Nodejs String Hash hashCode()

Here you can find the source of hashCode()

Method Source Code

// Helpers no se para que sirve, pero parece que ordena de alguna manera los elementos del array
shuffle = function(o) {
    for ( var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x)
        ;//from  w  w w  .  j  a  va2 s.  c om
    return o;

String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
    // See
    var hash = 5381;
    for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        char = this.charCodeAt(i);
        hash = ((hash << 5)+hash) + char;
        hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
    return hash;
//obtener el modulo de los numeros
Number.prototype.mod = function(n) {
    return ((this%n)+n)%n;


  1. hashCode()
    String.prototype.hashCode = function() {
      var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
      if (this.length == 0) return hash;
      for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
        chr   = this.charCodeAt(i);
        hash  = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
        hash |= 0; 
      return hash;
  2. hashCode()
    'use strict';
    String.prototype.hashCode = function() {
        var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
        if (this.length === 0){
            return hash;
        for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
            chr   = this.charCodeAt(i);
            hash  = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
  3. hashCode()
    function guid() {
      function s4() {
        return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
      return s4() + s4();
    function htmlEncode(s) {
  4. hashCode()
    String.prototype.hashCode = function () {
        var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
        if (this.length === 0) return hash;
        for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
            chr = this.charCodeAt(i);
            hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
            hash |= 0; 
        return hash;
  5. hashCode()
    String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
      var hash = 0;
        if (this.length == 0) return hash;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
            char = this.charCodeAt(i);
            hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;
            hash = hash & hash; 
        return hash;
  6. hashCode()
    String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
        var hash = 0, i, chr, len;
        if (this.length === 0) return hash;
        for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
            chr   = this.charCodeAt(i);
            hash  = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
            hash |= 0; 
        return hash;
  7. hashCode()
    'use strict';
    class HashTable {
        constructor() {
            this._elemets = [];
        add(key, value) {
            if (key == '' || value == '') return false;
            this._elemets[key.hashCode()] = value;
            return true;
  8. hashCode()
    String.prototype.hashCode = function() {
      var hash = 0;
      if (this.length == 0) return hash;
      for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        char = this.charCodeAt(i);
        hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;
        hash = hash & hash; 
      return hash;
  9. hashCode()
    shuffle = function(o) {
        for ( var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x)
        return o;
    String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
        var hash = 5381;
        for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
            char = this.charCodeAt(i);