Python - try/except/else Statement


The try is a compound, multipart statement.

It starts with a try header line, followed by a block of indented statements.

Then one or more except clauses that identify exceptions to be caught and blocks to process them.

An optional else clause and block at the end.

    statements              # Run this main action first 
except name1: 
    statements              # Run if name1 is raised during try block 
except (name2, name3): 
    statements              # Run if any of these exceptions occur 
except name4 as var: 
    statements              # Run if name4 is raised, assign instance raised to var 
    statements              # Run for all other exceptions raised 
    statements              # Run if no exception was raised during try block 

try Statement Clauses

try statement clause forms

Clause form Interpretation
except: Catch all (or all other) exception types.
except name: Catch a specific exception only.
except name as value: Catch the listed exception and assign its instance.
except (name1, name2): Catch any of the listed exceptions.
except (name1, name2) as value: Catch any listed exception and assign its instance.
else:Run if no exceptions are raised in the try block.
finally: Always perform this block on exit.

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