Nodejs String Camel Case toLittleCamelCase()

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Method Source Code

// order-center => orderCenter,order_center => orderCenter
String.prototype.toLittleCamelCase = function () {
  var sourceStr = this.toString();
  var str = '';

  var strArr = sourceStr.split('-');
  strArr.forEach(function (el) {
    str = str + el.firstUppserCase();/*from w ww.j  a  v a  2 s  . c  o m*/

  str = str.firstLowerCase();
  return str;


  1. toCamelCase()
    String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
      return this
              .replace(/([\-_\.][a-z])/g, ($1) => {
                return $1.toUpperCase().replace('-','');
  2. toCamelCase()
    String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
      var str = this.toLowerCase();
      var modified = '';
      var mark = false;
      for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (str[i] === '_') {
          mark = true;
        if (mark) {
          if (modified.length > 0) {
            modified += str[i].toUpperCase();
          } else {
            modified = str[i];
          mark = false;
        } else {
          modified += str[i];
      return modified;
  3. toCamelCase()
    String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
      return this.replace(/[- ](\w)/g, function(match) {
        return match[1].toUpperCase();
  4. toCamelCase(delimiter)
    "use strict";
    var toCamelCase = function (string) {
        if (string.substr(0, 2) !== string.substr(0, 2).toUpperCase()) {
            return string.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + string.substr(1);
        else {
            return string;
  5. toCamelCasej()
    String.prototype.toCamelCase  = jCube.String.toCamelCase  = function () {
      return this.replace( /-\D|-\d/g, function(s){ return s.charAt(1).toUpperCase()}).replace( /\s\D|\s\d/g, function(s){ return s.charAt(1).toUpperCase()});
  6. to_camelCase()
    String.prototype.to_camelCase = String.prototype.to_camelCase || function(){
        var split = this.split('_').filter(Boolean);
        var len = split.length;
        var camelCaseString = '';
        for (var i=0;i<len;i++) {
                camelCaseString = camelCaseString + split[i].toLowerCase();
  7. unCamelCase()
    String.prototype.unCamelCase = function(){
      return this
        .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2')
        .replace(/\b([A-Z]+)([A-Z])([a-z])/, '$1 $2$3')
        .replace(/^./, function(str){ return str.toUpperCase(); })
  8. underscore_to_camel()
    String.prototype.underscore_to_camel = function() {
      return this.replace(/_[a-z]/, function(m){ return m.substring(1).toUpperCase(); })
    String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
      return this.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(m){ return m.toUpperCase(); })
    String.prototype.repeat = function(num) {
      return new Array( num + 1 ).join( this );