Oracle SQL - SQL*Plus Substitution Variables and DEFINE Character (&)


Substitution variables appear in SQL or SQL*Plus commands.

SQL*Plus prompts for a value when you execute those commands.

Substitution variable values are volatile: SQL*Plus doesn't store them anywhere.

If you execute the same SQL or SQL*Plus command again, SQL*Plus prompts for a value again.

The default character that makes SQL*Plus prompt for a substitution variable value is the ampersand (&).

It is known as the DEFINE character.

SQL> select * from departments
  2  where dname like upper('%&letter%');

Enter value for letter: a
old   2: where dname like upper('%&letter%')
new   2: where dname like upper('%a%')


If a substitution variable occurs twice within a single command, SQL*Plus also prompts twice for a value.

SQL> select ename from emp
  2  where  empno between &x and &x+100;

Enter value for x: 1234
Enter value for x: 1234
old   2: where  empno between &x and &x+100
new   2: where  empno between 1234 and 1234+100


You can use the period character (.) to mark the end of the name of a substitution variable.

The period (.) is known as the CONCAT character in SQL*Plus.

SQL> select '&' as result from dual;

Enter value for drink: ABCD
old   1: select '&' as result from dual
new   1: select 'ABCDglass' as result from dual



You can display the current settings of the DEFINE and CONCAT characters with the SQL*Plus SHOW command.

You can change these settings with the SQL*Plus SET command.

SQL> show define
define "&" (hex 26)

SQL> show concat
concat "." (hex 2e)


To turn off displaying the substitution variables, you can suppress this display with the SQL*Plus VERIFY setting.

SQL> set  verify on
SQL> set  verify off
SQL> show verify
verify OFF


The Effect of VERIFY OFF

SQL> select ename from emp
  2  where  empno between &x and &x+100;

Enter value for x: 1234
Enter value for x: 1234


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