Nodejs String Ends With endsWith(suffix)

Here you can find the source of endsWith(suffix)

Method Source Code

String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
   return this.slice(-suffix.length) == suffix;


  1. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
        return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
  2. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function (suffix) {
      if (this.length < suffix.length)
        return false;
      return this.lastIndexOf(suffix) === this.length - suffix.length;
  3. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
        return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
  4. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
        return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
    String.prototype.replaceAll = function (replaceThis, withThis) {
        var re = new RegExp(replaceThis,"g");
        return this.replace(re, withThis);
  5. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
        return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
    function isImage(link) {
      return"jpg") ||"png");
    window.onload = function() {
  6. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
        return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
  7. endsWith(suffix)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function (suffix) {
      return this.substring(this.length - suffix.length) == suffix;
  8. endsWith(t, i)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(t, i) {
      if (i == false) {
        return (t == this.substring(this.length - t.length));
      } else {
        return (t.toLowerCase() == this.substring(this.length - t.length).toLowerCase());
  9. endsWith(test)
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(test) {
      return this.length >= test.length && this.substr(this.length - test.length) == test;