Nodejs Number Format Pad pad(length)

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Method Source Code

// pad a number with zeros  
Number.prototype.pad = function pad(length) {
  var str = '' + this;
  while (str.length < length) {
    str = '0' + str;
  }//  www  . j a va  2 s  . c  o m
  return str;


  1. padLeft(max, c)
    Number.prototype.padLeft = function(max, c) {
      return this.toString().padLeft(max, c || '0');
  2. padLeft(n, str)
    Number.prototype.padLeft = function(n, str) {
        return Array(n-String(this).length+1).join(str||'0')+this;
  3. padRight(max, c)
    Number.prototype.padRight = function(max, c) {
      return this.toString().padRight(max, c || '0');
  4. padWithDigits(n)
    Number.prototype.padWithDigits = function (n) {  
      var txt = this.toString();
      while(txt.length < n) {
        txt = '0' + txt;
      return txt;  
  5. padZeros(n)
    Number.prototype.padZeros = function(n){
      return this.toString().padZeros(n);
  6. LenWithZero(oCount)
    Number.prototype.LenWithZero = function(oCount) {
        var strText = this.toString();
        while (strText.length < oCount) {
            strText = '0' + strText;
        return strText;
  7. leadingZero(length)
    Number.prototype.leadingZero = function(length) {
        return ('0'+this).slice(-length);
  8. leftZeroFill(number, targetLength)
    function leftZeroFill(number, targetLength) {
        var output = number + '';
        while (output.length < targetLength) {
            output = '0' + output;
        return output;
  9. leftZeroPad(numZeros)
    Number.prototype.leftZeroPad = function(numZeros) {
            var n = Math.abs(this);
            var zeros = Math.max(0, numZeros - Math.floor(n).toString().length );
            var zeroString = Math.pow(10,zeros).toString().substr(1);
            if( this < 0 ) {
                    zeroString = '-' + zeroString;
            return zeroString+n;