Nodejs Time Calculate getTimeAmPm()

Here you can find the source of getTimeAmPm()

Method Source Code

Date.prototype.getTimeAmPm = function () {
   // time//ww w.  ja  va  2  s  . c  o m
   let hours = this.getHours();
   let minutes = this.getMinutes();
   let ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
   hours = hours % 12;
   hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
   minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes;
   let strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + '' + ampm;
   return strTime;


  1. getFormatTime()
    Date.prototype.getFormatTime = function (){
      var date = '';
      date += this.getFullYear() < 10 ? '0' + this.getFullYear() +'-' : this.getFullYear() +'-' ;
      date += this.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (this.getMonth() + 1) +'-' : (this.getMonth() + 1) + '-';
      date += this.getDate()< 10 ? '0' + (this.getDate()) : this.getDate() + ' ';
      date += this.getHours()< 10 ? '0' + (this.getHours()) +'-' : this.getHours() + ':';
      date += this.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + (this.getMinutes()) +'-' : this.getMinutes() + ':';
      date += this.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + (this.getSeconds()) : this.getSeconds();
      return date;
  2. getFullDateTime()
    Date.prototype.getFullDateTime = function() {
        return this.getFullYear()+'-'+this.getMonthFormatted()+'-'+this.getDayFormatted()+' '+this.getHoursFormatted()+':'+this.getMinutesFormatted()+':'+this.getSecondsFormatted();
  3. getNumberTime()
    Date.prototype.getNumberTime = function() {
      var hour = this.getHours();  
      if (this.getMinutes().length == 1)
        var min = "0" + this.getMinutes();
      else{var min = this.getMinutes();}
      var secs = this.getSeconds();  
      return hour +":"+ min +":"+ secs;
  4. getPrettyDateTime()
    Date.prototype.getPrettyDateTime = function () {
      var month = this.getMonth() + 1;
      var day = (this.getDate() < 10) ? "0" + this.getDate() : this.getDate();
      return month + "/" + day + "/" + this.getFullYear() + " " + this.getPrettyTime();
  5. getPrettyTime()
    Date.prototype.getPrettyTime = function () {
      var minutes = (this.getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + this.getMinutes() : this.getMinutes();
      var hours = this.getHours();
      var ampm = "AM";
      if (hours > 12) {
        ampm = "PM";
        hours -= 12;
      } else if (hours == 12) {
        ampm = "PM";
  6. getTimeShift()
    Date.prototype.getTimeShift = function() {
        return this.getTimezoneOffset() < this.stdTimezoneOffset()?3:2;
  7. getUnixTime()
    getQueryString = function (field, url) {
        var href = url || window.location.href;
        var reg = new RegExp('[?&]' + field + '=([^&#]*)', 'i');
        var string = reg.exec(href);
        return string ? string[1] : null;
    Date.prototype.getUnixTime = function () {
        return this.getTime() / 1000 | 0
  8. halfHoursUntil(otherTime)
    Date.prototype.halfHoursUntil = function(otherTime) {
      var hour = new Date(this);
      var numberOfHalfHours = 0;
      while (hour < otherTime) {
      return numberOfHalfHours;
  9. onlyTime()
    Date.prototype.onlyTime = function () {
      return this.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];