Nodejs Number Format Pad pad(len)

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Method Source Code

Number.prototype.pad = function(len) {
  s = num.toString();//from  w  w  w .j  a v a 2 s  .c o m
  if (s.length < len) {
    s = ('00000000000000000000' + s).slice(-len);
  return s;


  1. pad($char, $length)
    Number.prototype.pad = function($char, $length) {
        return (this + "").pad($char, $length);
  2. pad()
    Number.prototype.pad = function () {
      if ( this < 10 ) {
        return '0' + this;
      return this;
  3. pad()
    Number.prototype.pad = function() {
        var x = this.toString();
        while(x.length < 2) {
            x = "0" + x;
        return x;
  4. pad(intPad)
    Number.prototype.pad = function(intPad) {
      if (this<0) {
        return "-" + (this-this*2).pad(intPad);
      var newThis = this.toString();
      var reqPad = intPad - newThis.length;
      if (reqPad > 0) {
        return '0000000000000000'.substr(0,reqPad) + this;
      return newThis;
  5. pad(len)
    Number.prototype.pad = function (len) {
        return (new Array(len+1).join("0") + this).slice(-len);
  6. pad(len)
    Number.prototype.pad = function (len) {
        return (new Array(len+1).join("0") + this).slice(-len);
    function updateClock() {
      var time = new Date()
      if (time.getHours() > 12)
        elements.clock.html(time.getHours() - 12 + ":" + time.getMinutes() + " PM")
      elements.clock.html(time.getHours() + ":" + time.getMinutes().pad(2) + " AM");
    Number.prototype.toRad = function() {
        return this * Math.PI / 180;
  7. pad(length)
    Number.prototype.pad = function(length) {
        var result = this.toString(),
            pad = length - result.length;
        while(pad > 0) {
            result = '0' + result;
        return result;
  8. pad(length)
    Number.prototype.pad = function(length) {
      var _num = this.toString();
      if (_num.length > length) { 
        return _num;
      return (new Array(length).join('0') + this).slice(-length);
  9. pad(length, char)
    Number.prototype.pad = function(length, char) {
        if (length === undefined)
            length = 2;
        if (char === undefined)
            char = "0";
        return (char + this).slice(length * -1);