     = x[0];
      var x2     = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
      var regex  = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
      while (regex.test(x1)) {
          x1 = x1.replace(regex, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
      return x1 + x2;
  3. set(key, value)
    'use strict';
    const assert = require('assert');
    const nan = Symbol('NaN');
    const define = Object.defineProperty;
    Number.prototype[nan] = Object.create(null);
    Number.prototype.set = function (key, value) {
      if (null == this || !isNaN(this)) { return this; }
      const space = this[nan];
      const accessor = {
  4. setInCirclesetInCircle(lower, upper)
    Number.prototype.setInCircle = function setInCircle(lower, upper){
      var zahl = this;
      if (lower === upper){
        return lower;
      if (lower > upper){
        var l = lower;
        lower = upper;
        upper = l;
  5. setInRangesetInRange(lower, upper)
    Number.prototype.setInRange = function setInRange(lower, upper){
      if (typeof lower === "undefined" || lower === null){
        lower = this;
      if (typeof upper === "undefined" || upper === null){
        upper = this;
      lower = parseFloat(lower) || 0;
      upper = parseFloat(upper) || 0;
  6. simEq(number, digits)
    Number.prototype.simEq = function(number, digits) {
      digits = digits == undefined ? DEFAULT_DIGIT : digits;
      var n1 = this.toFixed(digits);
      var n2 = number.toFixed(digits);
      if (n1 == -0)
        n1 = 0;
      if (n2 == -0)
        n2 = 0;
  7. sin()
    Number.prototype.sin = function() {
        return Math.sin(this);
  8. smallerThan(num)
    Number.prototype.smallerThan = function(num) {
        return this < num;
  9. snap(resolution)
    Number.prototype.snap = function(resolution) {
      return Math.floor(this / resolution) * resolution;