Nodejs String Char Set setCharAt(index,chr)

Here you can find the source of setCharAt(index,chr)

Method Source Code

String.prototype.setCharAt = function(index,chr) {
   if(index > this.length-1) return str;
   return this.substr(0,index) + chr + this.substr(index+1);


  1. setCharAt(index, ch)
    String.prototype.setCharAt = function (index, ch){
        if (index > this.length || index < 0) return this;
        return this.substring(0, index) + ch + this.substring(index+1);
    function sortLetter(str){
        for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
            for (var j = i+1; j < str.length; j++)
                if (str.charCodeAt(i) > str.charCodeAt(j)){
                    var t = str.charAt(i);
  2. setCharAt(index, ch)
    String.prototype.setCharAt = function (index, ch){
        if (index > this.length || index < 0) return this;
        return this.substring(0, index) + ch + this.substring(index+1);
    function convert(str){
        str = ' ' + str;
        var i = 0;
        while (i < str.length){
  3. setCharAt(index, newValue)
    String.prototype.setCharAt = function (index, newValue) {
      return this.substring(0, index) + newValue + this.substring(index+1, this.length);
  4. setCharAt(index,chr)
    String.prototype.setCharAt = function(index,chr) { 
      if(index > this.length-1) return this;
      return this.substr(0,index) + chr + this.substr(index+1);