Node.js String String Value

Node.js examples for String:String Value


Click the following links for the tutorial for String and String Value.

  1. Check if a string is empty
  2. returns a string with leading Zeros and blank spaces removed
  3. Is String buffer
  4. Generate Random String from signs and letters
  5. Removes from a string rare symbols
  6. Check if a string is a valid size string
  7. Check if a string is a valid id string
  8. Is Object string type

  9. Check if a string is a valid email address
  10. Add hash code method to String
  11. Check String pair
  12. Add method to Object to return json String and deal with null value
  13. Serialization functions for the String datatype
  14. Is a blank string
  15. Check if string is a number
  16. Get a form's values in a string

  17. Get query string from windows
  18. XML Encode String
  19. String expression support,"hello ${name}".evaluate( [optional context] );
  20. Make a pretty string
  21. Calculate string hash code
  22. Get bytes from String
  23. Calculate String hash
  24. Dasherize String
  25. Check if string contains any of the supplied words.
  26. Find in a string
  27. Compare one string to another
  28. Ordinalize String
  29. Swap letter in a String
  30. Get string permutation
  31. Is String empty
  32. Count String Leading Spaces
  33. Remove Links from String
  34. Is String blank
  35. Remove WhiteSpace from String
  36. Useful helper functions for different string manipulations
  37. Return a string, after truncating to a specified length.
  38. Extends the String object
  39. Quote String and make entity
  40. Translates a numeric identifier into a short string and backwards.
  41. Split string by comma and white space
  42. Testing whether a String Contains Only Numeric Data
  43. Returns a copy of the string with all the tags removed
  44. Removes all the scripts declarations out of the string
  45. Return a new string with any spaces trimmed the left and right of the string
  46. Produce an array of simple token objects from a string.
  47. Shorten String
  48. Given two strings, write a method to decide if one is a permutation of the other.
  49. test a string value to see if it represents a number
  50. Get string length
  51. String truncate
  52. Is English String by regex
  53. Delete all blank spaces, all pattern occurrences
  54. Get palindrome