Nodejs Utililty Methods Number to Roman Number Convert

List of utility methods to do Number to Roman Number Convert


The list of methods to do Number to Roman Number Convert are organized into topic(s).


mapa = {0:"", 1:"I", 5:"V", 10:"X"}
lista = [0, 1, 5, 10]
Number.prototype.to_roman = function() {
    if(this in mapa) return mapa[this]
    var num = menor_que(this, mapa)
    if((this+num) in mapa) return num.to_roman() + (this+num).to_roman()
    return num.to_roman() + (this-num).to_roman()
function menor_que(num, mapa) {
String.prototype.reverse=function(){return this.split("").reverse().join("");}
function  {
  var romanNumValueArr = [
  {num: "I", value: 1},
  {num: "V", value: 5},
  {num: "X", value: 10},
  {num: "L", value: 50},
  {num: "C", value: 100},
  {num: "D", value: 500},