Nodejs String Word Count wordCount()

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Method Source Code

String.prototype.wordCount = function() {
   return this.words().length;


  1. wordCount()
    String.prototype.wordCount = function () {
        var initialBlanks = /^\s+/;
        var leftTrimmed = this.replace(initialBlanks, "");
        var words = leftTrimmed.split(/\s+/);
        if (!words[words.length-1])  words.pop();
        return words.length;
  2. wordCount()
    String.prototype.wordCount = function(){
      var result = this.words();
      return result.length;
  3. wordCount()
    String.prototype.wordCount = function() {
      return this.words().length;
  4. wordCount()
    String.prototype.wordCount = function() {
        return this.split(/\s+/).length;
  5. wordCount()
    String.prototype.wordCount = function() {
      return this.words().length;